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What upsets/bothers you the most in this hobby?

Karen B.

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Greetings nerms!

Let’s just all vent and share what upsets us or bothers us the most in this hobby. Don’t get me wrong, I love this hobby, but…

What upsets me the most is « not knowing », not understanding what I am doing wrong, the uncertainty or the whole « there is no definite way », the trial and errors…

Like a fish suddenly passing out, for no reason….

Like why can I breed and raise clown killifish yet I can’t get my cory fry to live more then a day. Either when I raise then with the clown killifish fry, or in their separate container… nothing works!

Or why can’t I have a lot of shrimps? I see them berried, I see babies, but so few reach adulthood even in a shrimps only tank running for a year plus… or in a tank with clown killifish. Even my adults die more often then they should.

These are the main things that gets me the most. I feel like such a failure at times.  Like 4 days ago, I had 12 fertile corydoras eggs on my glass. I leave them in the aquarium until I see them darken/about to hatch then moved them. All hatched. 2 days later, only 1 survivor. 😓

I put so much time and care and money and I worry so much that it sometimes feels too much to bear. 

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What bothers me the most is the thousands (seems like) of myths about this hobby that are just plain wrong but have carried on for decades. 

I am no expert (and I don't think it's possible to be an expert on all things aquarium) but man I've heard some stuff from people that work at Petco for example tell me and other some silly stuff.  And what is scary is I've heard lots of this stuff before.

On 3/29/2022 at 11:05 AM, Karen B. said:

I put so much time and care and money and I worry so much that it sometimes feels too much to bear. 

Yes!  I was just telling my son the other day that I should have got a hamster! 😞

Edited by Wrencher_Scott
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On 3/29/2022 at 2:43 PM, Patrick_G said:

In Germany you can buy cycled media at a LFS (as seen on one of Cory’s videos). If we had that option in other countries it would really help beginners! 

Imagine if in Canada we could buy meds instead of just watching our fish die … 😡

On 3/29/2022 at 2:32 PM, Wrencher_Scott said:

What bothers me the most is the thousands (seems like) of myths about this hobby that are just plain wrong but have carried on for decades. 

I am no expert (and I don't think it's possible to be an expert on all things aquarium) but man I've heard some stuff from people that work at Petco for example tell me and other some silly stuff.  And what is scary is I've heard lots of this stuff before.

Even in FB groups! I am from Québec, so most people speak only french and don’t have access to as many sources of information as others…

Some of the things I read are so archaic I cringe but I have stopped trying to argue…

-let your water sit for 24 hours before WC (although we do have prime available everywhere!)

-air stones/sponge filter will harm your plants (euh….)

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I think @Karen B. nailed it for me. 

It's also easy to misinterpret good advice or technically true statements.  As I've found out the hard way multiple times the "you can" do xyz advice is usually setting up a novice for failure or a harder time than than is necessary.  I've learned to look for the "its easiest when" advice now. 

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The only two things that really get my knickers knotted are cleaning canister hose lines 🤢🤮and nitrate tests. I cannot differentiate color well even on coop strips (though those are easier a bit to see than api liquid). Everything else is an adventure to me 😁

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On 3/29/2022 at 2:32 PM, Wrencher_Scott said:

What bothers me the most is the thousands (seems like) of myths about this hobby that are just plain wrong but have carried on for decades.

The UGF has fallen out of favor due the HOB and canister manufacturers campaign to discredit them in favor of filtration devices that have a recurring income source. Many of the arguments are only half true and are distortions of the facts. Too many have abandoned the UGF out of fear based upon these advertising claims instead of solid facts. Too bad the manufacturers didn't choose to promote a synergistic filtration solution. 

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 Complete Hobby

I do not drive and have only Walmart and Dollar Store my local stores does not have a good pet department so if something breaks    can not go out and get .. so I try having a spare  of heater, filter , and air pump  filter supplies ..  

Fish ..  When Fish are sick and dying I try my best and quarantine and meds  but hate when one dies & Hate when i have more  then one dying can not figure out what  happened   .. Most my fish are old and pretty healthy but it happens occasionally 


When you have plants dying or have had algae for long months .. and you try everything everyone recommends and you work very hard ,, nothing works and  find out it is you tap water not the fertilizer or lights 

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On 3/29/2022 at 3:04 PM, Widgets said:

The UGF has fallen out of favor due the HOB and canister manufacturers campaign to discredit them in favor of filtration devices that have a recurring income source. Many of the arguments are only half true and are distortions of the facts. Too many have abandoned the UGF out of fear based upon these advertising claims instead of solid facts. Too bad the manufacturers didn't choose to promote a synergistic filtration solution. 

Agreed 100%. Not enough profit in the UG. I use one along with my canister (which has zero throw away media in it btw)

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On 3/29/2022 at 8:54 PM, lefty o said:

send extra's to me!!!!🤪

U pick up.   Any day the ends in “y”😜

seriously, when the bottom of your 20g looks like the red carpet at the Oscar’s, it’s time to thin the herd.  I’ll try and get a better picture tomorrow after work….


From your picture I’m guessing your a Navy man, so don’t tell anyone you got them from a broken down old Airman……

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On 3/29/2022 at 10:24 PM, Ken Burke said:

U pick up.   Any day the ends in “y”😜

seriously, when the bottom of your 20g looks like the red carpet at the Oscar’s, it’s time to thin the herd.  I’ll try and get a better picture tomorrow after work….


From your picture I’m guessing your a Navy man, so don’t tell anyone you got them from a broken down old Airman……

i would never admit to anyone i was talking to a chair force member!😎

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