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Non-aggressive centerpiece fish?


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Today I took my centerpiece blue gourami to the LFS because he was wreaking havoc on my friendly cherry barbs and corys. I would like to replace him with a more peaceful species. A month or so ago, I was considering a single angelfish, but I am concerned about aggression. Do you guys have a suggestion for a peaceful, friendly fish, or group of fishes that would accent my tank nicely? (picture below)

Current stocking is 6 cherry barbs + 5 corydoras (1 panda from a previous batch, 4 greens; hoping to get more soon). Please ignore the gourami in the picture 😅


Dimensions (inch) = 30L x 12W x 22H. Tank volume is something between 31-34 gallons.



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Ya, I guess.  I have never  had a centerpiece fish.  To be honest I just don’t understand that concept.  Unless it is normally solitary fish.  I don’t know it is me I guess.   Does any of that make sense? 

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I'm going to second honey gourami, but actually I'm going to extend that a bit to say ANY dwarf gourami would probably be a magnificent choice. I personally love the more standard red and blue striped coloration, but of course your mileage may vary! Keeping two wouldn't be a bad idea either, as they'll still keep to themselves mostly. Especially since your other fish are more middle and bottom dwellers, whereas any gourami will be more of a top dweller. I know you've had bad luck with the T. trichopterus, but dwarf gouramis are significantly more docile.

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On 5/7/2022 at 7:06 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I'll put my vote in though I've never had one before I've always wanted to try a Bolivian Ram. 

Seconding Bolivian rams! I have two and the only fish they've ever gotten snippy with were each other.

Honey gouramis are also a great bet, though personally I prefer keeping them in a group because I enjoy their behavior a lot more when they have conspecifics. Just make sure that you are actually buying a honey gourami if you go this route, as some red or "sunset" honey gouramis are frequently mislabeled dwarf gouramis or thick-lipped gouramis. Both of the latter species are a crapshoot when it comes to aggression.

I have two thick-lipped gouramis (both female) and they can get tetchy with each other but they're by far the derpiest fish I've ever owned. If that's something that you enjoy, I would consider springing for them. AquaHuna's red honey gouramis appear to be thick-lipped gouramis if you want an easy source, though they're currently out of stock.

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On 5/7/2022 at 6:55 PM, ange said:

Seconding Bolivian rams! I have two and the only fish they've ever gotten snippy with were each other.

Honey gouramis are also a great bet, though personally I prefer keeping them in a group because I enjoy their behavior a lot more when they have conspecifics. Just make sure that you are actually buying a honey gourami if you go this route, as some red or "sunset" honey gouramis are frequently mislabeled dwarf gouramis or thick-lipped gouramis. Both of the latter species are a crapshoot when it comes to aggression.

I have two thick-lipped gouramis (both female) and they can get tetchy with each other but they're by far the derpiest fish I've ever owned. If that's something that you enjoy, I would consider springing for them. AquaHuna's red honey gouramis appear to be thick-lipped gouramis if you want an easy source, though they're currently out of stock.

Three for bolivian ram!

I think the only issue might be temperature, it really depends where the tank is at currently and if that is warm enough for the ram.

The Honey Gourami is another great choice and you do have an affinity for the gourami species. 

The apisto is also a very beautiful fish but much harder for me to get. Same things mentioned for the rams above, just double check temp and parameters and you're good to go with whatever you decide. The ram might spend a lot of time sifting through the substrate, so keep that in mind as well.  It won't bother the corys, but just something to be aware of with regards to how they interact with the tank itself.


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On 5/7/2022 at 8:40 PM, Brian said:

What about a male rainbow? 

I would not recommend this as Rainbows require schools. 

Bolivian Ram would be a nice choice, but once you dig into the rabbit hole of smaller cichlids you will see there are tons of options. I'll throw out two options that are not commonly talked about, but would fit what you're looking for (ideally get a pair because you'll enjoy their dynamics):

1 - Egyptian MouthBrooder (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor)

multicolor - Aquarium Glaser GmbH

2 - Curviceps  AKA Dwarf Flag Cichlid (Laetacara curviceps)

curviceps - Aquarium Glaser GmbH


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Honey gourami are peaceful and since you chose a gourami the first time it might be something you enjoy. You can also get what is often labeled a "red honey gourami" that is actually a thick-lipped gourami. Either would work and are very peaceful.  I have both. Here's pics of mine. 



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I'll second a pearl gourami, mine is peaceful as can be, she's a female, so you don't get the really pretty red breast, but she still has a beautiful pattern and shine when the light hits just right

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On 5/8/2022 at 9:59 AM, sumplkrum said:

Ram and Pearl Gourami have been my choices as well.

If you go with a Ram, they like the water temp to be 80F. That should work fine with your other fish.

Every fishkeeping resource I can find suggests that 80 is too high for a Bolivian. 

A German? Sure.

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Thanks for all the responses and opinions!!!! I was on a road trip and didn’t check until now and was pleasantly surprised by all the conversation.

On 5/7/2022 at 9:28 PM, Brian said:

Ya, I guess.  I have never  had a centerpiece fish.  To be honest I just don’t understand that concept.  Unless it is normally solitary fish.  I don’t know it is me I guess.   Does any of that make sense? 

No, I’m sure other people feel that way, too! When I say “centerpiece”, I more mean, “something larger and bolder that doesn’t mix in with a midwater schooling fish”. It can be a single fish, or a small group. I’m not a fan of multiple schools of similar sizes midwater fish. Also, for me, a centerpiece fish is more of a pet fish and usually gets a name! 


On 5/7/2022 at 10:01 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

WOW. I had no idea Bolivians were so pretty!!!!!!! Would a pair be peaceful? Or would it be smarter to get just one??

I’m really leaning to a dwarf cichlids. BUT dwarf cichlids stay more at the bottom of the tank, right? For that reason, my alternative would be a group of 3-4 honey gouramis (or thick-lipped) instead. Honestly don’t know what will be better.

Man, lots of thinking to be done. I’ll check all the parameters of both species. Maybe that will help!

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On 5/8/2022 at 1:40 PM, FyaNyan said:

WOW. I had no idea Bolivians were so pretty!!!!!!! Would a pair be peaceful? Or would it be smarter to get just one??

I’m really leaning to a dwarf cichlids. BUT dwarf cichlids stay more at the bottom of the tank, right? For that reason, my alternative would be a group of 3-4 honey gouramis (or thick-lipped) instead. Honestly don’t know what will be better

Just sort of depends. You might have the scape to handle multiple and they can definitely be territorial towards one another. If you get a male+female they might be the best of friends, same with two females. If you get unlucky and get two males, might have more of an issue.

The rams will definitely stay moreso towards the bottom but they may swim around every so often.

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On 5/8/2022 at 12:46 AM, Ken Burke said:

If it weren’t for the barbs, I would suggest an angel. Stately and graceful.  They own the tank without getting pushy.  

Curious, what would be the negative here? Fin-nipping? I personally have had no problems with the cherries and the gourami feeler antennae things. Maybe that doesn’t count. The cherries just really pay attention to eachother it seems. Just wondering.

Oh, silly me. 🤦🏽‍♀️ I also have a BN pleco in this tank. I want an upper dwelling fish with all the bottom dwelling critters…so honey gouramis are probably my best bet!!

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