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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Possibly swim bladder disease, but yeah same as what @CoryKeeper said as well, keep us posted if you don’t mind @Cjbear087. If it is I know a decent amount about swim bladder disease and would love to help. But obviously not an expert.
  2. Yeah, it’s a slow grower, it has barely grown a inch since I got it, but let me tell you, if you have everything it requires, I have seen some people have it and it grows pretty good and also it can help with coverage for your cories. Wow, need to buy that soon as possible, my plants are not doing great.
  3. Oh and @macdaddy36 I will video me feeding them in the next couple of days.
  4. Agreed. And agreed, for my advice, same as both of these guys said, up temp to 80 will definitely help. Almond leafs can help. Imagining your tank is completely cycled and probably 100% is. A mirror helps more than you think. I had a betta (I believe you knew about him named Sonic) and I had tons of experience with him, got experience with salt, kanaplex, clamped fins, mild fin rot, stress lol, and swim bladder, oh yeah and I messed up probably the most important thing, the cycle. No bragging going on here because I would not Bragg about that kind of thing obviously lol. Yep enough about my experience and now my advice. Salt would help possibly but maracyn would definitely help. I am almost certain that he would get some energy from the mirror. Pretty much the same as what Cory and others said, is he active and swimming sometimes at all @EricksonAquatics? Or is he sitting at the bottom all the time.
  5. Update: I am about to check paremeters, then will post a pic of my tank. Stay tuned so to speak.
  6. Thanks for the update @JS Fish, have you tried the BBS yet? Or has he grown a little bit since then….
  7. Yep, dwarf sag as well, I need to try that plant sometime. Also I’ve seen a valisernaria only tank, Cory is a big fan of it, it makes everything so Jungle like IMO @Nikhil.
  8. Valisernaria (probably not how you spell it) makes more and more and more plants. It makes an awesome jungle affect, and obviously the more driftwood the better @Nikhil.
  9. Ok, gonna do a big huge change. A 50% to be exact. Might not be big but yeah i will let the tap sit tonight and recheck tommorow.
  10. Let us know how it goes @Colette! Hope it recovers soon! Yep, water changes can always help
  11. Whoops, i already got rid of it. But i had the other one in there with it for a week then took out the old one @johnnyxxl Also it is still sitting on top of my empty 5g. Does it matter if i put it back in the new one is in there and i added some bottled bacteria in there. The old one is dryed out too @johnnyxxl, @Tony s, @macdaddy36. Nope. Did not come from Temu and yes i know they are not trustworthy as i have seen how cheap and fake everything is
  12. @Colu might know what it is @Colette. But it definitely does look like a possible hole in head.
  13. Real quick I apologize for maybe blowing up peoples phones if your followers of this topic, but here is a picture of my cartridge, it’s gotta be this or the rotting plants correct?
  14. Another thing that I will throw out there, could it be my Java fern? I think is rotting and look what I found here on the internet, and it says this ⬇️ This is where the cycle comes full circle. Plants (rotting vegetation) can be the cause of the ammonia spike, but they can also be the solution. Maybe it is the issue? Will plants cause an ammonia spike? That’s what the Q was too. Here is some pictures & my Java fern
  15. Could it be that I have plants (artificial for more hiding), causing this? Becaus they were in my 5g ( @Tony s you probably know of it with my betta that died) that had some ammonia right before he passed? Like it was .50 sometimes and so,e times 0. This most likely not the case, but I am trying to just figure this out somehow. Here you go, the cartridge has been in there for 2 months and it says here The loss of a portion of a system's biofiltration capacity is a very common cause of ammonia spikes. This can happen, for example, when mechanical-filtration media (socks, sponges, etc.) are left in place long enough to become colonized with nitrifying bacteria and are then removed and replaced or aggressively rinsed.
  16. So odd.. 0 ammonia @macdaddy36, @johnnyxxl, @Tony s. I am talking about the tap ammonia.
  17. I am still looking up all this, and came across this, Ammonia is rarely found in unpolluted surface water or well water, but water contaminated with sewage, animal wastes or fertilizer runoff may contain elevated levels. The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has not established a maximum contaminant level (MCL) for ammonia in drinking water. I feel like there is a big possibility of ammonia in my tap, as I have tap water btw. Keep making multiple posts, still trying to figure out WGY AND HOW this is even happening. @johnnyxxl, thanks for the recommendation as well, thinking of moving this ammonia thing to my journal or ammonia spike topic instead of talking about this in the plants forum.
  18. Question that may not make sense and is a waist to post it….but could me adding the easy root tabs to the tank be causing it? Surely not right? But idk if this is just happening at the same time but every time I have added root tabs the ammonia spikes. Tomorrow (as I am tired and about to go to bed tonight) will test tap on everything (ammonia nitrite nitrates and ph.) Thanks for the help so far @macdaddy36, @Tony s, @JettsPapa, @beastie.
  19. Welcome to the forum! Nice tanks. The first pic of the tank looks awesome! @Gastroplod
  20. Ohhhhhhhh……….ammonia out of tap…..yeah never thought about that, sorry for the late reply btw @macdaddy36. I use prime conditioner per change, I will video if I can tomorrow and post. As the light on the tank is off now. Yeah. I thought I was cycled, I was patient on not adding fish to early and still now when the tank was going absolutely amazing, ammonia shows up and does not leave!!!! 😐 Very good thought @beastie…. I have no clue tho…… so weird.
  21. Sorry to hear that, yeah now thinking of what you fed him and everything, it was probably some kind of disease. (Idk what kind tho).
  22. The ph was 7.5 when I set it up, now it is 7.5. I feed them floating pellets and occasionally some bug bites that float. And every 2 days depending on what the ammonia is. Here are some links on the cycle I did, it was a fishless one @macdaddy36 https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/36491-how-to-know-when-cycle-is-done-completely/#comment-348815
  23. @macdaddy36, my test kit is not expired, my ammonia test kit I bought it like one week ago and I am following as best as I can, I followed the dr Tim’s way of it and emailed/asked if it was done when everything seemed fine. You can find some super old posts that I had on my whole cycle as well, @macdaddy36 on this forum.
  24. Thanks everyone, i have now decided to get a light and new glass lid before anything and make sure that no ammonia remains in the tank for a while. My ammonia read .25 this morning and i said "here we go again" (as for those who dont know i am currently in a ammonia spike).
  25. My bad @JettsPapa, that is true, idk what i was thinking lol. @beastie, thx for thx for the suggestions, you got me thinking now, very good info. thanks again.
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