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Everything posted by Lennie

  1. Sharing the destiny of my female betta πŸ˜„ Let them be friends! I love how pretty the mom is. Such beauty
  2. That tank looks like a shrimp heaven. So first, I would def do shrimps that you like. I'm having %100 success with black roses on my betta tanks with lots of plants and black substrate. I know they blend a lot, so you can't see them that well like any other popping color, but I love my black roses. So you may consider black roses with a betta friend. I think the rest depends on the betta as you know it. I have endlers, green jelly shrimps and snails with one of my males. I have black roses with my female. She doesn't care shrimp friends but not a fan of fish. She was annoyed by endlers before. And lastly, with another male, I have sparkling gouramis, red lizard whiptails, pleco and pygmy cories in a 125Liters tank. This male is friendly too. Used to be in a shrimp tank with black roses again. Only didn't like sparkling gouramis at first but they make it work all together. Bettas are my fav fish lately. If I didnt have my big tank stocked, I would directly make it a sorority πŸ˜„ If I were you I would get black rose shrimp, a school of pygmy cories and a group of red lizard whiptails and keep the betta and mystery snail but also be ready to seperate betta anytime just in case she becomes a bully. That way, you can get another centerpiece fish if betta does not work
  3. Very pretty for sure. As long as you don't keep them in a big tank with lots of food, it will be fine. At least won't spread to your other tanks πŸ˜„ This is how mine look like: I love how different MTS shells are.
  4. Update on these guys: I went to my LFS today again and checked their tank. They just look amazing. I had a chance to take a pic from the side this time: Look at the shell color and how green their foot is.
  5. It is marketed for marine herbivores tho. No Chlorella, kelp, and spirulina
  6. I accepted @Guppysnail as she is. She has interesting likings especially when it comes to critters and worms πŸ˜„
  7. I'm so lost. We don't even have damselfly or dragonfly living in where I live lol. @xXInkedPhoenixX @Colu How can I make sure I don't have any more?
  8. Okay. Me trying to breed my bettas. Fun, right. What a chill night it is. Or,,, it WAS. @Fish Folk suggested keeping lights on for 72 hours. Dimmed to the lowest, went upstairs to my tank check if the pair is doing alright. And............... There is this alien looking guy sitting on an anubias leaf?! CREEPY. I always dip my plants. The tank has a lid and it is in my bedroom. I always net my fish. I even use RO water. Aquasoil on bottom. I'm so lost where and how it could came from. What is this critter, and how can it even potentially end up in a tank with a lid on, dipped plants, and in my bedroom! Would it hurt my shrimp and betta? Should I worry that there is more???! There is only one snail, and I have that nerite for almost a year. So I don't think potentially it carried anything. The rest is just betta and shrimp. @Guppysnail @Biotope Biologist any clue guys? Here are the pics. I caught it with a tweezer:
  9. I wouldn't do cuba without actual aquasoil with high tech setup myself but if you wanna try sure. Just make a good research because plants aren't cheap and to carpet you need several pots, and planting carpeting plants lateron can be a bit challenging in my experience.
  10. I wanna dump in so many orange sakuras there, I bet they would flash out really well, as you already have soft pink/peachy, green and reds. Such beautiful setup Just consider them! πŸ˜„ Also Amanos are escape artists, without a lid, be careful. You may lose many gradually
  11. cuba is a bit needy. Has smaller roots so does not hold as good as monte carlo, also needs a good substrate, light and preferably co2. If you want something easier, I would consider montecarlo instead. You don’t seem to have aquasoil right?
  12. Could you show the wood and rock pieces seperately?
  13. Gold minnows are super adorable. I really like the way they look. Well, yellow and orange colors are generally my fav on fish anyway. So I am very much biased on that one πŸ˜„ Pencilfish are also really good looking. Sadly I have never seen them available locally here. CPDs are not really my type of fish. In pics and videos, they looked super cool but when I saw them irl, I wasn't impressed. This happens quite a lot to me. My opinion change a lot when I see a fish irl and online. I feel lucky that my LFS carries soo many fish so I have a chance to observe fish irl.
  14. Looks great dude! Heavily planting from the start plays a really big role. Any plans for some shrimps? πŸ™‚
  15. I am just gonna make an assumption. I assume directly stating the ingredient percentage is not a must, unless the ingredient is named on the front side of the package. In that regard, it needs to be above a limit and the percentage needs to be stated on the ingredient list it seems. There was something like that on this site: https://vetskitchen.co.uk/blogs/our-vet-know-how/a-simple-guide-to-reading-pet-food-labels I've just noticed this while feeding Sera Spirulina Tabs and Tropical's free gifted 2gr spirulina flakes from my lfs. Both include the spirulina in their front package and both states the percentage of spirulina on the ingredient list πŸ€”
  16. I believe many do disagree of cpds still being easily affordable. There was a topic about this back then:
  17. Sounds okay to me. You seem to know what you are doing when it comes to maintaining your tank. As long as your fishies and snails are happy πŸ™‚ Shrimp barely have any bioload really, dw much about them. Pleco is the only one I would be concerned just a lil due to their size. What pleco do you have?
  18. Idk the percentages but NLS Algae Max Wafers has Chlorella, Ulva Seaweed, Red Seaweed, Kelp, Spirulina, and Wakame Seaweed. Not sure it meets your expectation as spirulina is on the lower side of the list but maybe you can check it out! But I have to mention, my fish LOVE NLS products but only snails were into Algaemax.
  19. I keep my room at 22C and 42g tank at 27C. I use 2 heaters myself in that tank. The truth is, it also depends on what fish you keep. I have black rams in that tank. If you keep species that are more fragile and expect to have much higher temp than the room temp you keep your tank in, it won't be enough, and will be constantly on trying to heat the tank. I'm not sure I can understand the electricity bill part in this regard. To keep the tank temp stable, 2 heaters will be turning on or off based on the tank temp, or, one almost always constantly running on trying to heat the tank nonstop. I am confused. Also if one breaks down, you will have no heater on hand.
  20. Spixis are adorable. The only place I can find them keep the aquarium section in horrible conditions so I don't wanna spend any money and support them. Otherwise I would get one for myself
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