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Everything posted by Chris287

  1. I am planning on getting shrimp I have a water softener (the kind that you put salt in) would that reduce the tds so i couldn't have neocaridina shrimp?
  2. I have no idea why that would happen maybe someone else could tell you.
  3. Is your test kit the strips or a liquid test kit?
  4. I would test for ammonia. when nitrite levels are high ammonia can also be high.
  5. Ok i will move him with their filter to a new 10 gallon and see what happens.
  6. Will panacur c kill those i just got some to kill my planaria. Would it still be a cyst that is what i thought at first but it lasted for a long time.
  7. My pea puffer has had this for about 4 months It first i thought it would just go away but it did not and now i am worried. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate less than 1 Ph 7.4 Its on its forehead Its a 5.5 gallon tank with 1 pea puffer and some ramshorn snails at 78 degrees
  8. I had this happen with rummynose i started with 10 now i'm down to 2. It might be stress. What are your water parameters?
  9. My bristlenose pleco doesn't eat mine but yours could so you could get 1 to see if it would eat it.
  10. you could attach java fern(s) to the wood and add dwarf sag in the front and vallisneria in the back. In my 40 gal i have vallisneria, crypts,dwarf hairgrass and anubias.
  11. I have a planaria infestation and i tried planaria zero and that didn't work. Would panacur c safe for plants and pea puffers?
  12. Wasn't sure if this was a disease or algae. Is this bad for fish or shrimp? I had it before but i just scraped it off.
  13. It's hard to see because i fed them today it is on the side of the blue tubing
  14. In my daphnia tank there is some clear fungus growing on some of the daphnia and the airline tubing it also has a bad smell is the normal or should i treat it. Thanks
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