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Ivanacara Bimaculata Breeding

Desktop Aquatics

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Hey everyone! I got my pair of ivanacara bimaculata about 3-4 weeks ago been wanting these fish for over a year since I laid my eyes in them! These have been a huge part of my hobby I’ve been keeping ivanacara adoketa for over a year but getting the second species has been a dream!!! After keeping them and slowly dropping their PH to 5.2 and boom breeding! 


I’ll keep this thread updated as the fry grow out but I love these fish and am extremely excited to get these growing out and sharing with others! Here’s also a pic of their breeding tank 


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@Beardedbillygoat1975funny you say that! I actually got this pair from him! I know him from Instagram, I was luckily enough to be  crazy about that genus right when he started to share his online and I was always keeping a tank open ready to accept them! they are an amazing fish I can't wait to get these fry growing out and sending them to more breeders!

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  • 2 months later...

@mynameisnobody do I have the update for you!!! The Fry are growing out quickly, recently they were moved into their grow out tank I have roughly 50-60 fry that are all around .25"-.5". The parents are currently courting I need to start lowering their PH again I bring it down to 5ph to get them breeding and as the fry grow out I have been letting it creep back into the high 6's. I haven't tried transitioning to Tap water yet mostly because they already need such low PH's and low TDS and my water is harder than a rock.... I'll try and remember to use the forums more I am mostly on my Instagram posting updates!




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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...


The first batch are sexable! They doing very well I have been selling them from my instagram. I have started posting pairs available on aquabid as well! Here’s a few pics of the juveniles in their grow out as well as the parents and their 2nd batch of fry!



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What I can say from my experience is they breed incredibly easy. My set started breeding a month after i purchased them (I have 7 in a 65); my condition is kh 0 gh near 0; tds is probably below 30 but ii should measure it; temp is 81. My understanding from others who keep them is they will do fine in harder water but breeding might be an issue. They colour up when brooding but i'm not sure about colouring otherwise as my group is very young. I don't have an exact age as that data was not available but my guess is less than a year. While the parents defend the brooding location otherwise violence is rather mild.

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@anewbie you are spot on with alot of this info!

So I have sold a bunch and they tend to live well in almost any water hard soft and PH's as high as 7.8. This however is fine for just keeping if you want them to breed they need it to be soft water with lower PH's. The eggs don't hatch or the only live for a day or so when not kept in soft water with PH's in the 5-6. They are super hardy and breed like rabbits when the water parameters are good. So these guys do prefer cooler temps but they will do fine with some heat but I don't use a heater with them in the winter they were acting completely normal and bred for me when their tank was at 68 in the winter. 

Coloring wise when they are spawning and have fry the females turn super dark and their green markings are really stunning, shell also have a yellow under belly. The males tend to get more dark as well showing off really iridescent greens. I also have seen my male with fry turn pretty orange in the face. Black splotches are normal also as they grow up and age my female and male are both showing plenty of black spots.

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On 5/12/2024 at 7:18 AM, anewbie said:

What I can say from my experience is they breed incredibly easy. My set started breeding a month after i purchased them (I have 7 in a 65); my condition is kh 0 gh near 0; tds is probably below 30 but ii should measure it; temp is 81. My understanding from others who keep them is they will do fine in harder water but breeding might be an issue. They colour up when brooding but i'm not sure about colouring otherwise as my group is very young. I don't have an exact age as that data was not available but my guess is less than a year. While the parents defend the brooding location otherwise violence is rather mild.

How often do you have to change water to maintain a TDS of 30?  Also, with kH at zero what does your pH settle at and how do you keep it stable with no buffering?  

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Posted (edited)
On 5/12/2024 at 10:28 AM, DBrown918 said:

How often do you have to change water to maintain a TDS of 30?  Also, with kH at zero what does your pH settle at and how do you keep it stable with no buffering?  

The actual tds was closer to 45; my group is in a large aquarium (16inch x 48 inch x 65 gallon); but i do weekly water changes of 30% to 45% as a matter of routine. 

They are over priced right now because most of the ones in the trade came from the same wild group but given how easily they breed i would expect prices to come down in a year or two. 


They seem more hardy than some of the other fishes i have. Mine were suppose to be juvi so i have them @ 81 per recommendation of the seller but given @Desktop Aquatics comment I'll probably lower the tank temp a few degrees. I'm unsure of the status of the frys - they were eggs on monday on an exposed leaf i could see but i think the mother moved them to a cave where they are no longer visible. The moving part is very normal for dwarf cichild but without visible confirmation i can't comment on their state. I would expect them to be wrigglers at this point so in a week or two i'll see if she brings them out or goofed (which is not unusual for young adults). I'm not horrible excited as i have too many other fishes breeding at the moment and they were suppose to be juvi a while longer before considering a family.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/12/2024 at 8:07 AM, Desktop Aquatics said:

@anewbie you are spot on with alot of this info!

So I have sold a bunch and they tend to live well in almost any water hard soft and PH's as high as 7.8. This however is fine for just keeping if you want them to breed they need it to be soft water with lower PH's. The eggs don't hatch or the only live for a day or so when not kept in soft water with PH's in the 5-6. They are super hardy and breed like rabbits when the water parameters are good. So these guys do prefer cooler temps but they will do fine with some heat but I don't use a heater with them in the winter they were acting completely normal and bred for me when their tank was at 68 in the winter. 

Coloring wise when they are spawning and have fry the females turn super dark and their green markings are really stunning, shell also have a yellow under belly. The males tend to get more dark as well showing off really iridescent greens. I also have seen my male with fry turn pretty orange in the face. Black splotches are normal also as they grow up and age my female and male are both showing plenty of black spots.

so would you say to stay colored most of the time or is it just when they are about to breed? thinking of getting a pair just don't know if a 40 breeder will be enough or if I could get away with a pair in a 20 gallon 

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