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Matt B

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Everything posted by Matt B

  1. I 'cleaned'...lightly.. our 3.7 gal. shrimp tank, the Ziss air stone and nano sponge filter was in need of major cleaning. It's been 5 months... I think it looks cleaner...I can't tell which pic is before and which is after!
  2. 20 inch Aquarium Co-Op light on a 3.7gal cube...... Perfect fit!!
  3. 20 inch CO-OP light on a 3.7 gal cube..... Perfect fit!!
  4. Does anyone have any pics or videos of what this looks like? My heaters haven't started doing it yet and I'm all ready thinking of ways to hide it. I just know it will be irritating to me. . Is it something that can be covered up?
  5. I had to look up UPS. I'm old. Our backups are basically for other things, like a refrigerator, fans, coffee maker, cellphones., etc and it just works out we include the basic tank operations ( airstone sponge filters) We've had power outages no matter where we've lived over the years and it's nice to have some simple backups for us and the critters in the glass boxes.
  6. It's crazy all the different experiences everyone can have with what at first appears to be identical conditions. I haven't had one of these usb nano pumps quit yet! Pretty good for the price.. I'm sure it's just a matter of time, nothing lasts forever and I'm putting a couple to the test! Including 2 outside. One under a home made cover and another under a covered deck . No back flow preventers. So far so good. We will see what happens when the rainy season kicks in!
  7. I just hang them on the back of the tanks or on the HOB filters. A couple of air hose loops up high just in case ... don't want to drain a tank with a siphon if the power goes out.
  8. This is a subject right in line with some of my questions when it comes to bigger tanks! I was just looking into a 40gal breeder and what the best over-engineered stand would be. I was also curious about the metal frames and came across this stand that looks cool, but couldn't find a lot of info about it and the dimensions don't seem accurate. ?? Any thoughts?
  9. I use the nano pumps on 10 gal shrimp tanks. This one has been running a nano sponge filter for over 6 months non stop with no problems. I probably need to do some cleaning, but the shrimp don't care. I'm interested to hear how the little pumps do in a large tank...🤔
  10. Yes, Guppies are inevitable! I don't think taxes are. I stuggle with some physical limitations as well. So far, I've found that the Guppy/Endler hybrid adventures are crazy entertaining! I don't try to keep them from doing their thing. So it is mass chaos in the 20 long! Keeping it simple is hard to do in this hobby! I always want another tank and a new fish... even though I know there's no way to keep up with another one. I've actually been spending more time messing around with outdoor 20 gal wine barrel ponds. They are very forgiving. Simplifying is so hard to do !! 😅 I know your struggle!!
  11. These little floaters have some cool roots. Side by side with duckweed, its obvious how different Azolla is.
  12. Local nursery has gotten more odd and interesting decorative stone just in. Kind of wondering how red cherry shrimp would look crawling around on this color? 🤔 For some reason I can't just go get gravel at the fish store!
  13. Azolla filiculoides. Has anyone tried this incredible freshwater floating fern in an aquarium?
  14. @jasper5150 I put a bunch of male and female Guppies and Endlers together and just let them do their thing. I've got so many, I've been giving them away to friends and the local fish store.
  15. I went ahead and removed the sponge filter from the easy planter, cleaned it and it's back to being a normal filter. And the easy planter is now a planter... . Amazon fern. I noticed it functioned as an under gravel filter of sorts, pulling water and debris through the gravel, under the easy planter. There was quite a mess under the planter and in the sponge.. .
  16. Shrimpsqueaks saying: "Hey! Hey! Mr Mystery! That's shrimp food! Not snail food! Go eat your algea wafer!"....
  17. I have the 120ml dropper bottle that I refill from the 500ml bottle. I avoid the pump all together because useing the smaller bottle is just easier for me.
  18. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea I'm hopeing to eventually continue the Triops adventure With a little luck, some water, light and heat, more will hatch from the sand. 🤞
  19. After the last of the Triops reached the end of its short lifespan, I decided to turn the 3.7 gal into a shrimp tank. I've removed and dried the sand that I think has Triops eggs in it, (a project for a later date.). So far so good First time I've had a banana plant send up a lilly pad! And after having a dwarf aquarium lily for about six months, the bulb separated from the plants. I put it into the tank as well, and after several weeks it's starting to grow again! Such a cool plant! 😎 😁
  20. I have 3 ACO heaters! One started makeing a little noise when it turned on due to an airstone being to close, (getting air up in it).....fixed that. . Other than a little noise, they have always worked great and the digital temp display is very accurate. And it blends into the background nicely.
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