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Everything posted by Tlindsey

  1. Some cut a sheet of polycarbonate for a lid. If you have a Lowe's or HomeDepot check them out. @Spaghider
  2. I have very little experience with gourami. Give yourself a pat on the back for your quick action removing the male. Even if it was 1 fry that made it from the egg stage to free-swimming stage and growing. That's quite an accomplishment for your first breeding. @Gliderzz
  3. Most people that buy Angelfish on impulse find out the hard way about cichlid behavior lol. I told a co-worker her aquarium was too small a 30 gallon and 2 of the 4 she purchased were going to pair off. After around a week of having them the co-worker said 2 were getting aggressive and she noticed eggs. Imo a solo angelfish will be ok. If you can find a proven pair get them. Basically what I'm saying is Angelfish are cichlids and should be treated as such. If wanting to keep a group make sure aquarium has the proper space to accommodate them.
  4. Great custom stand build. I personally would be proud of myself if I built that stand. Definitely agree with everyone on the level being good. @macdaddy36
  5. Had Pelvicachromis Pulcher spawn in a 29 gallon high and female used every inch herding fry around.
  6. Yes tannins works similar to using methylene blue but natural to prevent eggs from fungus. I believe the tannins from oak leaves and wood used in a 20 long helped apistogramma eggs. I have hard water really perfect for CA and african cichlid.
  7. Where was the glue applied on the roots or rhizome of the 2 affected plants?
  8. I personally would give that redeye tetra to a lfs. Next time that redeye is bullied got ill died it may affect your now perfect aquarium environment.
  9. Wow that's awesome. Welcome to forum @EcstaticTiara
  10. Sorry for the late reply. Bladder snails are small and breed fast.
  11. I know the pea puffer will eat small snails. @JS Fish
  12. Cleaning a aquarium with part bleach and water is fine but don't use the splash less brand. Just rinse aquarium out allow to dry out completely. You could also fill with water after the cleaning and add dechlorinator. I personally would replace or clean the substrate ornaments and filter if starting over.
  13. This morning back at it again 😆
  14. I personally wouldn't add anymore cichlids because once either paired off your going to have problems in a aquarium that size. I would add a group of tetra.
  15. I personally would wait the week or two.@J3azy
  16. Looks much better than in the introduced video. Hopefully it will pull thru. That was stressful for the little fish to be stuck onto the filter. The employee shouldn't have given you a injured fish. @Dextreous
  17. I did a little research and only found info on the one species. I'll assume that as they mature the patterns change. @bryanisag
  18. Yes we'll worth watching. Needed to watch this a year ago. Thanks for sharing @Pepere
  19. Not experienced with those species but proper foods and water changes to remove growth inhibiting hormones, Nitrate for cichlid fry growth. @Mattyd123
  20. It's a habit for me to not fill my aquariums all the way up. Keep Polypterus so a gap of waterline is needed. The Nerite is in aquarium with pipefish and ghost shrimp.
  21. It's amazing how fast they move you blink and gone.😆
  22. @saminator0107 What product are you using to test Nitrate. It's possible that one the Ottos you purchased may have been ill. I suggest quarantine new fish before adding to the main aquarium.
  23. Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences with the Nerite snail. 😊
  24. Has anyone had a Nerite escape from the aquarium 😆 I found my nerite snail just in time before it was completely out of the aquarium. Also did some modifications around the AC 50 where I found it. The aquarium is mature has biofilm and some algae.
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