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Tony s

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Everything posted by Tony s

  1. Figure the bottom glass of most aquariums is rated about 15 lbs per gallon. So weight isn’t going to be an issue. On the sand for a bit of cushion to keep from scratching the glass would be good. On the other hand, if you did scratch the glass on the bottom. Would you even notice, or care?
  2. It didn’t matter. I thought maybe they had something else called zebra fish, but, nope.
  3. I just went and played with it. 10 zebra danios with 16 kuhli’s only brought me to 94% stocked. For a standard 30g tank. I’d go ahead and wouldn’t even think twice about it The only thing I would be concerned about is with a Flex, you lose about 10% of total capacity with those baffles. I have 2 of the 15’s. I wish I would have realized that before getting them. How are you doing with the kuhlis behind the baffles. I spent a good 4 hrs getting them out after the first week. Then I cut sponges to cover the inlets 😂
  4. I’m wondering if you meant zebra danios instead of zebra fish. Danios being way smaller nope, that wasn’t it. Only lists 1 zebra fish. Danio rerio
  5. Honestly, looks like he got in a fight with something. especially since it'd dead center on his mouth. third picture looks like he's got a bite mark by his dorsal as well. Keep an eye on it, if it starts to change in size or shape it might be bacterial or fungal. If you want to help him heal, you could throw in a couple of catapa leaves. they have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties
  6. they are schooling fish, but can be very shy as well. and tiny. I'd probably add 12-18 just to see them. and you could still add another school as well. A double red or triple red cockatoo would be very cool. I'd be somewhat concerned about the hardness of your water though. Apistos can be somewhat sensitive to that. cackatoos and panduros are the hardiest for that. I have your kind of water and haven't tried them yet for that reason. Same thing with german rams, which I tried and failed at. You can add in some leaf litter and other botanicals to soften the water though. Was just thinking about some other choices. How about rummynose rasboras or ember tetras. embers are a bit lazy, but colorful. 🤣
  7. but now we all have to learn new names 🤣
  8. well, they had all those corydoras that were in different clades. So they broke up the clades into different generic names. Gives them a tighter fit as to where they genetically belong. but confusing as heck to the normal person. I first noticed this when browsing imperial Tropicals website. Took me a moment to figure it out 😅 https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=e968e0ca958cd3daJmltdHM9MTcxOTk2NDgwMCZpZ3VpZD0wZTU0NmFiNi1jMWZhLTY4MDYtMWIzMi03OTAyYzAyOTY5YzQmaW5zaWQ9NTI4MA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=0e546ab6-c1fa-6806-1b32-7902c02969c4&psq=coryforas+different+genera&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucHJhY3RpY2FsZmlzaGtlZXBpbmcuY28udWsvZmlzaGtlZXBpbmctbmV3cy9jb3J5ZG9yYWRpbmFlLXJldmlzaW9uLWNoYW5nZXMtbmFtZXMtZm9yLWh1bmRyZWRzLW9mLXNwZWNpZXMv&ntb=1
  9. Okay, want to blow your mind? There is no such thing as a panda cory anymore. About 80% of all corys have been renamed. the panda cory is now the panda hoplisoma. pygmies are now pygmy gastroderms. also have various brochis, osteogasters, aspidoras, schleromystax. Some do stay corydoras, but only about 20% of what we use to call corys
  10. I have that tank. I was surprised how shallow the ends of it are. the distance from the bow front to the back. It does have the height for an angel for sure. but not a lot of turn around room. One angel could work nicely there. Smaller bodied fish work best in this tank. We have it filled with all varieties of glo fish. Yes, I Know, but that was what my wife and daughter wanted.😁 I like the idea of the honeys, and cherry barbs. with corys on the bottom. Or you could do a small group of tetras. green or black neons. pristellas. or small rasboras. kubotai, harlequins, cpd's. The smaller the fish, the more variety you could have in there. But if you do add an angel, make sure nothing too small goes in there with it
  11. As a general rule, yes. You can leave a small amount in, but it usually just grows and takes over. Very difficult to remove without some form of erythromycin. Blue green algae is not an algae, but a photosynthetic bacteria. I’m guessing what you’re seeing is more of a slower growing surface algae than a blue green algae. Bga leaves toxic residue behind and generally just fouls up the water. The way to tell the difference. Bga stinks horrible. Surface algae just smells a bit like a strong smelling seaweed. I’ve lost aquariums before without realizing what was going on. Granted that was new fish in an isolation tank
  12. Yeah, I’m not sure I agree with them at all. It does seem odd. For a 55g it really is the perfect size, if not too much in some cases.
  13. Depends on what you’re putting in your tank. If you’re sticking something tall and flat like an angelfish you can throttle down the output tube. That way they won’t get blown around in there. If it’s a faster bunch of rainbows or danios, you’re probably good. I have the fx2 in a 75. I slow it down for the angels. I say do it from the output side because on normal operations the filter has some resistance when it start to get full. The filter is designed to handle that pressure. If you slow it down from the intake side, you’ll create a vacuum. Something the pumps not designed for.
  14. Okay, first thing we need to know, what are your water parameters. Your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, gh, kh numbe. Just to check and make sure the water is safe. Second thing, is he still eating food? If he is that will help. I’d possibly stop the current meds. Especially if it’s the reduced rates called for by the med trio procedure. The mushy pea feeding thing for swim bladder doesn’t usually do anything at all. what I would do is get some maracyn2 and we’ll get you a recipe for giving it to him in his food. Getting the medicine inside of him will probably give him the best shot. from @Colu a few years ago on swim bladder Posted August 30, 2021 (edited) Let's start with the swim bladder. most case of swim bladder are cause by over feeding and the stomach putting pressure on the swim bladder. constipation or bacterial infection of the swim bladder. Or an injury to the swim bladder. Frist I would recommend fasting your fish for a couple of days and doing epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxants to help with constipation. if that has no effect then I would treat with antibiotic medication in food such as maracyn2 in food furan2 is not very effective at a higher pH above 7.8 if your in the UK I would treat with Sera baktopur direct tables if it's a damage swim bladder caused by an injury it case of wait and see some will improve given time other will not improve and may have to be euthanize if you think there suffering clove oil is one of the most humane ways to euthanize your fish Edited December 12, 2023 by Colu
  15. If they’re breeding like rabbits that’s great. Panda will do well in large groups. So upwards of 40 would be good. If you think you have too many, you could always sell some of them. Pandas are always in demand.
  16. How about cherry barbs for your schooling fish. lots of activity and very colorful
  17. Possibly, for the moment. And keep an eye on them and your parameters. I usually only feed mine once a day with the sinking algae wafers. Mostly the same product. A bit less crude protein, less crude fat, less fiber. Not saying anything, just comparing. Sometimes I give them give them sinking carnivore pellets for added protein though. very rarely do I give bloodworms, but they love that for a treat.
  18. all depends on what you like. glowlight tetras would be good. you could do a small school of bleeding-heart tetras.
  19. Yes, they are. but so fun to feed. They're constantly swimming up to the glass and absolutely begging for more. 🤣 Kind of like little wet puppies! We noticed this when we got our first juveniles. The absolute best fish we have ever done. You'll be good with a pair. Either they'll be same sex or pair together. no third wheel hanging around. We started with 6. When they start to pair it's a different world altogether. Depending on the pair, they can get downright nasty to other tankmates. some pairs can be mild. But we've had to keep a marble pair in its own breeding tank because the male turned mean. Was even pushing rainbow fish to the bottom.
  20. I have thought about it. but I'd rather be a bit heavy on the livestock and a bit light on the plants. And I find the maintenance a bit soothing after work. As for substrate, I usually just use plain gravel although I've just started up a sand substrate tank. I think I might be closer to a no plant Severum or flowerhorn tank than I am to a Walstad tank. I am very intrigued by the big fish at this point.
  21. Panda corys do this all the time. Sometimes it’s just for play. Mine continually chase each other around. They especially will do this after a water change when everything is fresh.
  22. Well, you’ve been wanting the pandas for a while… honey gourami trio would be good. And harlequins are very cool. Common but underrated. Guppies can be a bit nippy so I might not do those. I might stop there and get used to them before adding anything else. But, it sounds good. Nitrates are not limiting you right now. When your nitrites are zero, you can test for them.
  23. Online is expensive though. If you can find a good local fish store that might be better. But keep in mind that they may import from the same source. Only so many places to import fish. Online is expensive though. If you can find a good local fish store that might be better. But keep in mind that they may import from the same source. Only so many places to import fish. lfs is relative. I drive anywhere from 1 to 2 1/2 hours for local fish
  24. Could you try it. Quite possibly. Would I recommend it. Depends on how you are at maintaining a very planted aquarium. And following a specific regimen. And how interested you are in having a small number of small fish in your tank. Both father fish and the Walstad method depend on both things. With relatively strict guidelines. For me, I keep plants in to help me raise more fish. So I find both methods not as interesting.
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