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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Oh wow, that’s tuff, I understand now. Hopefully they will see this soon.
  2. It’s gotta be the white clouds!!! Probably the EASIEST fish in this world to keep, not to mention they have tons of personality! I love them so much. Yeah I don’t ever see them at LFSs. I say they do! Same, I got my WCMMs 4 months ago but still just love them
  3. Thanks there actually is a arrow. Thanks a lot everyone
  4. Tank paremeters? That would help a ton. How long has the tank been cycled? Is there nippers in the tank? @haliboo
  5. I pulled the trigger, it’s here too, it came in one day from Amazon! Here are the pictures @macdaddy36! Gonna add it in tomorrow when the light is on.
  6. Got it. Thanks! Yes, the check valve has a arrow! Thanks!!!! Yeah I sometimes do 😆. Just my personality guess lol. Thanks a ton, wow, so much easier than what google said. Google is not the greatest. Thanks for the info on the T piece. It says that the control valve should be 6” away from the pump not the water, idk why. But I will go with it right before the water line as I have heard that’s the better way. Maybe I miss read, maybe the control valve goes 6” away from the pump. 😉 thanks guys, I mean it!
  7. This is my other dog, shes kinda wierd and kinda ugly lol. Meet Mabel!
  8. Welcome to the forum, great story and tanks!!! @Achantia
  9. Tell me about it. Goodness, my anubias nana’s leafs are just covered with algae, like 3 different types 🤣🤣, but to be serious, this is some great info that everyone said, very helpful to even me too.
  10. Hi everybody. Here with another topic! First off, I want to say, I know there is instructions with the air pump, but I basically had 2 main Qs. 1. How to clean a new airstone? 2. A detailed Q I will go over below. Detailed version of 1, I read you soak a new airstone in bleach or something? I am I wrong? Maybe I am. But how do I clean it to sum it up. Edit: ok I am wrong, it says soak it on water. Whoops 😬 Now for the second question. There is this black T shaped thing that I will show a picture down below. But the instructions say nothing of it. I will also post a picture of the instructions if needed. Now, the pump is a tetra pump that’s for 10-30 gallons, my airstones are just some good high star review airstones. Again I have pictures of all these things. And the tubing is some standard 8ft long tubing. The check valve comes with the pump btw. Could anyone help me with these Qs? Thanks a ton. Pictures down below. Right here. That top piece. I know wha it is, it’s the thing were it adjusts the amount of bubbles right?Idk😉
  11. Man, I thought @Colu would show up but idk if he will, o don’t have experience with the spinning swimming sideways and stuff. 😢. I hope she makes it.
  12. Yes, Centerpiece fishES. If you have a heavily planted tank then that will be great for gouramis because I herd they kinda shy (check me on that 🤣). Agree with @clownbaby, @EricksonAquatics, @Tony s, And all the others.
  13. I would fast for a couple of days, food makes things worse in a situation of swim bladder disease @Cellie.
  14. I say betta, if you get a female it should not harm them to much, but 95% stocking isn't too bad, just bigger changes per week. Honeys are sick but betta is just a classic pick and one of my favorite fishes I've kept.
  15. Sorry about this situation @Cellie. @Colu is a fish disease expert and he should chime in here. But could i see a picture? Or video. I would feed more of a variety of foods, with some freeze dried and some frozen mixed in its diet. Just pellets and nothing else ended up with my betta sick from swim bladder and a tumor. He died a while later, so you should have some time to figure this out. (not saying it will die most likely not) But like i said @Colu will help with treatment @Cellie. Hope some of this helps!
  16. Yeah its like micro sword, root tabs help, but they are not required but can maybe help. I need to try it as a floater, i am getting more soon so why not? Pearl weed is very hardy, nothing has hurt it yet. Dwarf sag is awesome too! All these plants are great choices @EricksonAquatics!
  17. I love my pearlweed. It grows as tall as a skyscraper, allfishnobrakes told me that if you trim it low it starts grow horizontally to the left and right. That’s pretty cool. It needs root tabs and obviously like every other plants need, ferts. It’s very hardy actually too, high light is best for it.
  18. I’ll just go back to weekly water changes and daily ammonia tests, I have a airstone air pump air tubing etc. coming today from Amazon, so that should help with oxygen becuase they were yawning and getting air from the top, and just becuase a air stone is so beneficial in tanks.
  19. Nice! Make sure to give us some pictures of them once your home @johnnyxxl!
  20. Nice! Can’t wait to see 2t it looks like in the end! @Schuyler, hope it turns out great! Best of luck!
  21. Lol, but yes it literally is the only plant I have ever kept that doesn’t rot eventually, yes, bad luck. Lol. (I can’t react to any more posts today it says…..😂)
  22. Ok, I am tired, I read the point of the topic and still didn’t understand. If it’s on high then yeah that’s as high as it will go but there might be something that your doing wrong. Same Qs as @lefty o. It’s most likely something your doing wrong tho, sponge filters, something wring air line tubing or the check valve is backwards @John Collins.
  23. I have a 10 gallon on my wooden table and it’s fine, but I am not in there a whole lot, it’s not wierd, it’s cool to be in bed and have a blue light on on your tank and enjoy the scenery. If the light would be on the late. Sometimes I just put a chair in front of the tank and just watch the, for hours……and hours and hours 🤣 Yeah not a active room, thinking about it, that’s the perfect room for fish tanks besides a FISH ROOM lol. I have a silentstream hob, no noise at all for me.
  24. Does it have good flow? Idk if it’s me, but idk what you mean by “is this the best it can do” when I didn’t see anything that says what it’s doing? Maybe I am reading it wrong or just super tired lol. @John Collins, could I see a vid? Please excuse me if none of this made sense but I just didn’t get the point of the topic….
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