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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Welcome, I take my water to the top of the visible glass (there is a plastic rim about 6cm ish that holds the lid ) because it is at eye level when seated in my living room and I don't like the brightness from the bulbs without the water filtering it. As you are using natural light you don't need to worry, if it has a well fitting lid jumping is less of an issue so as already said its up to you. If you do lower your water level though don't forget measure to the water line to work out your tank volume for water treatments or meds. Happily its easy maths in metric 😉.
  2. life finds a way, how very exciting. I can't help either but keeping my fingers crossed for you that they make it and the mystery gets solved
  3. I did until I lost the fish then it made me sad. That's a beautiful pic of your fish.
  4. Will they be those pots with rock wool I generally stick a root tab in those while I hold them. Generally only plant them after they have got over the melt and return period. If you do float them make sure they are getting some food and light in the water, I'd suggest jar on a window still over a bin if this is for a prolonged period. Can't see a problem in floating them they may send long roots out hunting for the ground though.
  5. For anyone familiar with the band sepultura. This made me giggle quite a lot.
  6. All the cute lives at your house, fair warning spend to long on here and you'll have all the tanks mentioned above and probably 3 or 4 more.
  7. Poor Grinch he wants his stick back. Hope it's not a to much for him to resist. Tiny fish are often dealt with by the tank if they aren't spotted straight away just the system doing it's thing. Corys are nuts probably just playing, and they are pretty oblivious to bullies in my experience to
  8. I recently bought a cheap filter to act as a quick back up if my now quite old canister gives up. I recently did swop them over for a few days to give the canister a service and replace the pipes and the tank did not crash. I think these things can recover quite quickly if you can react quickly. I feel a lot better now I know I have a spare in cupboard it cost £30 quid but will buy me time to consider my options properly should the need arise. I also chose one I could pick my own media for so I can add seasoned media if I have it. Or and this is another way of getting value is I can use it to run carbon or other filter treatments without having to mess with the canister.
  9. Hadn't made that link and I love the cyberpunk genre I was hooked as soon as I'd read neuromancer. You obviously picked a name that has served you well. So left handed or is it a red herring?
  10. I got really frustrated a long time ago trying to get a username and this got plucked out of thin air, bit annoyed I spelt it wrong but it's my go to user name now. Flumps were a children's animated (probably Northern UK only) series back in the distant past. https://youtu.be/5Wh64XSkwwM
  11. Welcome, look forward too seeing your fish
  12. Makes sense with two weeks you have to focus on the "must see" rather than the lets just have a look. To do everything would be exhausting.
  13. I one of Zenzo' s vids he shows one that looks like it is in a decorative planter ( the ones without holes ) that looks quite good.
  14. I would follow the directions on the packet. After the treatment you need to keep water super perfect last time I had a case I got through it with regular water changes. I think the reason not to feed is to reduce waste in the medicated water to allow it to work in a reduced filtration situation as the directions include water changes I would feed the fish keep him strong but make sure he eats what you give him. I haven't kept Betta's so others will probably be able to give more advice
  15. That sounds super cool, might be a handy grooming thing for the cory like remoras and sharks but way cuter. Hope so anyway.
  16. I feed or freeze, fish seem equally happy with both. I can't see much benefit to putting in the fridge as the longer they are alive they are using up the energy supply which we want for our fish. The fridge might slow them down and preserve it a bit or they might use it to keep warm. (only supposing no research done)
  17. @PineSong @Patrick_G well I'll meet you both for coffee (or tea if you are doing the full Brit experience) when you make it. I don't live in Cumbria anymore but I'm still close enough for it to be an afternoon out. I'm impressed it's got your attention the print of Ambleside made me smile the North of England feels very underappreciated in global tourism because London grabs everyone as soon as they land and few make it to us. You can fly direct to Manchester now I believe though.
  18. @KBOzzie59 our little island is full of random and quite cool things, glad you got to see some. I might go on a mission to the devil's arrows in the spring it's not too far away so thanks for that. 🤞 The link below Castlerigg Stone Circle https://maps.app.goo.gl/CwxH3ZBzijxT2jCg8
  19. Went for a drive out yesterday - very lucky to have these things within a couple of hours of home. This one is Castlerig Stone Circle in Cumbria If you are interested I have more photo's of some of the local circles
  20. Foods I freeze, pretty much anything I cook I make at least one extra portion and decide if it's tomorrow food or freezer food. But some foods are best cooked in high quantities and anything with tomatoes tastes better after freezing in my opinion. The list of favourites are; Chili , Bolognese, arribatta style sauces, stews, casseroles, currys, hashes and hotpots. The only difference when I cook to freeze is I reduce the sauce a bit further than normal and add a little bit of water when I'm reheating (mircowave or pan). All frozen in single portions (bags squished flat). I quite often cook them in massive quantities because it saves so much time later. Also anything that befits from a slow cook (anything with beef) this process pays really off.
  21. When it's about, I think you have better access to that method than well certainly me. (Not jealous honest) As to @CalmedByFish boiling can certainly speed up the tannin removal and absorption of the water so if it fits in your pan why not. It will also ensure any critters exit although that shouldn't be an issue with purchased pieces. Once upon a time I boiled all the hardscape before adding I think there are merits to it especially for manufactured items cause you just don't know where they have been before you got them. Has anyone used their dishwasher you can sterilise thing in them. I don't have one at the moment but I think I'd certainly consider that if I could.
  22. I've certainly had extra corys appear after treating my community tank for ick but that was pure chance and it was possible that the treatment aided the hatching at least as it contained malachite green.
  23. Thats great one of my friends only answer in their French exam was "please can you repeat that in English"
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