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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Thank you! I think I’ll be making a trip to Petco this weekend for a 20g long!
  2. do they eat the fry if there isn’t room or does the tank just become overcrowded? 20g long maybe my better option. Petco has them on sale now too! I’m thinking I’ll need to get a bigger tank
  3. So, I saw the YouTube video of Irene (Girl Talks Fish) preparing a 20g long for some Shell Dwellers she was gifted from @Zenzo (Tazawa Tanks) and I think I have found my new fish obsession. My question is: Could they be kept in a 10g tank? Irene had 6, I think, but originally was going to have 8. Would 4 (1 male, 3 females) be too many? Is it even possible in a 10 gallon? Is a group of 4 too little a group? I have so many questions!
  4. Did a water change and filter cleaning in the 5.5g Betta tank. Decided to try some Fluval Bug Bite flakes to see if my picky grumpy fish face would eat it. Turned my back for 2 minutes and suddenly, my ghost shrimp are now very easy to spot because they all had an obvious red carapace! Sneaky little buggers.
  5. Got it… which probably won’t be long because it’s a almost doubled it’s size since I put it in 😂
  6. Thank you! I thought about adding the red one back in, but decided against it because it’s not exactly “soft” and didn’t want to risk the Betta tearing his fins - he was the biggest reason for the switch to live plants
  7. I can’t find any info that’s different on persistent fin rot other than what’s already been discussed here. Though it seems that it’s not uncommon for Betta keepers to battle this disease quite often. Bettas are highly susceptible to FR. It seems the best approach is consistently clean water and the antibiotics / aquarium salt treatment already mentioned. And… it seems that taking several rounds is also quite common.
  8. Thank you! I look forward each morning to seeing where it’s at! and here is today’s progress
  9. Hopefully, you’ll get a sprout soon! But once you do, it grows fast!
  10. Good point about the almond leaves! I forgot to mention those! Every little bit will help this little guy!
  11. Have you seen this? Girl Talks Fish gives a really good vlog on how to use the Med Trio (by not following the package directions)
  12. I see! So, if my tank is low-tech but packed with plants, it’s probably still not considered “heavily planted”.
  13. Thank you! I tried to mimic a live planted tank with fake plants when I set it up… I was just too intimidated… but, I finally made the leap after advice from some awesome people and I like it much better now.
  14. It’s a broad spectrum antibiotic, but it is very expensive and not as commonly used as the “med trio”. I’m gonna see what I can find, so give a little bit. If we can’t figure it out, we’ll see if we can tag an admin to see what they think.
  15. This was my 29g “before” - 100 % plastic and silk plants and this is “after” - 100% LIVE plants!!! All of you awesome”nerms” convinced me that I needed not be intimidated by live plants and I’m grateful for all of the advice!
  16. I don’t think so, if he’s the only one in the tank. Let me do some research for a bit and see what we can figure out
  17. OK, when you quarantine.. do you do it in his current tank or in a separate qt tank? The reason I ask is if you put him in a separate tank and it's a bacterial issue in the current tank that isn't treated, it could just be reinfecting in. but if he's being treated in his 'home tank' then that's not the problem... and we're back to square one 🤥
  18. If it were me, I'd just come out and ask the Landlord about it. Better to know upfront if it's allowed than to get thee, set up tanks and then find out it's not and risk it.I've had Landlords that were fine as long as the tank(s) were 5 gallons and under... I've had Landlords that were absolutely against it... it just depends. But, if they have a 'no pet' policy... I take it as NO pets until you can confirm with the Landlord if an aquarium would be acceptable
  19. Hmmm... is there anything in the tank that he might be constantly injuring his fins on? Other than that, I wish I could help. but something must be contributing to his chronic ailment... I just... can't think of what it could be other than continuous fin damage or continuous stress? Are there any live plants in the tank? Any plastic ones? Does he have a hideout he can go to if he's feeling insecure? 80 degrees is at the high end of the temp for a Betta (I realize you are trying to treat for a bacteria) but it might stress him out. I keep both of mine at 78 F without issue.Sorry, just trying to help you figure this out.
  20. I wish there were other Fish Enthusiasts closer to me.... I'd definitely attend the Fish B-Day party But... I'm all alone in my hobby as far as I know. Most people with Aquariums here are Salt Water Tanks and they pay other people to clean and care for them.
  21. When you tried the Aquarium salt, how did you dose? I ask because my little guy went through a really bad bout of FR.. I ended up removing him from the tank and placing him in a 3 gallon QT tank with just a sponge filter and a Betta leaf. I started out with 1 TBS for the 3 gallons. I did a 50% water change daily with premixed water with aquarium salt so that the ratio was correct. I continued this for 7 days to see if there was improvement. When I didn't see any, I increased the dose to Level (1 TBS per 3 gallons which would be 1 and 1/2 TBS for a 3 gallon tank) and continued with 50% water changes daily for the next 7 days. Finally, I increased the dose to 1 TBS per gallon for the next 7 days, continuing the 50% water changes daily for 7 days. That seemed to help. Then I changed 30% of the water with just de-chlorinated water and waited 5-7 days to make sure it didn't come back... then did another 30% and watched for another 5-7 days, and finally, I did a third and final 30% water change and waited and watched for another 5-7 days before moving him back into his tank. I definitely cleared the FR. there is a guide on ACO Blog about doing the Aquarium Salt method if you want to take a look. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish
  22. Ok, I see where people can keep a few more fish than usual in a highly planted tank or that there’s less water changes, more filtration and so forth… but, how do you know if a tank is highly planted??? I mean, is there a formula? Like so many plants per gallon?
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