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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I would recommend getting a small 10 gallons tank for qaratineing any new fish for at least 4 weeks to provent introducing new disease to your main tank
  2. What are your water parameters ammonia nitirtes etc is he eating ok when he swims does he just float down to the bottom of the tank and how long has he been like this
  3. Colu


    I don't think they sold on Amazon I think it was a reseller
  4. I had great success breeding Cory's with large water changes with cooler water
  5. You can't go wrong with panda Cory's I had regular large spawns when I use to keep a group in a species only with a layer of Javan moss
  6. Ick x has been used by the co-op and proven to be shrimp Safe Nitromersol is organic Mercury compound I wouldn't use with shrimp
  7. It's a difficult she could just be stressed out try turning down the lights add more cover some extra apisto caves offer some live or frozen foods to see if she will eat add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that shouldn't harm your plants and will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes to help reduce stress in your fish I would recommend Qarantineing any new fish in future for minimum of 4weeks if your seeing no improvement after after a few days or she gets worse I would treat with the praziquantel and metronidazole if you have some left as metronidazole treats anaerobic bacteria
  8. I would definitely start breeding some wild type livebearers black chinned livebearers remain small or liberty Molly's poecilia salavtoris are really colourful or orange lined guppies
  9. Did you Qarantine her have you seen the male show any aggression towards her
  10. It's difficult see what's going on if it's happen before and gone away it could be a water quality issue high levels of nitrates can effective fish immune system is it possible it was higher than 50ppm are these water parameters before or after a water change
  11. With the redding at the end of fins I would do a course of kanaplex in food and add some a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons that shouldn't harm your plants and keep doing daily water changes and add prime to detoxify any nitrites till it get to zero
  12. Ick x is safe to use with scaleless fish the level of salt needed to treat ich would be harmful to loach
  13. Little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitirtes etc is he active and eating ok @GardenStateGoldfishhas more experience with fancy goldfish and wren growth tag him for his opinion
  14. Welcome to the forum nice tank
  15. Welcome to the forum nice tanks
  16. Look like an injury to me the nose probably rubbed on the net I would just monitor for now it should heal on its own
  17. Nice my Anubis had flowers last year
  18. Personally I wouldn't have goldfish and congo tetras together they have Different temperature requirements I think the Congo tetra would out compete the orandas when it came to feeding
  19. Depending on the type of fish I usually float the bag for 30 minutes to get the temperature right add a small amount of tank Every couple of minutes for 20 minutes then tip them into a net and add to my tank I also drip acclimate if they are more sensitive species to avoid shocking them
  20. If you have a disease treat following instructions on box if your using as a proventive treatment add 1 packet for 10 gallons on day one and leave it for a week per co-op instructions
  21. Sorry to hear they didn't make it you did the best you could
  22. It could be a fluid filled cyst I would add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 that should reduce the fluid buildup or you can treat with maracyn2 active ingredient is minocycline that has proven effective at sinking some types of lumps @JoCinWB
  23. Up the level of vegetable matter in their diet try feeding a spirulina flakes and some crushed peas see if that helps
  24. Good luck hopefully they will be a good out come
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