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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Welcome, hope you've put a picture of the stripey fish in here somewhere guess the fish always seems popular.
  2. No bullying that I've seen ( now wondering if the Krib has been on a rampage). Nothing has changed in the tank but they aren't as active. I will monitor for a few days and see if I can get more pictures.
  3. Today I went to lfs to buy an air stone and test strips came back without either of those but with some harlequin rasboras to boost my numbers , 4 long tailed rosy barbs and some bug bites Then it was tank cleaning and plant tiding ( I swear every time look in that tank I have a new lump of Anubias) Took the secondary filter out of the tank as no longer in use and striped it down ready for storage. Tomorrow I'll begin seeding a nano filter in the community tank in a view to getting ready for a potential shrimp project in the new year.
  4. Personally I wouldn't have tried to save the gravel because of the broken glass that could be lurking. Well done on getting this far and fingers crossed for your survivers looks like they are doing their best for you. Hope you and your family are coping ok with what is a horrid situation.
  5. I can't help remembering the mouse plague in Oz last year, might have to invest in a ferret
  6. Metric really does make this stuff easier. 1litre water is equal to 1kg. If there was ever a system built for fish keepers this must be it. Although I do use some imperial measures (beer is a pint) for anything I need to calculate it's metric. I'm so happy I never had to learn pounds and fluid ounces.
  7. Hello, glad about you keeping the water and fish sounds like a great recipe for success. 3 of my tanks are without water and although the maintenance is easy they are pretty dull. Welcome on board
  8. I keep other corys and have generally found them very hardy no fuss fish. However my friend was losing pandas for observable no reason. They were replaced by bronze corys that thrived in the same set up. I tried to save his last panda by moving it to an established nano set up where it wouldn't be threatened or need to compete for food but just faded over a few weeks. I wonder if they just aren't a very strong variant which is a shame because they are adorable obviously my observations are a very small sample so not fact at all said mainly to encourage you to try a different Cory rather than give up on them. Happily all corys are pretty cool.
  9. This might not be an ill fish but I've noticed that two of my 4 SAE's is looking pale. They have been being reclusive lately but no other symptoms. They are approx 6 years old the pale ones are the biggest of the 4 Tank is 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 20 nitrate This photo is the best I've managed to grab of the skittish things Any ideas ? should I worry or is it just the aging process.
  10. Thanks for that, definitely need to test and then act. I know something is out of whack hopefully you've put me right I'm not chasing the missing parameter for ever.
  11. Welcome and what a lovely intro, must be lovely to bring the family into the hobby with you.
  12. Well no that hadn't occurred to me, giving it some thought now. @Jennifer V and @Guppysnail. I struggle with green spot algae on plants (not bothered on the glass that's easier to clean). I currently do a water change about monthly or whenever the tests show nitrates around 40 . Cyanobacteria appears around that mark as well. My plan was to do the 4 day "detox" see what it does to the algae and plants (ferts on hand) then monitor the levels and see what happens. Kind of a reset but without breaking the cycle.
  13. Sorry your having a bad time, but today I thought of another joy moment in the hobby and it's when you add new fish to their fully planted forever tank after the sterile environments of shops and quarantine and they swim round like crazy exploring and their colours getting brighter. Such fun to watch Added these today
  14. Welcome, lovely tanks and some great fish names
  15. Following on from the post by @meadeam who used Phosguard to clear algae from plants I'm planning to give it ago but as this is an opportunity for learning let's work out the best way to get the most meaning out of the use. Tank is currently a mess so we have a lot we can monitor. I don't test for phosphates currently but will be picking up test so I can check my tap water. I have plenty of algae on plants and other surfaces its only an issue on the plants. I have a small reoccurring cyanobacteria issue at the back of the tank and some reading suggested that Phosguard cleared that up so that is definitely worth looking at. It's tank cleaning day so do I clear the cyanobacteria and monitor how long till it returns or leave it and see if it dies? I'll build a photo diary of the plants and keep a log of the algae growth on other surfaces. I haven't set out an experiment before so any hints and suggesting would be great I have to admit my usual practice is to throw everything at a problem and just a be happy if I get the result I want.
  16. As @Scapeghost said goldfish change colour as they grow so normal, I have read that it can be affected by light so you could do some research on that. I believe low light makes them pale but how much this affects the fancies I'm unsure. For reference since you are doing a fish in cycle Ammonia burn looks red and sore and does damage fast. You will see it on delicate areas first (tails fins and harderv to spot gills) act fast if you it does a lot of damage fast and recovery is slow.
  17. I tried to learn Hungarian during lock down, but with limited success it's a very unfamiliar language nothing like the Latin or Germanic languages (from my high school learning). I wish I had focused more on language in my school days. Sign language, Polish, Urdu and Gujarati would also be in my wish list.
  18. JBL proscan has an ap function, seen for sale never used. But it seems tech is moving towards us
  19. Good luck, I've been baiting traps for a week against our latest new residents. I've not seen them but they are making themselves heard at 4am. Keeping my fingers crossed they are mice but the in triggered traps (peanut butter) is suggesting something a bit smarter . This will teach me for not reporting the house behind me for excessive rubbish.
  20. If I could place an order (so what finding tricky to get at the quality coop promises) Pre filter sponge, test strips, nano air pump, apisto cave and no clog air stone. Stickers would be a bonus too. Sadly for me it's just a wish list. Maybe if I ever get over there I can really test their delivery.
  21. Thanks for taking the time to put that together, a lovely guide and with nice helpful insights. Some stunning fish in there to
  22. That is a really great improvement, I've got algae on my plants and might give Phosguard ago. One comment on Amazon claimed it cleared up cyanobacteria which would be a boon if true. Current state of tank I could test both😔
  23. I use something similar forgive the algae it's glass cleaning time but this is the finest pea gravel I can find in situ pretty neutral.
  24. Yes it does to me, and fingers crossed for the double win of healthy plants and less labour.
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