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  1. How large is your tank? The challenge is the API mix is for a 10 gallon tank (and I have a 3 gallon), but it's my understanding you can mix it with 10 ounces of water and then pour 3 ounces into a 3 gallon tank, so that's what I had done. With the API, do you think I should leave it for a bit (a week?) after doing the last dose, before doing a 25% water change? Or do you think I should do a water change now and start another round of API? (After I get the air stone set up!) It's just so weird/gross how it clumps up around the tank and makes the water olok almost murky. 😕 Thank you for your advice! 🙂
  2. Thanks! Good to know that 81 isn't too warm and it's better to juts keep the heater on. Also, the API fin and body cure left so much sediment/particles in the tank, just after 3 doses, rather than the complete round of 4 doses. Does that happen when you've used it? The tank itself is only 3 gallons , I should just change out a portion of the water, right? 25%? 75%?
  3. thank you so much for your fast response! Right now the temperature is 78. We had a heater that would keep a stable temperature and automatically shut off when needed, etc.; however, that one stopped working after a few months, so bought a new one and I have to keep an eye on the thermometer because I have noticed it got up to 81! So then I unplugged the heater that night, then it got down to 72 by the morning. I try to keep it between 76 and 78, but it does tend to fluctuate (which I'm sure is not helpful). After first the heater broke, he went without one for a couple weeks until I could get a new one, so the water got quite cold (at one point it was 68!) so I'm sure that contributed to his weakened immune system as you said. 😞 I do check the ph, alkalnity, etc level with those little strips (and use those water dechlorinator drops) and it always meets the parameters of "safe," so I think the water is ok. The issue I think is that his water was cold for way too long and had also not been changed in too long. Regarding the tube for the air stone, if I leave the cover open I should be able to squeeze another tube in that little space (red circle); it's only about half an inch at its widest point, so it makes it a bit challenging for food to not get stuck, but I think that should work. (The little crosshairs opening is super tiny, so that would not work). I honestly had not thought about threading another tube through that space, I was imagining the air stone tubing, etc. would only work with a larger aquarium.
  4. I am a first-time fish-owner and sincerely did not mean to fail as a Betta caretaker, but here we are. This little guy survived the Texas winter storm, when we were without power for days and it was super cold inside, but now he has been on a slow decline (so slow that sadly it took me way too long to notice it). Based on what I have read (and the helpful co-op video I watched), I think he has "stage 3" fin rot (see first 3 pictures). 😢 He has been super lethargic and his fins appear decimated. 😭 We have a small, round 3 gallon tank (uses Whisper XS filter cartridges). He is the only fish in the aquarium and I don't have a 10-gallon tank, so he has stayed in his usual tank instead of moving to a quarantine tank. First I did a water change removed 2 of the 4 (plastic) plants so he would have more room to move around without his fins potentially catching on any of the plants. I couldn't find Maracyn in town, so I bought API Fin & Body Cure (don't judge, I just wanted to get something as soon as possible) and performed the treatment as directed on the package (except I emptied the packet into 10 ounces of water, then only used 3 ounces since the tank is 3 gallons and removed the filter, as directed). I did not add the 4th packet of medicine because I didn't know if my fish or aquarium could handle it (because the water was already so "murky" from the medicine) and put a filter back in yesterday. He does not show signs of improving (granted, it's only been 4 days) and there are all these particles in the water, on the aquarium walls, the substrate, plants, etc. from the medicine. What else can I do to help my fish survive??? He tends to hang out right up against the filter or just float about listlessly. I remember the co-op video mentioning about how this medicine can affect the viscosity of the water. I looked into getting an air stone, but it appears they all require tubing, and I can't figure out how that would work with this tank. How can I ensure he is getting enough oxygen?? In the co-op video, it said to do the treatment they recommend, then wait for a week and do not feed them or do any water changes. Is it really ok not to feed the fish for a whole week?? Also, I really want to do a water change and try to rid of some the gunk, do I really have to wait?? Thank you all for any help you may be able to provide so we can (hopefully!) save our Betta fish!
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