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  1. I would do it after the p trap myself since the purpose of a p trap is to prevent odors from coming back up through the sink. I'm no plumbing expert though.
  2. Thanks. I've got hygro and vals in another tank I'll pull from.
  3. Temperature is going to be even higher for the rams. I plan on 84-85 degrees eventually. Do you know of any low tech plants that will do ok at higher temps? Lighting is moderate. I'm not going any higher on gH either so I guess I'll see how it does there.
  4. Anyone have any experience with Pogostemon erectus? Setting up a new 10 gallon tank and got a tissue culture and this is my first time with this plant. It's a low tech set up with very soft water because I'll be housing only a pair of German Blue Rams to attempt breeding. PH - 6.6 kH - 1 gH -2 Temp-82 Substrate is activ-flora black sand. Almost identical to eco complete but finer particles closer to sand. I loaded Seachem flourish root tabs around the areas I planted. Tank is just set up today so trying to get some advice before it cycles. I used straight RO water remineralized slightly. Does it do ok with moderate lighting and no CO2? Is it a heavy root feeder (hopefully)? I don't want to be doing a lot of water column ferts because I'll be trying to maintain a low TDS for breeding purposes.
  5. Fin tear is usually caused by a bacterial infection due to poor water quality. Looks like fin rot to me. Test your ammonia and nitrite levels and post the results and you'll have to treat it like a bacterial infection to treat.
  6. Yeah I was just talking about how I reduced the flow for the Betta. The added sponge media is a good idea too.
  7. In my wife's flex I cut up filter sponge and inserted it in both intake grills and pulled off the nozzle and stuffed some in the back of the nozzle and put it back on and it worked wonders Betta is happy as a clam.
  8. I wouldn't worry too much about the parameters with a Betta unless it was wild caught. Almost all of the Bettas you will find at local fish stores or chain stores are farm raised or captive bred at least, so they are pretty hardy. Much more important to just keep the parameters consistent and have patience make sure the tank is fully cycled before you add the Betta. My wife has a platinum half moon in a fluval 15 alone (living his best life) and her pH is over 8 and hardness is pretty high and he's perfectly healthy and happy. Just keep it stable and keep up on water changes and you'll be fine.
  9. No stop with the constant water changes unless your nitrates are high or you have ammonia or nitrites. You have no ammonia right now so unless you have some nitrites or a high amount of nitrates (for example over 40-50) do not change the water.
  10. I don't see why you can't feed now. Just only feed very little amounts let them eat a little then feed a little more. Try to make sure none gets wasted by giving small portions.
  11. Looking better but keep testing every day for the next few days to be sure.
  12. Did you change water before you took those readings?
  13. How often do you have to change water to maintain a TDS of 30? Also, with kH at zero what does your pH settle at and how do you keep it stable with no buffering?
  14. It's happening because your tank was either never fully cycled or the cycle was damaged somehow. Treat it like you are starting over with cycling.
  15. Wow I've never heard of this species before it is incredibly beautiful! When you use straight RODI water do you remineralize at all for gH or kH?
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