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Whitecloud09 last won the day on August 16

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  1. Good point. Will do! Well IRL it isn't the prettiest tank. Algae and stuff. But it is such a work in progress that I am kinda proud of it in a way. The green of the plants is a game changer for fish tanks! But more progress to be made! Thanks @CoryWithAKatana Btw I would like to see you maybe start a journal on your 20g! You got those sick fish from tolstoy21 and I would love to see your own journey! Just a thought.
  2. Man look at the change. Just seems like a different tank 😄.
  3. My plan for my dragon stone is, Put maybe all the spiderwood on one side of the aquarium, and plants in between, and then have a rocky area on other side with dragon stone. Sound good? Or would it look better to mix?
  4. Colorful kinds of different varieties of shrimp. Blue and red types would pop. For a fish, I would not put anything in a 3g. Not even a betta to be honest. 5g tank is much better. Or maybe a 10g, depending on the circumstances.
  5. Nice, thanks! I plan to rinse once more today. When I leave the dragon stone in the bucket the water is very clean now compared to it being very brownish in color. Appreciate it everyone :).
  6. So question. My bag of crushed coral is kinda nasty. Like dirty, brown stuff on it. I need to replace it. I have already replaced the filter cartridge, in the hob. It was falling apart. But don't you replcae the crushed coral after a while. It has been in there for 3 or 4 months, probably longer. I am not sure if you are supposed to? Could anyone help? I have a glass bowl of some Crushed coral that does not have a lid, is it any good to use? I have had that since adding the crushed coral a while back. Any responses are greatly appreciated! I will get some pics of the tank in a bit. I did a 50% wc yesterday. It looks much better. TIA
  7. Welcome back! Glad you wanted to give it another go with your tanks! Cant wait to see pics if you have some!
  8. All of my White cloud minnows LOL. They are huge jerks to my snail when I every once in a ahwile try to sink a algae wafer near him. He later starts moving towards it, but only one issue, it is already almost completely gone 😩😅. They destroy it! And are mean to each other when it is feeding time too.
  9. Just keep checking and prob soon they will carry them again. Just sign up for them to send you an email maybe when they get them again.
  10. Welcome to the forum! The tank, betta and black neons look sweet! The rocks look really cool, and your really on a good start, cause this your first tank you said correct? If so, well done. Most newbies that set up their first aquarium learn the hard way by buying the fish and tank the same day. And set up the tank with no live plants and brightly colored gravel LOL. Me from experience with that lol. Again, glad to have you!
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