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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. usually it is because something was sucked up into it that was too big to pass. that can usually be resolved by reversing the flow. most likely the debris is in the piece that goes on the faucet, or in the valve.
  2. for 3 weeks, you need either an auto feeder, or someone to come feed a few times.
  3. im no kind of disease expert, but that would lead to to believe a bacterial, or fungus vs TB.
  4. saw it on the news, i'll do the spoiler alert. they let it go.
  5. ive had the best luck with the tetra whisper pumps. have not tried the newest co-op pump though. if i was in need id try the co-op pump.
  6. i have an old submarine decoration thats 25yrs old, though i pulled it out a few years ago as my bristlenose wont quit using it as the love shack.
  7. at this point, it is what it is. the can has been opened, and cant be closed again easily. im not a fan of them for a few reasons, but obviously someone is or they wouldnt sell.
  8. thats pretty easy, one of everything, and 2 of those things you really want.
  9. best thing to do other than separating them, is to have 2 females with 1 male. not as big of deal with a big population, but in low numbers, a male will run a single female ragged.
  10. at 24hrs, id dump it out, and give a quick rinse. as long as the tank itself has good bacteria in it, wont take but a couple days to recolonize the filter.
  11. about the only thigs in life one needs to pay interest on are house, and car loans. no point in paying interest on stuff that you can get if you just save up for it. never buy things you dont absolutely need to survive, if you dont have the funds for it, good way to go broke, and stay broke. of course, not every one thinks like i do when it comes to money.
  12. here's the short and sweet of it, it is your, and his wedding, no one else's. do what makes the two of you happy, and if that doesnt work out for other people, too bad. i spent a lot of years working weekend nights, and ill tell you , no one moved their wedding to wednesday to accommodate my schedule, and i dont blame them, its their wedding. dont let others dictate your wedding, it is your day!
  13. the little mini ice cube trays work great. i dont make a full amount for my hatchery, but it is still more than ill use in a day or two, so they get frozen.
  14. 7-10 is normal for young adult red bristlenoses around me. for small juveniles, id bet a buck fifty is ballpark for seller.
  15. what youll find is, too many hours of light a day will grow algae, and blue light grows algae like crazy.
  16. nice, where's the hidden latches??? a hidden door needs a secret latch.
  17. some fish just like having a goatee.😎
  18. feed lightly, but frequently for the first week.
  19. they look like amano's, id call them amano's.
  20. id probably go to one light for a while, and see how that goes.
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