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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Activ Flora lake gems is lighter but not super light. It gives off a grey/beige. They also make a lighter substrate. It’s awesome for plants, looks fantastic, and shrimp will love the nooks and cranny’s.
  2. I once stood too close to a molly and I got pregnant.
  3. All mosses tend to do better with any algae issues if they have a bit of flow.
  4. Personally, I’ve always preferred ecocomplete simply because I’m lazy and I dig the look. I have a dozen or so panda Cory’s and they seem happy and healthy. However, I’ve always wanted an alternative that wasn’t sand, but was just as comfy for any bottom dwellers. I came across a bag of Activ-Flora and it caught my eye. I decided to use 4 bags of it for a 40 breeder I just obtained. After a week, this has been my experience. Pro’s: -It comes in a variety of colors and they all look supremely natural and aesthetically soothing. -It comes in black. -I purchased the Lake Gems variety and I love it. -It’s newly planted so I don’t how well it will facilitate growth. It is an array of sizes, my assumption is that it will be just fine. Some easy green and root tabs and it’ll be full in no time. Cons: - It will cloud your water. My water has been cloudy since set up. I may throw some filter floss around a sponge, but since there are no inhabitants, I don’t mind very much. I highly recommend it and from a past live stream, @Cory mentioned that it’s what the staff at the store recommends to people. Hope this helps.
  5. @tolstoy21 That is pretty incredible. @StiggyAzalea I’d either wait for the coop or get a fluval 3.0. Honestly for the plants you listed, even this is overkill. You could go with a stingray and it would easily grow everything you listed. Unlimited budget is tempting, but when does it become spending for the sake of spending. I’d go insane with the fish though. Just my honest opinion.
  6. Hello, I have a 40 breeder dedicated to about 15 Longfin white clouds. I also have a Longfin green dragon pleco in there. Will the pleco devour all the eggs and I’ll never see babies? I am aware for maximum payload, I should pull a mop, but it’s a planted tank so I’d never get all the eggs anyway. I don’t mind loosing some to the pleco. I could also rehome the pleco to an open 75 and toss some shrimp at the bottom of the 40 breeder. Thoughts?
  7. 1-View everything as an experiment. 2-Only keep what you love or can sell (if your intentions are breeding for profit). 3-Keep tons of plants. 4-Any fish that are suggested to be kept in schools of 6 or more, should be taken very literally. Have a number and always stick to it to get the best behaviors out of your fish. For example, I always buy an even dozen, unless the fish has to be kept individually. 5-Personally, I always stay away from trends in all aspects of my life and same is for the hobby. New filters that don’t improve on previous models, new color morphs, and/or fly by night companies that don’t truly embody the advancement of the hobby. 6-If you’re reading this and you’re new or fairly new to the hobby, then you are miles ahead of where I started years ago. You are 1000% in the right place. 7-Have fun. If it ever stops being fun, stop doing it. Hope this helps in some way. Manny 😎
  8. @Zenzo That’s what I was suspecting, thank you sir
  9. Hello all, so as I was scouring the internets, I’ve stumbled across a trio of 24k gold full body guppies. In the photos, they look like tiny little koi (the scales are very koi like). Now I can’t post the photos here because they aren’t mine so this may be a long shot. Has anyone ever seen these? Are they really that gold or are the photos enhanced? The reviews are really good, but for these specific fish, more for the seller in general. Have a great day all.
  10. I live in Florida where we basically have liquid rock. Sponge filters become stone over time, so does air line tubing. The brand is irrelevant, it all gets consumed. Water hardness is one factor in how long it will take before a replacement is inevitable.
  11. @cavdad45 I currently also use bottom feeder bug bits, bbs, krill flakes, and Xtreme bottom wafers. Truthfully, I was listening to an old Cory live stream and the way he was talking about Repashy made me want to experiment with it a bit.
  12. Hello, the question is: Do you not mind a shrimp sacrifice here and there or are you prepared to never see a little shrimplet again? In my experience, apisto’s will eradicate any small shrimp you have and I never saw any more babies in a few of my aquariums with apistos. I can also say the same for angels. My angelfish are assassins for anything tiny. Don't get me wrong, apistos and angels are incredible fish and would make great additions. (Although, ime it’ll be addition via a bunch of subtraction). Good luck buddy
  13. @nabokovfan87 I have a thriving dozen panda’s that are super entertaining to watch. I know how to feed them, but I want strictly “what drives your Cory’s nuts?” Aaaaaand you nailed it. Thank you as I will be purchasing 2 Repashys and mixing as you instructed above.
  14. Hello all, What have you found to be a Cory’s fave Repashy food? Fave food in general? I want to spoil my school of pandas for the hours of enjoyment I get out of them. Please help me spend my money. Thank you 😎
  15. Hello, I have a 110 gallon stock tank in the yard with Gold White Clouds and platies. Yesterday, I pulled the Gold white clouds to have them join a school of 100 or so white clouds/gold white clouds in my 300 gallon stock. When I pulled them out, I noticed 2 or 3 of them had a black mark on them. Does anyone know what this is? I’ve never seen it before. Thank you
  16. In my experience, you have 2 options. First is to plant the Val and wait a few months for it to take off. At that point, the roots are stronger and it could work. Or purchase 3 or 4 ez planters from the coop. Also purchase same amount of Val from the coop. Drop the plant pots into the ez planter and you’re done. If you don’t have root tabs, purchase some from the coop and insert into pots before dropping into the aquarium.
  17. @FrezhFinz In the past, Electric Blue JD’s genetics are not the most solid. They are prone to diseases and seeing an old EBJD is a bit of a rarity. So depending where you purchased it, if it was properly quarantined, etc will depend on the genetic quality of the fish. With that said, you may want to spread some of the stock throughout a few other aquariums. You don’t have the most aggressive cichlids, however they are territorial and a 29 just doesn’t have the footprint to house all those territories. I’d say upgrade to a 75 or at least a 55 and you should be good to go. I’d also add some more hard scape so they can successfully set up their own territories without impeding on each other. Good luck
  18. @Tropicalfishkeeping201 @tolstoy21 I second that site. I’ve used them a few times. Great prices, cheap shipping, pressure washed/cleaned for you, and quality pieces.
  19. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea no not really. Goldie’s can get sick very easily and I simply never enjoy betta’s. I’ve had a few and it’s always very underwhelming.
  20. How about a pleco cave, apisto cave, any hut or cave with a trap door for no net removal.
  21. @Gannon Unfortunately fish farms contribute to this simply because they don’t cull their lackluster fish. From my understanding, it’s basically a free for all, hence so much hybridization. I’m usually pretty casual about where I get my fish (no big box stores, usually aquabid and other breeders), but with rainbows I am a purist. They are expensive and the pay off can be breathtaking or the underwhelming feeling you received. Whenever you’d like to purchase some great rainbows, feel free to PM me and I can possibly guide you in the right direction. I don’t sell or breed them, I’ve just done a ton of research on the subject is all.
  22. @Gannon depending on where you purchased your boesmani from will depend on how it turns out. The “aquarium strain” of this species can be very lackluster. However, if you can locate reputable breeders to buy from or if you can locate locale’s like Aves Creek, Lake Ajamaru, Aytinjo, etc. Good luck
  23. Not to be a buzzkill, but for the work and effort involved, how does this differ from what we already get? Seems like basically the same content, in a different format with a few extra’s tossed in that could easily be implemented into the current format.
  24. @B7gwap I have so many plants in front of my sponge filters, I can barely see any sponge filters in any of my aquariums.
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