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On 2/24/2022 at 1:56 AM, CoriNotCory said:

If we count audiobooks, I'm currently re-reading Terry Pratchett's Disc World series for the umpteenth time.

Haha, I do the same. I’ll usually read all the books on a particular character in sequence. I’m a Granny Weatherwax fan so I’m more likely to read those but I love them all. 

Edited by Patrick_G
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On 2/26/2022 at 1:00 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I like Tom Holt. Along that line you might like (if you don't know of him already) A. Lee Martinez. He's American but he's very good at quirk- I highly recommend Monster and Divine Misfortune.

Cool, I’ll look him up. I’m low on reading material right now and my list need some outside curation! 

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My dad fairly recently finished The Farseer Trilogy (borrowed it from me, but I haven't ready any Hobb, yet).  I will eventually get to it.  In fact, once I finished burrowing my way through this 4th Wheel of Time book, I'm going to take a bit of a break from WoT.  At least one good sized book and maybe two before I jump into #5.  

I have been slipping short little books between (like Sanderson's The Rithmatist), but I don't think it's enough of a "break".

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On 3/8/2022 at 7:54 AM, jwcarlson said:

My dad fairly recently finished The Farseer Trilogy (borrowed it from me, but I haven't ready any Hobb, yet).  I will eventually get to it.  In fact, once I finished burrowing my way through this 4th Wheel of Time book, I'm going to take a bit of a break from WoT.  At least one good sized book and maybe two before I jump into #5.  

I have been slipping short little books between (like Sanderson's The Rithmatist), but I don't think it's enough of a "break".

I like Sanderson but sometimes they go a little much on side directions for me to binge read like I do with Hobb. You may also enjoy David and Leah Eddings. They are my next author re-reads. 

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On 3/8/2022 at 8:23 AM, jwcarlson said:

I've got to be careful, I have not often met a suggested book that I didn't want to buy. 😄

I have an extensive "to be read" collection.

Kindle UNLIMITED app is my saving grace to not end up in the poor house from reading. Not as satisfying as the smell and feel of paper but way cheaper. 

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On 3/8/2022 at 8:31 AM, Guppysnail said:

Kindle UNLIMITED app is my saving grace to not end up in the poor house from reading. Not as satisfying as the smell and feel of paper but way cheaper. 

I bought a Kindle paper white awhile back.  It's not horrible, but I just cannot read long things on a screen.  I struggle with it at work too and often end up printing out anything that I need to read "cover-to-cover" because of it.  I don't know if it's discipline or some sort of sensory thing or what.  I just know it's a struggle.  The Kindle was no different, but I gave it a shot thinking that it would save a lot of money (maybe?) and space.  

All I know is if we end up in sort of post-apocalyptic world, I don't want to be stuck trying to charge my Kindle so I can read.  🤣

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I am a big fan of Dante Alighieri, so I should clarify that is an attraction to this book. A fantasy of mine, unattainable, of course, would be to live in D.A.'s home in Firenze for a year. I have a friend who shares this crazy idea and we have figured a way to send the husbands to the local bars/coffee shops while we get our fix of old Italian Medieval insanity. 🤪

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I'm glad I saw this thread. Like a few of you, I'm still waiting for Winds of Winter and The Doors of Stone. I almost picked up The Dragon Reborn after watching the Amazon series, but for the 1,000th time I ended up putting the Wheel of Time on the back burner. Currently reading The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England.

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On 3/8/2022 at 9:38 PM, eatyourpeas said:

I am a big fan of Dante Alighieri, so I should clarify that is an attraction to this book. A fantasy of mine, unattainable, of course, would be to live in D.A.'s home in Firenze for a year. I have a friend who shares this crazy idea and we have figured a way to send the husbands to the local bars/coffee shops while we get our fix of old Italian Medieval insanity. 🤪

I just listened to his Inferno yesterday.  I was writing something at work though and I think I only caught like a quarter of it. 🙃

And then started listening to Chuck Palahniuk's Lullaby today.  Again, difficult to pay attention at work.  While I was changing discus water tonight I resumed Lullaby and I was like "what in the world is this even about" over halfway through it.  I do get the overall jist of the story, but I would not pass a pop quiz about it.

On 3/8/2022 at 9:41 PM, BrettD said:

I'm glad I saw this thread. Like a few of you, I'm still waiting for Winds of Winter and The Doors of Stone. I almost picked up The Dragon Reborn after watching the Amazon series, but for the 1,000th time I ended up putting the Wheel of Time on the back burner. Currently reading The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England.

TDR is pretty good.  But I think The Great Hunt is better.  

This will be spoiler free, but my complaint/worry about WoT just being rug-pull after rug-pull for the next 12 books.  Overall I've found the conclusions of each book pretty anti-climatic/immemorable.  I'm still plenty early in the series, though.  If I powered through seven Witcher novels waiting for it to "get good", then I can probably push through 15 WoT books.  😄

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I’ve started reading The Wheel of time in 1990 the subsequent books where published quickly and I was enjoying them until about book five when I realized it wasn’t going to end. I think I read up to box eight before giving up. 
Game of Thrones came out around that time and so that contributed to my losing interest. 

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My husband loves WoT and asked me to read it years ago. I think I finished the first book, but I just could not get into it. Had it been a trilogy or something sensible I may have pushed through for the sake of discussing it with him, but there was no way I was going to with so many books.

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On 3/13/2022 at 11:19 AM, Dwayne Brown said:

hyperspace theory, which seeks to explain and unify all of the physical laws in the universe

So, I'm going to fully judge a book by its cover (or at least the text on the cover, and a bit the graphic), and combining it with your description to say: this sounds a lot like string theory to me.  Is "hyperspace" similar to that concept?

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On 3/9/2022 at 5:37 AM, Katherine said:

My husband loves WoT and asked me to read it years ago. I think I finished the first book, but I just could not get into it. Had it been a trilogy or something sensible I may have pushed through for the sake of discussing it with him, but there was no way I was going to with so many books.

At some point I started feeling like Jordan was writing it just for the paycheck. 

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On 3/13/2022 at 11:35 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

So, I'm going to fully judge a book by its cover (or at least the text on the cover, and a bit the graphic), and combining it with your description to say: this sounds a lot like string theory to me.  Is "hyperspace" similar to that concept?

Hyperspace is similar and the argument relies on string theory. String theory is an attempt to show that the universe is made up of 1 dimensional "strings". While the hyperspace theory says that the universe is made up of 10 dimensions, apparently this  model falls apart due to a lot of mathematical problems. But a different theory the "superstring theory" provides a solution by combining the hyperspace and string theory. This is the center of the book attempting to combine both to show how the superstring theory could unify all laws of the universe. 

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