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Everything posted by clovenpine

  1. New confession: I'm a fish murderer. I set up my quarantine tub to try and isolate my aggressive molly (Molly Hatchet) for a while. Used a seeded sponge, checked water parameters and temp, etc. I came back 45 minutes later and he was upside down at the bottom! I tried popping him back in the tank to let him shake it off, but no luck. Best I can figure is that something toxic leached out of the plastic? I've never used the tub (sterilite 8g) before, but I did clean and rinse it thoroughly beforehand. This guy, despite (or maybe because of) his bad attitude, was my favorite fish. I just wanted him to stop bullying my platies! I'm really upset and feeling guilty. RIP, Molly Hatchet, now flirting with disaster in that big fishbowl in the sky. 😓
  2. My first time around (30 years ago now), it was all due to the LFS beside our community library. My mom would drop me off at the library while she shopped, and after I chose my books I'd wander next door to visit the proprietor (a fantastic old gentleman who was incredibly patient with all my questions). I got a tank for Christmas and managed to keep black skirt tetras despite doing EVERYTHING wrong. This time around, I'm going a little mad during quarantine telework. I needed something I could enjoy at home, and my hobby has really benefitted my mental health. Except for my new desperate need to buy and set up a new and bigger tank, that is... Aquariums are great for managing anxiety. It's all those indoor fins...😆
  3. @Daniel, was it Henry Huggins?? I just finished reading that chapter to my nephew. He had jars of guppies lined up all around his room, and then his mom needed her canning jars back so he traded all his guppies back to the fish store and got a single catfish with a tank and a heater! For the time period, the fishkeeping advice was pretty solid except for the "you shouldn't have to change the water if you don't overfeed" bit. He did keep live plants and a snail in every jar, though, and only fed a "tiny pinch."
  4. I feel so guilty for not quarantining! Every time I get new fish I promise myself that NEXT TIME I'll set up the quarantine tub...but I'm so impatient and I hate the way it looks. I'm also guilty of buying rocks and driftwood from my horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad, grungy and unethical LFS because they have the best price. I should definitely not support them and I'd never buy anything living from them, but they're so convenient for hardscape elements!
  5. This is why fishkeepers spend all that time in the gym. Gotta stay strong to lift tanks and carry buckets! 😆
  6. @Daniel, my job is very documentation-focused, so this is a natural habit for me. My brain starts to get itchy if I can't see my data and I have to rely on my memory alone! I've been poking around the Aquarium Care app and it's nice, but not exactly what I'm looking for, so Excel it is. Maybe even a simple database with form entries to be a little more streamlined...
  7. Do you track by tank or by task? I'm going to build a workbook today and I'm thinking about how best to organize it.
  8. I'm realizing now after two months that I wish I'd kept better records during the setup process. When I added new fish/plants, when and how many fry were born, etc. I'm sure I could recreate some data by looking at receipts, but I'm definitely planning to create a spreadsheet when I start my next tank! Is anyone else a nerd for documentation? Tell me about your tracking tools and methods!
  9. My main challenge is glare/reflection! My "show" tank is outdoors on my screen porch (central coastal Florida, expect updates on how I (mis)manage temperature and light changes, etc.), and the only time I don't compete with ambient light is late night/early morning. First photo is 6am, only tank lights on, second photo is 5pm when I wanted to show off my new hornwort addition. Neither really does the tank justice imo, but I hate being limited in the hours I can take photos! Still, having the tank out here is worth the aggravation.
  10. Kat, just wanted to thank you for a fantastic explanation here. It's *just technical enough* to make sense and be useful without being overwhelmingly detailed. If you're not a teacher, I think you missed your calling!
  11. Thanks Alesha! I'm in Titusville on the north end of Brevard county. I've actually tried a magic eraser (the original pads are fish-safe, I checked 😁), but it didn't do much. The only thing that will really help is a razor paint scraper, so I use it when the glass starts getting really yucky. I even have mineral deposits on my plant leaves! I don't seem to have the problem in my 10g, which I bought new a couple of months ago. The 30g where the problem is is at least 10 years old, so I wonder if that has something to do with it? A different kind of glass or tiny scratches for the guck to collect in? At any rate, it doesn't seem to bother the fish so I guess I just have to live with it.
  12. Hi folks, greetings from central Florida ! I'm just getting back into the hobby after many years away, and I'm stunned and gratified to see how much new information is available to fishkeepers. Back in my day...:) I currently keep a 30g platy tank on my screen porch outside and a 10g betta palace in my bedroom. I'm hoping to upgrade the platys to a 55, move the 30 inside, and possibly start a breeding project sometime in the next year. I'm on a well and my water is SUPER hard, so that limits my fish and plant options. Good thing I love live bearers! I'm looking forward to participating in the community here and learning a lot. My current annoyance is mineral deposits on my tank glass, so if anyone has tips toaybe bind the minerals in the water column I'd be happy to hear them!
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