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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Where they these? Fluval make these artificial moss balls that contain a phosphate absorber they have the look if that will satisfy you
  2. I'd be tempted to hold out for what you want. I have an apisto in my community tank but they are so territorial I can't add any other cichlids and maintain a peaceful set up. Same goes for my krib that was just a bully. You might be ok if you got something that wasn't a bottom dweller. But I'm not really an expert on mixing them.
  3. Do you feed anything other than the sinking wafers ? I feed flake and micro pellets to whole tank daily with some kinda fast sinking omnivore pellet (small ones so there is no big lump of food ). But I scatter this all the full length of the tank so everyone gets something. Corys are always foraging so they will be finding food all the time that's fallen into the gravel. Not sure there is much you can do to alter the camouflage instinct but it might calm down as they gain confidence. I've never noticed it in my peppered corys but but they are on natural gravel.
  4. That's a really impressive demo of the snail effect. Thanks for sharing
  5. Sounds like it would make a nice conmunity
  6. We are watching Gremlins, not sure it's the warm Christmas feel your looking for though. But I'd forgotten how fun the movie is. And it ties in with this year's advent calendar
  7. If I use it to polish I tend to pop it in a spare power filter and run along side the canister as everyone says it clogs super fast. I'm not really a fan of use once media I generally use kitchen sponge now instead.
  8. Near me a local nature reserve accepts your Christmas tree as payment for parking so they can reuse them. I don't have room for tree in my yard. The birds have to make do with the ivy.
  9. My Sunday job as a teenager was the cashier at clay shoot. (30 bird sporting ) I was given my first go at the age of 12 failed to hold it into my shoulder enough and got a bruise like the night sky. Still it was a great place to work and lots of fun to be had.
  10. They are illegal in the UK as y are genetically modified, The Glo fish in the store hasn't been treated badly but you do wonder what the lab that develops each new strain is like and what are the loss rates in the early stages but they are 1000 times better than dyeing or tattooing fish. (Also illegal in the UK under animal cruelty). It's also interesting to see something that was just done for industrial use back in the late 80 early 90's if memory serves me correctly (again cleaner and better than using dyes) has grown into this for the pet world. People must like them. I can't comment till I see one in the flesh.
  11. The importance of F or C. I read that and just assumed they were heading into a soup recipe.
  12. Glass can become brittle with age so don't trust that tank that someone found at the back of garage at house clearance. Keep an eye on chips and deep scratches these can become issues (just like with a windscreen) if they get put under stress. Try not not to move tanks every move puts a tank under various forces as it's maneuvered especially rimless aside from the risk of something going wrong each time.
  13. I would make sure no hardscape in the tank can fall over or off (if you have any stacked) . That way it can't crack the tank or squash inhabitants. Make sure I have good amount of play on cable and hose lengths so my drip loops remain effective. Don't have anything that can land on/in a tank from above. Earth quakes are rare here and generally of the confusing nature rather than destructive.
  14. But you only get them if you shop at the store as they include them in members orders
  15. It's not always possible to have a fully cycled quarantine tank on standby so Irene's video on how to set one up as needed is great. Using cycled media is really helpful and can save you some work but as long as you keep a close eye on the water parameters and feed very lightly you should be able to get through the period with water changes. I have a cave I move out of the main tank when ever I need to and if I'm organised I start running a small internal power filter in an established tank for a week before I go shopping
  16. I've been quite aware that I was at high risk of spoilers. Excellent match. And a well deserved victory.
  17. Clean and allow to dry, wrap anything that is being stored with it (filters, lights, decor ext) and placer on the bottom of tank so they can't damage the tank if they shift. I put the lid inside as well so nothing can be accidently stacked on it. Then try and put it somewhere where it will not get knocked and damaged. If you are storing somewhere where it will get cold just remember to let it warn up slowly before reusing.
  18. Temp is tricky in smaller aquariums does yours have a lid? I didn't ask earlier but lids help a lot at keeping heat in. I have two tanks next to each other in my kitchen both have heaters set at 20C one is 15gal (60liters) lidded and is sat at 26C on average. The 20litre (5gal) tank has a partial lid and averages at 20C Heaters unfortunately you are generally limited on what will fit in your tank with nano set ups but I dislike the preset ones and always look for variable. If you want to try fish keeping again I would recommend a slightly larger tank with a lid you'll be surprised how much easier this makes things for you. If you want to stick with that s size consider shrimp you don't need to heat those.
  19. If he's cold he will slow down and become lethargic and stop eating. What temp is the tank? bettas like it really very warm. It might help if you move the tank to a warmer part of the house so your heater doesn't have to work so hard to keep the temp up.
  20. The NHS advice about the insomnia is to take it in the mornings so it's at the lowest concentration at bed time. Oh and try to snack high protein low carb I have a lot of long term steroid takers in the family and following a keto (ish) diet plan helps with the water retention and weight gain. Fingers crossed this will do it's job and you'll be off them soon. Look up steroid fog you might be able to find some helpful advise for managing some of the side effects this drug seems to commonly cause
  21. Mine is Mr Pib the goldfish that I kept for over 24 years and the reason I own a tank. My banner is my 60litre planted tank on the day I joined the forum.
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