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How did everyone find Aquarium Co-Op?

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I was thinking about this last night after watching some of the 1 Million Subscriber live stream. How did everyone find Aquarium Co-Op in their fishkeeping journey? 

For me it was summer of 2018. I had never kept fish before but once my soon-to-be wife and I moved together she brought a Betta in a Bowl. I never really liked the bowl so I suggested an upgrade so we went to PetSmart and got one of those 2 gallon top fin hex tanks for the Betta. The Betta wasn't doing so well with the transition and eventually passed. We thought to replace it with a couple of fish so I think we got a black moly, and red platy, and a common pleco. (I know). Definitely was dealing with new tank and cycling so was doing regular water changes and trying chemicals nothing really working. I am researching and trying to figure out how to save the fish. Ended up finding the Aquarium Co-Op podcast on my podcast player, searched for the different topics and enjoyed the content and it helped a lot. Patience was definitely key to setting up a new aquarium. That 2 gallon quickly became a 10 gallon and I put a heater and an aqua clear 20 and everything became a lot easier. Then in December of that year the tank popped a seam and 10 gallons of water ended up all over my bedroom floor. Thankfully I caught it early enough and all the fish survived. I had a tank cycling in my unfinished basement that we mainly used for storage and over the next 5 years the basement because a fish room where I know have 13 tanks of various fish and other aquatic creatures and it all started with a betta in a bowl. 

I also eventually found out that the podcast was a YouTube channel and through guests on the show it lead to Steenfott Aquatics, KG Tropicals which lead to Dan's fish and PrimeTIme Aquatics. 

It's been quite a process but its a great hobby to be a part of. 

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On 2/12/2024 at 9:29 AM, Andrew Puhr said:

I was thinking about this last night after watching some of the 1 Million Subscriber live stream. How did everyone find Aquarium Co-Op in their fishkeeping journey? 

For me it was summer of 2018. I had never kept fish before but once my soon-to-be wife and I moved together she brought a Betta in a Bowl. I never really liked the bowl so I suggested an upgrade so we went to PetSmart and got one of those 2 gallon top fin hex tanks for the Betta. The Betta wasn't doing so well with the transition and eventually passed. We thought to replace it with a couple of fish so I think we got a black moly, and red platy, and a common pleco. (I know). Definitely was dealing with new tank and cycling so was doing regular water changes and trying chemicals nothing really working. I am researching and trying to figure out how to save the fish. Ended up finding the Aquarium Co-Op podcast on my podcast player, searched for the different topics and enjoyed the content and it helped a lot. Patience was definitely key to setting up a new aquarium. That 2 gallon quickly became a 10 gallon and I put a heater and an aqua clear 20 and everything became a lot easier. Then in December of that year the tank popped a seam and 10 gallons of water ended up all over my bedroom floor. Thankfully I caught it early enough and all the fish survived. I had a tank cycling in my unfinished basement that we mainly used for storage and over the next 5 years the basement because a fish room where I know have 13 tanks of various fish and other aquatic creatures and it all started with a betta in a bowl. 

I also eventually found out that the podcast was a YouTube channel and through guests on the show it lead to Steenfott Aquatics, KG Tropicals which lead to Dan's fish and PrimeTIme Aquatics. 

It's been quite a process but its a great hobby to be a part of. 

I discovered it last month! I have kept fish for 2 years and have ordered from them lots of times!!! Best company ever @Andrew Puhr

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I'm a local - and was trying to use Google Maps to find aquarium stores. Their algorithm was effectively only showing me Petcos... what a joke. Why in the world does a low-rated chain store appear whilst a 4.9 star rated store with thousands more reviews not show up? I ended up finding them by zooming in on particular areas around the Greater Seattle Area and re-searching. Found it tagged finally... but no name appears on the map for the pin! Come on Google. I think I was searching through the list view when I finally found it. I was gobsmacked that this little fish store has 4000+ reviews and wasn't appearing, and the nearby Petco with 1000 reviews and a poorer rating does. Live and die by the internet and SEO, I suppose.

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On 2/12/2024 at 1:10 PM, Maximus said:

I'm a local - and was trying to use Google Maps to find aquarium stores. Their algorithm was effectively only showing me Petcos... what a joke. Why in the world does a low-rated chain store appear whilst a 4.9 star rated store with thousands more reviews not show up? I ended up finding them by zooming in on particular areas around the Greater Seattle Area and re-searching. Found it tagged finally... but no name appears on the map for the pin! Come on Google. I think I was searching through the list view when I finally found it. I was gobsmacked that this little fish store has 4000+ reviews and wasn't appearing, and the nearby Petco with 1000 reviews and a poorer rating does. Live and die by the internet and SEO, I suppose.

@Maximus This is good feedback. @bnaturally and I will look into if there is anything we can optimize to help it stand out on the nearby maps.

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On 2/12/2024 at 5:08 PM, Dancing Matt said:

I started with a betta and a thrift store tank. I did some initial research but only after I got the fish did, I really fall down the COOP rabbit hole. I also started in 2018 (winter).

Awesome! I love AC. @Cory has like the most helpful vids ever and I wouldn’t have the fish I have now without ACs vids. The plant videos are the best IMO

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I probably found and got started with aquariumcoop because i was too ignorant to my own benefit.

2years ago, around November 2021, i was watching videos about good beginner fish because i was new to the hobby back then. At some point in the video Cory put in a little ad about the aquariumcoop sponge filters. Fast foward 3months later, i want a filter that is safe for platy fry and is quiet to replace my HOB. I had decided that sponge filters were probably a good option but had no clue where to get one. I remembered back to the Aquariumcoop video and Cory said they made sponge filters, so i ordered a medium sponge filter, airline tubing, ziss air stone, and a nano air pump and i was hooked.



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On 2/15/2024 at 7:50 PM, Charestv said:

I found aquarium co op from the YouTube channel searching after I got a tank and had issues with it. So far everyone here was extremely welcoming and helpful

Yes I love their channel. All of it is SUPER SUPER helpful! They reached a million subs too! Incredible!


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I was getting back in the hobby after a 20 year hiatus and I went on YouTube and started watching videos about fishkeeping and @Cory made an appearance on K&G Tropicals to talk about aquarium plants and I instantly became interested in keeping live plants in my new aquarium and the rest is history.  ACO has made fishkeeping for me easy and enjoyable to the point where I went from a HOB to a sponge filter and I'm not sure if I would ever go back to a HOB.  Also I could never see myself not having live plants in any of my fish tanks because not only do they add beauty to any tank but of the benefits of keeping them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/20/2024 at 4:13 AM, TMartins said:

I was getting back in the hobby after a 20 year hiatus and I went on YouTube and started watching videos about fishkeeping and @Cory made an appearance on K&G Tropicals to talk about aquarium plants and I instantly became interested in keeping live plants in my new aquarium and the rest is history

This is my story to a T as well….  Though I must say I never watch KG tropicals anymore.  While I find I don’t agree whole heartedly with a lot of Aquarium co op advice, I love a lot of their products and love buying from the Co op…. 

If the co op is selling a product I want it is my first choice company to purchase from by a longshot…

Edited by Pepere
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@Pepere How do you respond directly to someone’s post like you just did with mine and show the persons quote??  I’ve been trying to figure that out…thanks and sorry for going off topic…

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On 3/10/2024 at 7:14 AM, TMartins said:

How do you respond directly to someone’s post

Just highlight and it usually just asks if you want to quote something from someone. I, for the longest time had no idea how to @. Someone. Then I tried it. And…. Boy that was just…. You have to be kidding me…. I think I felt about 3inches tall 🤣

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On 3/10/2024 at 7:22 AM, Tony s said:

Just highlight and it usually just asks if you want to quote something from someone. I, for the longest time had no idea how to @. Someone. Then I tried it. And…. Boy that was just…. You have to be kidding me…. I think I felt about 3inches tall 🤣

Thanks @Tony s you made my day!!! 😂

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For me it was YouTube. Specifically, I found the med trio guide first, then the gravel vac tips and tricks vids. I credit Cory with kickstarting me onto the "right path" for fish keeping and also peaking my curiosity to finally try plants. And I never looked back 🙂 .

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I was on a discord and someone mentioned the "reverse respiration" method for treating plants/tanks, and it sounded familiar, so I had to look it up.


after having seen how much work was put into exploring that method...  the kind of work that I never had time to do, but always wanted to...  well, y'all certainly have my attention!


is there a good place for a post on collecting and creating new live food cultures?  I don't mean getting a starter culture from someone...  I mean going out and collecting something new, and starting a culture of some critter that nobody has ever tried before?  


I have a few...

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On 3/10/2024 at 11:40 AM, Auban said:

I was on a discord and someone mentioned the "reverse respiration" method for treating plants/tanks, and it sounded familiar, so I had to look it up.


after having seen how much work was put into exploring that method...  the kind of work that I never had time to do, but always wanted to...  well, y'all certainly have my attention!


is there a good place for a post on collecting and creating new live food cultures?  I don't mean getting a starter culture from someone...  I mean going out and collecting something new, and starting a culture of some critter that nobody has ever tried before?  


I have a few...

Like, staring a topic @Auban?

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On 3/10/2024 at 1:33 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Like, staring a topic @Auban?

I guess... yeah.  


an example is my ostracods that I culture. they are a desert species that get big enough to be suitable for adult guppies, and I have had a lot of success raising killifish on them.  


as far as I know, I am the only person that has ever bothered to figure out how to mass produce them. I collected them from a dry depression in Arizona.

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