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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Who doesn’t love fry. Show us your fry! I LOVE BABY WET PETS! pygmy Cory Melini cory Lemon bn pleco Aspidora spilotus I found like 5 survived the parents Apisto caucatoides triple reds African dwarf frogs more left than I thought 🤣 Celestial pearl danios
    4 points
  2. I have fry currently but none are as unique as my axolotl fry I have right now! He is a wild morph.
    4 points
  3. This could be fun. Let’s see what I can find: Panda Angel wigglers Panda Angels barely free swimming Panda Angels starting to look like tiny Angels Baby Panda Angels! Bristlenose Pleco’s yolk sac almost gone Baby Bristlenose Pleco’s! Julii Cory’s Albino Cory’s just hatched Baby Albino Cory’s! Whole gang of Krib fry. Pygmy Cory Man, I used to take soooooo many pictures of fry. Had to scroll way back on the camera roll to find a lot of these. Need to get back to taking more pictures.
    4 points
  4. Just a quick update here. Petco accepted the return no questions. Of the 3 75 gallon tanks that were on display not a single one had the issues mine had so I'm glad I returned it if not for some peace of mind.
    4 points
  5. For those who may not have seen it.... Get your clickers ready. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/filtration/products/easy-flow-sponge-filter-upgrade-kit For those running the nano filters, I am not sure what the discrepancy is, but just a heads up regarding fitment compatibility.
    3 points
  6. As your seeing improvement keep going with the kanaplex after a course of kanaplex if your still having issues I would switch over to maracyn2
    3 points
  7. One time, I placed an order and immediately realized I forgot the add the algae scrubbers to my cart. I emailed them, Candi promptly got back to me, and sent me a separate invoice. I got that paid immediately, and 2 or 3 days later my package arrived with the algae scrubbers. They really are THAT good!
    3 points
  8. Crushed coral in a media bag if you have a power filter, or put a handful behind some decor if you don't want to see it. You can mix it in the substrate if you want as well. Aragonite sand that is marketed for the saltwater side of the hobby will help as well. I have also heard of people using crushed eggs shells sprinkles in the tank. Wash and dry them well and crush them up. But, with your water, I would just keep up with regular water changes and you should be good to go.
    3 points
  9. Anyone here raised fry from this fish?
    2 points
  10. Crisis averted…temporarily. I lifted the plate and siphoned him out with a wide hose. New issue..so much gravel under the plate it will not work properly. Issue… 2 Pygmy spawns of fry 3 melini spawns of fry and dad pleco should release his latest wigglers tomorrow. I saw one scooting about. This one was from the previous spawn. 🙄 sigh. I was wanting to put sand in it EVENTUALLY… not now… not soon but eventually. So next weeks lfs cricket run includes several bags of sand 😝 this ought to be a project and a half. Here is the culprit after being siphoned into a bucket. He now lives in my CPD/ miscellaneous other Cory fry grow out tank. Community fry tanks are fun at least
    2 points
  11. the one "fry" i have right now. Albino Cory. Not quite the fry anymore, but very small and i consider him a fry based on care. He has a odd spine defect and that seems to have affected his growth so he is alone in the breeder box:
    2 points
  12. Totally fake plant but a darn nice one. I think it looks nice. Though I know you as tank owner will always see only the missing fern and fake replacement. GRACE 😍😍😍
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. I'm hoping someone can either help ease my mind or tell me to return this tank. I purchased this about a week and a half ago at Petco and quickly noticed a few bubbles where the glass seams meet (see pictures). I'm terrified the seams will give way and spill 75g on my floor in my new house. If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it a lot. The first pictures bubble is about an inch and a half long and if I push the glass together it reduces its size (then comes back when I push outward on the glass). The second (which I'm less worried about) is on another panel where the glass meets and is a hole you can see from the outside. I leak tested for over 2 days, but I'm scared it'll just burst months down the road. It really is a shame because the panels are lined up perfectly on all sides.
    2 points
  15. I agree with @AllFishNoBrakes. I took somewhere around 100 shrimp from a heavily planted 5.5 gallon tank earlier this year, and that was nowhere near all of them.
    2 points
  16. Thank you everyone, I will be returning it today :/. What a pain, worth the peace of mind if it gives me that though. Here is to hoping they have a good one in stock.
    2 points
  17. Glad everyone enjoyed Hidden Rivers, it is easily my favorite documentary and one of my favorite films! Thanks again to @Fish Folk for getting a group membership!
    2 points
  18. You won’t test nitrite or ammonia because they ship with a chemical that locks the ammonia and nitrite. It can’t interact with anything even tester chemicals. Nitrate is high because in the 48 hours the fish were still producing waste, albeit at a slower rate. This is generally why you see Cory putting a net over a bucket and adding the fish to the tank dry. All that waste is best not added to your fish tank. Even reputable brands cannot get fish to stop pooping and there is so little water that it amplifies your tester results. PPM is density of a given chemical. And with so little water the density will always be higher than say a 1500 gallon stock tank
    2 points
  19. It took this person 107 spawns to get fry! Too bad they don't give detail on how they accomplished it. 😞 These guys are tad larger than most apistos. The males can get to about 5". In my experience, they don't really seem interested in eating BBS. I fed mine culled neocaridina shrimp and/or live California blackworms when I wanted to fatten them for spawning.
    2 points
  20. The second pic bubbles I see often. I tend not to worry. It’s the first pic that worries me. It looks like the surface was not properly cleaned prior to silicone addition. While the inner silicone layer will hold them the glass edges need to be bonded well. If I were building a tank and I saw this after the cure, I would 100% pull it apart and retry.
    2 points
  21. You will be 100% fine. Small air bubbles are totally normal (as long as they are not excessive), and the corner in the first pic, the part your worried about is well sealed by the caulk bead on the inside of the aquarium. There is plenty of perfectly adhered silicon where those two edges meet that I doubt the bond will fail in any way. If that pocket expands over time, then yeah, be worried. If it remains the same size, you're 100% fine. I agree that they are structure weakening (well the small bubbles aren't), but to an extent that one needs to worry? Most likely not. But if you would rather sleep well knowing the bonds are perfect, then return it for your own piece of mind, and examine the replacement before taking it out of the store. My overall philosophy is, even if the product works, if you're not happy with it because of a return-worthy defect, then return it. Get exactly what you paid for. That's totally within your rights as a purchaser. I've sealed a few tanks and done enough home renovations (working with caulk in many ways) to know how strong its bond is. Those little air bubbles, totally normal as long as they are not excessive. Am I a structural engineer? Nope. But I'm confident in my claims. HOWEVER . . . I would return it for this reason alone. I agree 100% with that sentiment.
    2 points
  22. I’m starting a new shrimp system also. How I drip the new water in is with a cleaned out plastic gallon milk jug with a small hole poked into the bottom edge. I then just fill that in my water change bucket and let it sit o. The rim of the tank. Let gravity do the job and I don’t have to watch it. Mark’s shrimp suggested feeding food that is basically powder so it falls all over the tank. I haven’t had any losses in this newest set up. Good luck 👍
    2 points
  23. Usually I say let it ride. But those ones are not just factory defects, they are structure weakening. Return it.
    2 points
  24. Snoop has taken a liking to Snellos. But I also make sure I get some vibra bites or frozen foods down to her too. Plus her sand sifting hobby gets her some noms.
    2 points
  25. Yeah, I had seen that post. Nobody seems to have a real great answer. Maybe that is because there really isn't a good answer other than speculation. I can't stomach the chance of having thousands of dollars of damage in my house so I might call Acqueon tomorrow and see what they say about it. Depending on their answer I guess my next step would be to go inspect the tanks at Petco and see how many suffer from something similar. If most of them do I would have to assume it is par for the course and must be cosmetic only. If the other tanks don't have the issue I guess I'll try and return it and get a new one.
    2 points
  26. With that tap water and routine water changes, you should be fine.
    2 points
  27. I see only 1 problem with this. With my ADHD brain I often forget to add something to my order. How can I add it after the fact if they are this good? Haha. I'm just playing. Ofc it's better this way. I'm just trying to be difficult haha
    2 points
  28. Top pics of a Zebra Danio spawn (BBS really helps); and bottom one is of the smallest betta spawn ever.
    2 points
  29. Managed to get decent photos of 2 of the 4 cross river puffers. They are a pretty cool interactive species. This has been the hardest project so far but they are beginning to find their calm with eachother. Lots of plants, lots of food, lots of space, and even more plants and coop planters Less decent of the other 2
    2 points
  30. I'm going to guess it's a "coin" type given the leaf shape. The common one is Anubias Barteri Round/coin.
    2 points
  31. Should be good to go. The air stone provides a nice circulation/flow (not as good as the tumbler in my opinion, but still really nice) and my Ziss breeder box has no holes that the fry can escape through. The mesh on the sides is fine enough to allow water to flow through, but not fry to swim out in my experience. Shout out to @mountaintoppufferkeeper for the more technical/actual size of the mesh and eggs! Also with the tip to roll the eggs on the plastic so other fish aren’t picking at them through the mesh. Brilliant.
    2 points
  32. @Fresh Princess Cool congrats. The Ziss box is safe for the sterbai and puffers i have hatched in them. It is a very fine mesh (0.7 millimeter = 0.0276" = 22 gauge) sterbai eggs are typically laid at 2mm so way larger than the mesh and the fry here have been bigger than that once they hatch out I have done the ziss most often for sterbai. I generally roll the eggs onto the plastic portions of the inside of the box so that other fish do not try and eat them through the mesh. The mesh is small enough that puffer fry dont get out maybe a little bigger than a new hached baby brineshrimp. ThIs is a breeding ring but same idea. I will feed in the ziss or ring until i think they are ready to be released. The ziss has great flow ive hatched a high percentage of sterbai eggs just with that. I also have used the specimine container and 2 drops of methelyne blue i will hang it inside the tank to keep temperature if i do that method and start changing water as soon as hatching begins I am a big fan of java moss in the breeder box for cover and some micro food options for the fry
    2 points
  33. Im feeling a bit awkward putting isopod stuff on my journal, and my info thread isnt a good place for me to journal either, so here's a new journal. Im a complete newbie to isopods, im planning on Armidilidum Maculatum, or Zebras. My container is a 9gallon, 18x10.5x11. Im generally following the guidelines of this video but my substrate is a bit different: This is the substrate Serpa reccomends (im basing mine off of it): Im pretty much using those ratios, but im using Potting soil instead of topsoil, and the coco chips are outside my budget. (the potting soil has coco fiber in it already). Im waiting for the Sphagnum and Orchid bark to arrive in the mail but i put everything else together already. I also think i may need to order more potting soil, i didnt quite realize how much of it i needed and it was a half full bag, fortunately its pretty cheap. I havent really done any ventilation holes yet because i havent quite decided on the species and dont want to make any mistakes (i only have one bin). My substrate so far (unit is ACO catch cup full): 3units potting soil 1/2 unit sand 1/2 unit charcoal. This is what it looks like: Not too deep, which is why i think ill need multiple rounds of this mixture to get a good depth. Thats the disadvantage of a bigger container, it needs more substrate. I think it will take me 1 or 2 more rounds of my mixture to get the depth that i want. Ventilation wise most of the species im looking at are medium to high ventilation species. So i though 2 big holes on the lid on the dry side, and a few smaller holes going the short way across the dry side, then no holes in the hydration station. Id cover the holes with a fine netting to keep things out, though its not a gasket container so that might make no difference. I plan on getting this all setup now and getting the springtail culture very established, then ill add isopods later when i have a budget for it. I have various botanicals and leaves collected for this too. Which leads to my next problem. A week or two ago i went out collecting leafs and magnolia pods for the setup, i boiled them to make sure they were safe then set them out to dry. After a day or two i thought they were dry and put them in storage. I was wrong, the magnolia pods were still wet and are now covered in a fuzz. Would this be harmful to springtails or isopods, or would it just be another food source?
    1 point
  34. If you see improvement with just salt before the kanaplex arrives than I wouldn't treat with the kanaplex
    1 point
  35. I would treat the hole tank to be on the safe side with ick X and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt will add back in essential electrolytes gradually raise the temperature to 82 to speed up the life cycle of parasite add an extra air stone during treatment@skinzz
    1 point
  36. Could be an injury you can get white patches with columnaris that a gram negative bacterial infections that spreads more quickly at temperatures over 75 what I would as you have it in quarantine is treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon and I would starting treatment with kanaplex he's a dosing guide for small tank volumes
    1 point
  37. The fish and snails that I brought home from the Keystone Clash are doing well. The baby GBR’s name is Booker, a tip of the hat to Shepherd Book, of course. Fiesty little guy! I barely see River, but I do have a couple pictures of her, finally, she seems pale and skittish. Least Killis! They are the perfect occupants for the Blue Dream 2.5! It’s perfect. That tank is finished now. Gorgeous. I’ll have to get some pictures. They’re very shy, but I’m able to catch glimpses, and make sure they are eating. What cuties! Wizard snails joined the others from @Guppysnail in Jacaranda, and seem to be doing well. I see them often while I’m working, they’re fascinating. Victor and Victoria are doing great! And Violetta is the prettiest little duchess ever. Alba is still going strong! Still doing her thing, vertical in the bubbles in her spare time. Cyan and Albion are still doing well too. Lovely boys. Pond tubs got heaters. I removed 2 of the males, and they are in Jar C, whose previous occupant went into the Mutt Guppy tub. All 3 females are in the 5 gallon outside, which has a heater, and needs to be brought inside very badly. As does the other one, and the tubs. Lots to do, and of course I have the Con Crud. Every convention ever has been followed with the crud, which I remember now, from all the years I went to DragonCon in Atlanta. Next meetings and next year I’ll do better. I had NO idea how cool that was going to be, and I was just like a wide-eyed kid in a candy shop. Next year I want to help the club, but I’ll have to remember that 6 hours is probably a couple hours beyond my max in that heat. And next year I want to go to the auction!! I have still never been to a fish auction. Would love to see one. Would love to get rid of some guppies. I’ll probably be catching them out of the tubs next week. The CPDs in the Blue-Gold Doublesword tank are going to go to GuppySnail this weekend. AquaShella is the other convention I would like to go to someday.
    1 point
  38. Ok, so, you might be able to use RR. Empty the tank of water, fill it with enough seltzer (or Diet Coke if that is cheaper 😉 ) to cover gravel and plants, throw a towel over it and leave it over night. It should kill everything, including snails and algae. Then, just use tissue cultures for plants.
    1 point
  39. Work for the tank done for the week. I did another deep clean on the tank due to the detritus, worms, and botanicals being a bit messy. They were "at that point" where they are turning to powder. This photo is from the day prior, and it was just some motivation to remove as much junk in the sand as possible. There's also the typical other worms I've been dealing with forever in my tanks that are much smaller, free swimming little buggers. I will need to add some white clouds or something to the tank eventually, given that I can't add swordtails to this one. It doesn't appear I'll have fry and I just need something I can keep in there long term and enjoy. I treated the mopani for BBA using the brush / peroxide technique, removed the shells of the leaves so that I could scrape the wall, cleaned the glass extremely thoroughly, tried to re-attach some of the anubias to the holes in the stones, culled out ~2 of the off-gene shrimp from the colony, and I went ahead and attached more moss to the side of the tank using the seaweed clips. I was at the big box store looking for a 20L tank, apparently they don't sell those now, and I found 2 potentially interesting things there. They had one piece of mopani that was a good 14" long or so, very narrow, but it was a nice flat long piece. It would've been wonderful to add to the tall tank here and to see how it looked. I may end up going back for it, but I was quickly distracted by the bag of stone at the store. One of their bags of dragonstone was cut up and cracked, while the other was large size pieces and looked really good! IDK, I just walked away a big frustrated and unsure of what to do. I would rather go spend that $$$ on plants, buce, moss, and try to get more things on the side of the tank as opposed to just adding a chunk of hardscape. It's the feeling that if I want to make the tank properly nice I would need to swap it out for a different tank entirely (that they didn't have) and I would need to go ahead and actually scape it. The plan for now is to keep an eye on nitrates (per @Chick-In-Of-TheSea's advice) due to losing 2 shrimp in the past 2 weeks. So far they seem to be in the 10-20ppm range, but I will re-test here tonight. If I keep experiencing issues, I may have to find a way to actually drip water back in, but it's not those sorts of deaths I am seeing. Behavior looks fine, color is amazing, shell health probably could be better and I am working on adjusting up my feeding right now. I want to get to a point of daily feeding and I think the colony size is such that it demands that right now. Pictures incoming, when I can get them.
    1 point
  40. Mine was the same way.... 😂. He would wait for the active fish to go away then would go in or he'd do what the amano's do and strike first, try to run back to his little territory with the spoils.
    1 point
  41. Been there. This caused me to either hatch in the Ziss Tumbler and then move them to a 2.5 gallon tank with a small (seasoned) sponge filter and Java moss, or hatch in the tumbler and then move them to the Ziss breeder box.
    1 point
  42. She does have a personality and tries to get my attention even when I’m across the room. But she also acts like a dum dum at times too. For example, when I’m feeding a tank, there will be 18 fish going after food and she doesn’t realize there is food. She is just milling about.
    1 point
  43. If you really wanted to get rid of anything with a shell in your tank, maybe pea puffers?
    1 point
  44. My last order was acknowledged received by the shipper about 12 hours after the order was placed. Order was placed after 5:00 pm on a FRIDAY EVENING! I didn’t expect to hear anything other than the automated “We received your order” email until Monday. Nope, already at the shipper on a Saturday. Phenomenal service!
    1 point
  45. I’d get a negative for how many times I’ve replanted jungle Val in my angelfish tank. It seems it might be settling in this time. Maybe. It’s in the most out of the way corner trying to keep the angels out of it until it can establish. It still gets light since there’s a light right above it. It should, theoretically be doing great, getting tall, spreading out from behind that rock (which is the look I’m hoping for), but NOOooooooOOOOOOOOoooooo! Just keep on struggling ya dratted plants!
    1 point
  46. What is your stocking in the tank? I like to put in a fish that eats them and let them go to town, however they are not necessarily compatible with every tank setup. I like yoyo loaches personally
    1 point
  47. i still need to get all my substrate together before i can start with botanicals or springtails. I also need to order some cork hides or possibly create my own wood arches. Also while im just waiting for isopods, maybe i could try some Moss on the moister side. Ive heard Zebras will eat plants, but maybe if i get it pretty established i can make it work. Also im thinking if i get impatient on the zebras maybe just try some wilds from outside?
    1 point
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