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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. its not as sexy as a bobber, but it would work.
  2. very cool the store stood behind the product they sell. that is a store you want around.
  3. just spitballing, but plastic ages, and weakens. so with that in mind it looks like that center brace has been used to lean on when cleaning the tank, and has stressed the plastic. i would look into replacing the top plastic on the tank, or the entire tank. on longer/wider tanks that braces helps to support the glass so that it doesnt bow out and break. glass failure is a very bad idea.
  4. they do, and my BN pleco's love eating the center out of them.
  5. ill bet it comes back. with plants, if there is still green , there is still hope.
  6. mine like to breed in my community tank if they have anywhere that will resemble a cave or log. i take out these items when i get over run with pleco's, and at least for me removing the hiding place stops the breeding.
  7. as far as i know, it depends on species, and state. i have had nerites shipped to me from washington to MN. they didnt arrive well, but they did ship them.
  8. you folks with the patience to wait, ill give you credit. i dont possess that level of patience. once that thing hit room temperature, id have fish in it.
  9. #1 , can you imagine how many guppy's you could fit in each one of those!! #2, i dont like cleaning tanks enough to tackle them things.
  10. i'll toss in another option, with the darker substrate, and green plants, give ember tetras a try. they really look good in that kind of environment.
  11. i honestly believe tropical fish we keep care more about consistent water than they do what the books call for. especially guppy's, they seem to do well in anything from mildly brackish, to fairly soft water, so long as you dont take them from one extreme and drop them straight into the other extreme.
  12. with sand substrate, it might take a day or three to clear up.
  13. my favorites are rummy nose, and ember tetras. pick the ones that look best to you.
  14. the above ones listed by fishfolk are a good idea. larger game fish while cool are big eaters, and big poopers.
  15. what kind of natives are you looking at?
  16. thats the only way to buy lumber. each piece costs the same, so you may as well get the best pieces you can.
  17. even humidity can affect wood. wood will absorb moisture straight from the air. get good dried wood, and seal it for best results. warning, even that is no guarantee the wood wont move around.
  18. yup, it just kinda snuck up on me and bam!! slapped me in the face.😜
  19. im on this forum every day, sometimes for way longer than i should be, yet just finally noticed we got a for sale section. guess i just scan the same subforums i normally look at, and dont even pay attention.🤪
  20. it happens. any time an animal is shipped, there is always the chance for problems. contact the seller, and see how they want to work it out. it is a bummer though, get all excited for the new critters to arrive, and then they didnt make it.
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