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Everything posted by OnlyGenusCaps

  1. Good question! For now, I'm going to stick with the pagodas in there, but I don't know if interspecific hybrids are possible in that genus. I guess I need to get the pagoda snails to breed first. That'll be job one. Thanks for the tips on the rabbit snails! I still haven't figured out food they are really excited about. Maybe canned green beans next? Oddly, I have never lost a pagoda snail from transition into my tanks. I don't think. Might be remembering incorrectly. But at the very least, I didn't lose any this round. I will say they are super sensitive though! Any least little ammonia or nitrite spike and they curl up in their shells and don't move until it has passed. They are definitely my most sensitive snail. I'm just glad the ones I have seem to be doing well for now.
  2. Let's just say, mistakes were made... So, I got tired to the murder and mayhem happening among the Julies in this tank. Pulling out juvenile fish that had been murdered by their parents the day before was becoming disheartening to say the least. I had to get the young out of there... And probably the Cyps too. The Julies were raising young in the tank no problem. But the Cyps were making babies and then they deposited them in the rocks, where they became Julie snacks. The Cyps needed another tank. None of the traps were working on the Julie young, and they Cyps didn't seem like traps were going to work for them, so I was left with no other choice but to drain the tank and disrupt the rockwork I had arranged so carefully. It was a move made out of desperation. I was able to catch the young Julies, or at least enough of them, fairly easily. That was a bit surprising. The Cyps however, were not so easy. They are fast, will jump a foot out of the water, and much to my surprise, they will wedge themselves deep into the rockwork. I hadn't expected this from a species that is so adapted to the open water. I am certain their desperation to get into the holes in these rough rocks left them worse off. One female, I simply couldn't find for a while. Not until I started checking each of the rock holes. She had wedged herself so far into the one of the rocks I don't think she could get out. I had to, as carefully as I could, extract her myself. See if you can see her tail sticking out right before I was able to get her: That wasn't even the worst to come from this intervention. I got all of the new captives down to the Blue Grass tank in the Subsclarium, where I was hoping the 75 gallons available would allow for the relatively few fish to have enough space. Oh no. But more on that in that journal later. As for the lively and fun P-Salt tank, it seemed boring and lifeless. As it turns out, the Cyps really were excellent dithers for the Julies. Without them, most of the Julies hide in the rocks, usually leaving one lone sentinel male viable. The death has stopped,m but tank just looks empty now. It is true that the cloud of babies are now much for visible. But all I can think about is how I am going to catch these out some day... And as you can see, the rocks don't look as nice as they did. My task here at this point is to figure out another dither fish for this tank, and to work feverishly on trying to build a better m̶o̶u̶s̶e̶ Julie trap.
  3. If anything, all that green makes it look more radioactive. I still love it!
  4. Sorry I was a bit slow to reply @Biotope Biologist. Things have been busy here, and I've put myself on an internet timeout for the most part after an unfortunate post I made here. I was unintentionally inconsiderate because I was just rushing out a quick post and just decided a break was in order. I have kept and bred (just Typhlonectes natans) caecilians, but that was when I was a kid back in the 90's. I am not sure of their legal status for import currently. They were caught up in the 2016 Lacey Act amendments that restricted salamanders and newts. I believe this was because they were suspected of being able to asymptotically tolerate Bsal, but I don't know if that has born out after further examination. There are dedicated breeders, and thanks to the successful litigation by USARK, you can buy them across state lines again. However they will run you $150-$200 per individual on the herp equivalents to AquaBid (not sure I am allowed to link them here as they are not explicitly listed as allowed). This is what happened when the Lacey Act was amended. Same is true for newts. They were cheap, and now only a few dedicated breeders have persisted though the legal turmoil, making them incredibly expensive now. It's why when people say they are "unconcerned" with the new Lacey Act amendments, I feel like they aren't paying attention, because we've literally seen what happens with smaller scope changes like the ones proposed as a test case, and it was devastating. And those changes were actually proposed for a good reason (we need to do our best to keep Bsal out of North America) with some data supporting them. These latest are on a whim. I digress. If you are looking for animals, and willing to pay those prices, please feel free to DM me here and I'll gladly point you in the right direction.
  5. I've had my first batch over a year and just got a few more to add. We might have to bounce ideas around. I've gotten nothing from them so far, no do I have any plans for what to try with them. Then again, I haven't gotten any rabbit snail babies off of mine in the year+ I've had them. Anything special you do with those? Well, now if I change my mind I know how to achieve the look. Thanks! 🤪
  6. Quick updates: Goby fry - Still alive! Automatic Water change system redo - Nearly done. Update coming soon. The big news is in the Blue Grass tank. I finally have it put together! While I was filling it from behind the matten filter, I noticed that the flow from the hose caused a cool pattern in the sand. Here it is finally filled with water. I like the contrast between the very dark rocks and the white pool filter sand. Also, I wasn't sure about the blue background. I've never had a tank with one, and that what they use at the big box stores. I was a little worried it would feel cheap or tacky, but I think I like it more than expected. What do you think? Obviously, I needed to put in my seagrass mimic plants, and the decision was tough. I was pretty sold on going with val. I know it does well in my hard water and it's got the right look. But for various reasons I ended up going with Cryptocoryne spiralis. Crypts have done well for me in the past, and so I am hopeful. Plus, this one can spread like val, but a bit slower, which I'm hoping will be an advantage in the long-term. Anyhow, here is the final version with a few pagoda snails in there. The plants obviously need to grow in. A lot. But I think it's a good start to the look I am going for. And for anyone concerned about the snails, I have shoved pre-cycled sponge material in behind the matten filters. Should give me a nice jump on the overall tank cycle. The heater is in front because I like to test it in a new tank againt an independent thermometer. The room is heated, but it's a good safeguard. It will eventually be hidden behind the left matten filter. And one more look at those pagoda snails. I just love them, and they are such great tank cleaners. Now to get them to breed...
  7. I certainly do not want to needlessly add to the chatter on this thread. I can see @SinfulBetta94, you have been presented with plenty of enthusiastic responses. I agree with @Guppysnail , that the green water may well clear up without intervention on your part. I also agree with @drewzero1 that your sponge clogging so quickly may indicate you have issues with particulates that might need a different approach if that is a persistent problem. You may well be correct that disturbing the substrate could have been the culprit for a one time clogging though. Were it me, I would play the wait-n-see game. If the sponge filter doesn't clog so quickly next time, you can probably just clean it more frequently for a few weeks and then be fine moving forward. However, if the problem persists, I would suggest the easiest fix would be to swap out the sponge filter for a similarly sized box filter. Put some of your sponge or gravel in the bottom, and then filter floss in the top. The floss will be obvious when it needs a change, and it is much better than a sponge filter at filtering out small particles. Whatever you decide, I do want to say: That's a very nice looking Endler! Good luck.
  8. That is a problem many, many people experience with mangroves. And in actuality using that species is a carryover over from the SW side of the hobby. I don't know of anyone who has tried to find the FW tree equivalent. The lucky bamboo that @dasaltemelosguy studied get big, but there might be advantages to willow as well. I don't know. Not sure at this point anyone does. I think it is wonderful that you are turning adversity into a learning opportunity. I wish more of the world did the same. I look forward to your updates on this project. And, although I can't presume to know that that is, I wish you the best possible scenario with your mother. Be well.
  9. I like this willow idea! They are easy to root. They do well in wet areas long-term. They are known to love fertile soil, and generally be nitrogen hogs. I think it could work out well for you, and is definitely worth the try. Very clever idea! In terms of sap, willows aren't know for being particularly problematic, unless they have an aphid outbreak. That seems less likely inside. I hope you report back about how this shapes up for you. I'm really curious how it works out. Might be the new mangrove for nitrate reduction you have there!
  10. Um, I hate to be the bearer of perhaps unwelcome news here, but... The stuff coming up in your tank doesn't look like grass to me. From that photo, it really looks like some sort of dicot, which rules out grass. I'm not sure what you have in there, but it looks happy currently. I'll be curious to see what ends up happening. Please do post updates.
  11. Ah, like tanago fishing! I was thinking that if I ever took up fishing, that would be the type for me. Just learning about what little fish swim in various bodies of water.
  12. As some one who doesn't keep any catfish, that was not obvious to me at all. Thanks for the explanation! Seems like an ingenious solution. I still think you get get a fine arts dealer to buy them. Well, with a good enough story!
  13. Those forks! 😂 It's like Uri Geller decided to start making sculptures inspired by Salvador Dali! + =
  14. Interesting. I can draw my KH down to 0 (and also bring the pH down pretty low at the same time) by letting my Colombian ramshorn snails grow in a tank without doing water changes. I learned that one accidentally on vacation this summer. It's quite a feat to go from 20KH to zero! Do you think you have enough Ca consumers in there that they are drawing it out of the water? Just curious if you have a hypothesized cause. I also wonder if the cc will keep us with demand, if draw down is the cause. I'll be putting some limestone in my tank with the CRS in hopes of greater stability, but we'll see how that goes.
  15. That is a range there, sir! I got from tamer stuff like I linked to a bit more intense. I do like Mayhem and Gorgoroth, etc. Here is the full album that is probably Mayhem's peak IMHO - the stuff that came out of the sessions with Per Yngve Ohlin. I always loved their concerts. Metal bands are likely your best value for live music show entertainment - rivaled only by Weird Al! 🤘
  16. Now there is a a reference I would expect from no one else but you. Love it! Also, that limpet in the background looks so much like my limpet nerites! They make me very happy. Such wonderful inverts you can have in SW! And don't get me started on the cool macro algae...
  17. Not exactly my kind of metal, but great to have someone posting some here! These are a bit more the style I frequent (I piked some popular and accessible selections): Push It by Static-X: Moon Baby by Godsmack:
  18. A little ditty for a Friday evening: Beer is Great* by The Longest Johns *Please enjoy your Friday evening responsibly.
  19. So, the Ziss box worked! Well, sort of... Within 24hrs of me putting it in with the rocks inside, I had a resident. A sub-dominant adult. Who then proceeded to keep all of the fry out. 🙄 Drats! Foiled again! This does tell me that as a proof of concept, having a container with rocks in it may work. I think it just needs to be smaller. Perhaps if I put the drink bottles back in, but stuffed with rocks? I think that's my next move. Ugh. Got to get these little fish out!
  20. Have you discovered your first organism you will need to remove?
  21. Please don't misunderstand. I'm often not good at expressing myself in writing, and I apologize if I seemed entirely dismissive of those concerns. I agree that both arguments have merit and justifications that are based in real on-the-ground problems. I suppose my real arguments are with the oftentimes broad brushes with which the solutions are painted. I seem to be perennially arguing room needs to be maintained for nuance and exceptions. More of a tilting at windmills in my case, most likely.
  22. He'd have been prosecuted these days! Although this was before ESA, so a different world. Still a great story tough. I think this word gets used too often these days, but that dude is a hero! Just ask the pupfish. Fair. But let's also hope we never again have to reply on a guy with a bucket and good intentions to save a species. Although... Right now that's probably still an unrealistic goal.
  23. Do you want to teach a life lessons class to my college freshmen? Joking aside, they could use all of that and more! I wish we valued wisdom as much as we do brilliance these days. Our world would be a better place. Thanks for sharing those!
  24. To me this is the catch 22 of regulations that are being set up for "wild" pets. You get the "we don't want you to keep native species because it could threaten their populations and it's hard to regulate". But then if you want to keep exotic (i.e. non-native) species, at the same time you get "exotics pose a risk for disease and invasion, so we don't want you keeping those either". Make up your 🤬 minds! Or is the long-term intent to just ban it all?! Sorry. Mini-rant over. I'm excited to see the list fleshed out with more resources to learn about each of the species, @Fish Folk. This is just an incredible thread and future resource! It epitomizes what forums are good at under the best conditions.
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