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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. @slynnsin My first of ever hearing of a paludarium for ropes but definitely will be watching this.
  2. @KabirK_ Welcome to the forum. Sounds like the Gourami are establishing a pecking order. I've personally had 4 female Pearl Gourami that displayed the same behavior.
  3. Wow that's so cool!
  4. I purchased these from Jonas aquarium https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/johnas-aquarium.702565/post-7919291
  5. @Fish Folk I've personally kept Rainbow Darter and agree some native species can look just beautiful as tropical aquarium fish species.
  6. @Khole new fish that's great.
  7. @Monkeypoint That plant is happy. My Anubias produce flowers a couple of times.
  8. @Augustjd27 I believe your water parameters aren't stable. Dechlorinator prevents beneficial bacteria from being killed by chlorine, or chloramine depending on declorinator used. Without dechlorinater your aquarium isn't going to cycle properly. It's a possibility ammonia was present or critical difference of the PH at the time you did your water change.
  9. Comets and Fancy 3 grow too large for a 10 gallon so you will definitely have to upgrade. Also suggest large weekly water changes to keep fish healthy. If you didn't have the fish you could easily put small aquatic frog or small newt species in the 10 gallon.
  10. The bb will be pink in color jerking swimming motion. Also attracted to light. You may want to stop the air for a minute to observe.
  11. I have those in one tray of my wet/dry filter and my aquarium functions well.
  12. Looks great and sturdy as stated.
  13. Welcome to the the forum. What type of goldfish feeder comet, fancy goldfish?
  14. I would let the little female grow a bit to atleast sexual maturity. I'm no expert on apistogramma and hopefully others chime in with their thoughts.
  15. I'll have to check out the new Godzilla movie. I agree a couple were bad along with a couple of King Kong movies 😆
  16. @Jaspyjasp I personally would be worried if the parents spawned. The smaller apisto would be harassed by the parents. Your aquarium is heavily planted that may help.
  17. Congrats! It's very exciting when something like that happens 🙂
  18. I fed the fry crushed up pellet when they became free-swimming.
  19. https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/what-would-you-do-with-these-kribensis.645086/ Bred Kribensis Pulcher a few years ago. The female would use a section of pvc pipe to lay her eggs in. I had a little algae so fry had something to graze on. A very hardy species but are very aggressive if eggs, wriggler, or free-swimming fry in the aquarium.
  20. Depends on how fast your parameters stabilize. It could take 6-7 weeks if you started with no live beneficial bacteria. Also depends on various factors such as bioload and water temperature.
  21. @princedreaming A first for me to hear of substrate other than gravel used with a under gravel filter.
  22. Rubbermaid Brute can for mixing saltwater. Rubbermaid tote for sump. Walmart 3 drawer cart without wheels made into wet/dry trickle filter. Plastic Pot scrubbers for biomedia. Magnifying glass.
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