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Sandra the fish rookie

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Everything posted by Sandra the fish rookie

  1. @Solidus1833 I tried the extreme wafers and they won't touch them. Peas?? snap peas? No.. but I will try anything. How do you keep your raw veggies from floating? do you take the seeds out of the cucumbers?
  2. I also have 2 Otto's in there as well that I want to make sure they eat as well.
  3. @lefty o okay. I have even tried Rapashy Solient green and they won't touch it.. I have the morning wood and bottom scratcher but have not tried them yet
  4. I have a clown pleco and a super red long fin. I have lots of wood, rocks etc. for them but It seems that all they want is green beans. I gave them blanched zucchini and they don't care for it. I have tried various wafers and they won't even touch them. I put all the food in before I go to bed when the lights are off. When I check in the morning, the only things on the wafers is the pest snails. Should I try raw veggies instead? What else can I try?
  5. @CalmedByFish Okay... that is a good idea.. I will give them a bit more time and evaluate them this afternoon/evening. Not sure if its just all the excitement all at once. Every time I looked in there last night and this morning.. I found more babies.. I do think the Corydora's are helping .. they are super active, and distracting everyone..LOL. She spent most of her time last evening and this morning with the peppered corydora's. They are very calm fish and I am wondering if she felt safe with them.
  6. @lefty o & @CalmedByFishfor some reason they are still really after her. I have to wonder if they are hoping more babies will be arriving. Do they just want to eat them? or is it they want "in the vault" now that she is not giving birth? They have all been together for a bit over 2 weeks.. and only last night and this morning do I see them really going after her... chasing her no stop.. I am hoping she will go back into her hiding spot soon.. poor girl
  7. @lefty o and @Hobbit I added they ladies into the 20G! Lights are out, and my blinds in my office are closed (lets hope I don't fall asleep on my desk)... Fingers crossed everything goes well. There is a lot of excitement in there right now. The albino cory's buzzing around guppies everywhere, babies everywhere.. good grief.. this will take me out of rookie-hood quick! Do I need to do anything else to help with stress? or am I just being an over concerned fish keeper?
  8. He/She is IN the 40G. It was sucking on the wood. I have clear isolation boxes that I use. I added aquarium water to one lifted the whole piece of wood while he/she was attached on it!! walked him over and in he went.. Easy peasy! Thanks everyone!!
  9. @lefty o That is what I thought. She is got a great hiding place where they can't get her. But I am concerned that when she comes out to eat, they will hound her .. I am really hoping that I have some female babies in the giant lot of babies in the tank. She had some in the QT tank but only 1 survived.. and looks like another male.. ugh Is there any risk to the baby fry? They are pretty good at hiding up in the floating water sprite.
  10. @gardenman mine won't touch Zucchini either. I do have some canned green beans that I will try when I transfer him/her over. So, how do I get him/her into the net? what if they are sucking the wall?
  11. I have a LF super red pleco in the QT tank. He will be ready to come out soon and enter the 40 Gallon tank. I had a cave in there but he didn't see interested in it at all. He prefers to suck the small piece of wood, sponge filter and walls. I was hoping he would use the cave and I could just pick it up and move it. I have an ACO cave in the 40G ready for him should I try that one? its a different style than the cheap water spike I was using. so.. How do I get him out? I am afraid to use a net. Any recommendations would be REALLY appreciated. He is not skinny but is not really interested in eating anything I give him. I am hoping that once he is in the larger heavily planted tank he will be much happier. See 40G pic below
  12. Not only am I new to the hobby, but my female had babies! I was finally able to see her deliver a few it was really cool! Not so cool was watching some get eaten 😞. I cut some water sprite from my 40G and floated it in the 20G for them to hide in. QUESTION: She is the ONLY female in there, I have 3 in the QT tank (that came from Mikes Fish Room).The male guppies are just chasing her NON STOP. I am super worried that she will get too stressed. What do I do? Put in my females from the QT tank? (They are 7 days post last dose of Para-cleanse. I have not seen any signs of disease as of yet). Would this make matters worse? Do I remove her? My tank is heavily planted, so getting her out will be VERY challenging (a lot of places to hide)
  13. @Fish Folk I saw it on their site and it was under the FAQ it was under "can I use this with Aquarium Solutions ICH X" and the response was Fritz Complete - NOT SAFE this is a sulfoxylate based conditioner and can affect the medication. The second I read it.. I came right to the form to search and did not see it anywhere but wanted to ask people that know WAY more about this hobby than I do! I am just doing the QT meds and will dose 1 more paracleanse because they are guppies and want to make sure they are okay. I had 1 fish die, but it did not look sick but might have been the ammonia/nitrite spike I had in there. The rest are all acting fine
  14. This morning, I medicated my fish using the quarantine trio. I did a water change and used fritz complete. I just read online that they can not be used together. I have a HOB, large sponge filter and an air stone in the 10G. This tank was been issues with nitrites and ammonia which has now resolved. I am using a seeded filter from my cycled 20G to insure my bacteria is maintained. I also dosed using Fritz zyme 7 yesterday as well. Do I need to do something? Water change??? should I be worried?
  15. @KBOzzie59 & @Cys aquatics No I am not feeding him at all. All that is in there is anything growing on the filters, and there is some wood for him to much on. It just looked pale to me? but he is not eating anything that he could really digest I guess. I am paranoid having had SOOO many worms with guppies.. which is why I always de worm them.. and he is in there with the guppies.. 😞
  16. I have some guppies and a super red pleco in QT. I had to delay starting meds due to tank chemisty. I am not feeding them. I usually do all 3 meds and do the second dose of Para cleanse and observe. The pleco poops a lot and I am not sure what its supposed to look like. I was going to give my tank 1 more day. Is this normal?
  17. I am a new fish keeper and love all fish. When people would tell me about plecos and Oto's and that I should get them I went to the LFS and felt MEH... until I saw 2 little oto's all alone. I got them. LOVE them, they zoom around, are very active. Then I got a clown pleco. Well, its cute when I see it.. which is rare. This week I ordered a super red long fin pleco. its in my QT tank and he is a total trip. he is VERY active. I have a cave, he won't go in. he swims around and is so cute!! I am glad I gave them a chance. I plan to get 20 cardinal tetra's for my 40 G .. I love them. I liked neon's initially till I saw a school of cardinals... total game changer.
  18. @SWilson & @RockMongler I re checked the chemistry last night at 6:45 pm. They are calmly swimming around, the pleco is active and POOPING again~ LOL.. I have not fed them. His best friend is the sponge filter, drift wood and he goes into the green spout of the sponge filter to clean in there. PH 7.4 Ammonia 0ppm Nitrites 0 ppm Nitrates 20ppm Temp 79.2 I will recheck everything again in a few hours. fingers crossed it says this way!
  19. @SWilson I didn't take it that way. I just should have known that even an empty tank can go bad. I should have checked the water the day of or day before they arrived, but got busy and forgot to. I am thinking of getting some plants and keeping them in the pots in there.. or I can add some Pothos too.. I have tons of those! The pleco is sucking on the drift wood, and walls as we speak, and I am sure there is some stuff left on the sponges for them to pick on.. LOL. I did go back and add a bit more Fritz zyme to the tank to be on the safe side. Thanks so much for your help! I will keep you posted.
  20. @SWilson and @RockMongler The tank was empty and cycled because the last batch of fish just left there. Maybe it was already high before I added the fish? I am thinking about it now.. I think I checked that tank chemistry Friday April 23rd but I did NOT clean the filters because I did not want to ruin my bacteria. I also added Fritz yesterday before adding the fish. Dang it! I should have checked it yesterday before adding them.. ugh.. We will see if I got lucky and they continue to do okay. Its a bare bottom tank. It has a sponge filter, sponge filter on the return and a HOB (which I have not cleaned at all that has matrix and a coarse sponge filter as well) so it should have bacteria in it still. the fake plants, rocks have not been cleaned of bacteria either. I will monitor them closely and add bacteria as well. I have never seen fish poop that much overnight.. the first batch did not do that at all. first time I ever see that. I also have not had chemistry look like that EVER! I completely freaked out.. stopped everything I was doing to do a water change. If I don't medicate them, should I DARE feed them???
  21. I went to do a baseline chemistry before starting the med trio in the QT tank. THANK GOODNESS I did (and always do). All the fish are fine, no distress swimming normal no signs of illness at all. PH 6.8 (baseline 7.4) Ammonia: 1.0 ppm (baseline 0) Nitrites: 1.0 ppm(Baseline 0) Nitrates: 40 ppm (Baseline 20) Temp 79.6 (I usually have it higher when in QT) (baseline 78.4) I noticed POOP 💩 everywhere.. they must have had a poop party (I fed them a bit when they arrived yesterday). I did a STAT 60% water change, vacuumed up all the poop and cleaned the sponge filters of poop as well. Added prime to the new water (2 full caps). Folks are not kidding that plecos poop A LOT. Its a 10G QT tank with 5 guppies and 1 pleco in. WOW. I have never seen so much poop in that tank! Glad I was able to see it on the bare bottom and most of it out. It was even all over the sponge filters! I am going to re check the chemistry tonight and tomorrow A. I am thinking I will start the QT med trio tomorrow morning to make sure the chemistry is back to baseline. Is that the right step?? Do I need to wait longer to start meds?
  22. I received all the fish yesterday and am going to start the QT med trio but wanted to make sure that all the meds are safe for the super red long fin pleco as well? BTW: it is the CUTEST pleco I have EVER seen!!!
  23. @Fish Folk my issue was making it "pretty".. LOL. I boiled it to get it to soak. I put it in the tank and tried to make it looks pretty and it would just NOT DO IT! But I do have other areas I might be able to get it to work. I was trying to keep rocks/wood from the tank walls because from my first tank (mistake #105), I have areas that are now hard to clean because I have wood close or on the glass. I have some really pretty wood.. I will work on it on the weekend.. any excuse to play in my tanks 🙂
  24. @lefty o I have never heard of those? Does ACO sell these? Mine eat EVERYTHNG!
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