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Everything posted by DiscusLover

  1. You can find rams on online websites but can be a bit pricy, I am currently raising some midnight fry right now I could ship some if you are close to california...
  2. those rams would be called blue blacks, they can be bred to make midnights
  3. Ghost catfish tend to be very skittish and can be sensitive to certain water parameters changing. I recommend to have some cover for them. Keep a group of 7-8 and it should work fine. Like any other fish they might eat the shrimp. Keep fish that are not aggressive at all, tetras or corys will work great with the ghost catfish. Ghost catfish will eat anything the fish hobby provides, flakes, live foods, frozen, etc.
  4. I personally would add a red tailed shark or a pictus catish. Since its a african cichlid tank stocking option is limited
  5. Normally when trying to breed rams, you keep either an extra male or female because rams tend to be very aggressive during spawning even the pairs can fight, so the reason why you add an extra ram is to place that aggression on something else rather then the pairs fighting. I do that with my midnight rams.
  6. Woo! Goodluck with that, breeding rams is extremely fun. I recommend to keep that temperature at least in the 80s I recommend 82, I keep that temp in my tanks with rams and they do perfectly fine. I recommend keeping the group all together in the tank, this way the other rams can be used as dither. To really have good hatch rates I recommend to have an rodi to lower that hardness, because rams will do okay, not thrive, but the eggs will most likely not hatch.
  7. You normally do not put those two fish together, it is either you do a betta tank, or a honey gourami tank. Like all gouramis there are still micro aggression when it comes to territory and for that reason its no ideal to keep those two together.
  8. I personally think that if you have a small group of kuhli, they tend to be a little bit more skittish. Before in my 55 I had around 5, never saw them once, once i added 9 more they started becoming more brave and they came out even when it was day. Your kuhli loaches will be eating, they are scavengers and at night will come out to look for small particles through your substrate.
  9. I have also lost a couple angelfish in the past because of bloating, I honestly think that its just the angelfish itself that has issues. I would feed a lot and one angelfish would do fine but the other would start developing bloat and slowly die. If overfeeding just remember to keep the water pristine, because water quality can also lead to bloating.
  10. I have had cherry barbs and buenos aires tetras(notorious fin nippers) with my angels before, I believe that it can be a hit or miss sometimes. I believe you just need a really large group for them not to be curious and nip at angels.
  11. Yes a 2.5 gallon is fine for shrimp it is 5 shrimp per 1 gallon.
  12. If they have been recently added it will take a couple weeks for them to establish themselves in the tank and regrow. Most likely the leaves you see are melting and new stems should grow.
  13. Flashing isn't always related with health issues, it is a natural behavior fish have. Flashing once or twice everynow and then is normal. But if you notice lots of flashing in a single day then that means it could be health issues.
  14. Any dwarf cichlid will be aggressive when they breed. Bolivan rams and kribs are easy to breed, cories and panda garra might get attacked but thats only when spawning
  15. gbrs and most tetras are naturally soft water fish, even though you keep them in hard water they will slowly die off without you even noticing them falling apart. As a person with hard water I use to have them in my tap(before I got an rodi) and they fell apart 2 months after being added to the tank. I also have sae in my main tank with rams and I do not believe a sae would go for your rams, the sae usually are aggressive towards their own kind. I also would bump up the stocking of your tetras because each tetra needs at least 6
  16. Oh I see, try finding some on aquabid or online, there are really good deals for pairs. 84-86 is where most rams are kept to show the best colors but they burn out in a year, keeping them at 80-82 will still show great colors and keep them living longer
  17. Angelfish are known for being aggressive towards other angels I haven't heard of a pair being too agressive to each other
  18. I believe your confusing neons with their cousins green neons. Unlike neons, green neons prefer warmer temperatures which is stated on the internet and from other fish keepers that I have talked with. They are kept in high 70s to high 80s some even stating the 90s as well. Neons however prefer cooler 72-77. Cardinals I do agree with
  19. Its mixed answers from what I have seen and how I had some in the past, I believe a better alternative would be green neon tetras which can handle hotter temps. I agree with this, a lot of swim space for the tetras and schooling wouuld be great, in my opinion you should try adding another pair of rams @evilgenius
  20. Rummy and xray should be fine ember tetras would not do well cause they like high 70s and would be pushing it for 82.
  21. golden pearlscale angelfish nice looking angels Im not sure if they are a pair so be aware of aggression
  22. Camallanus worms are very thin and red color so no it is not
  23. You might need to find a longer tank with more length, looking at those large size parrots tank is really cramped. Althought its a 60 tall it looks very cramped for both to be in there.
  24. I got my first pair off of aquabid, second pair was a local meetup!
  25. Just found this, hmm my talents I am trilingual and I am a pilot at 17 years old who manages to have fish and be in the sky. 😄
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