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Z. Tequila successfully reintroduced into the wild.


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I really like seeing things like this, gives me some hope in the human race. It also makes me think we as fish keepers CAN potentially help keep some species alive even if sadly their wild counterparts die out....when things like this could happen, we could help. That's pretty neat. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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That was maybe the most moving news article I've read in a long time.

Imagine, a whole community of people coming together to worry about a little fish that had basically no significance to them. It's not a game fish, or even a trophy fish.

Maybe there's a little nerm inside of everybody, lol.

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Greg Sage and others who are part of the Goodied Working Group have something to crow about today! Awesome! These CARES species are a lot of fun and it's an important way to give back to the hobby. I recommend anybody who is interested contact Greg Sage and he will send you a dissertation on Goodieds, how to care and breed them etc and will continue to help you for years to come. Plus his videos on YouTube and his website selectaquatics.com is chock full of info. 

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  • 4 months later...

I know I am late to this topic, but I have been wondering if anyone has these fish, and is breeding them, other than Greg Sage, and a few on utube? I have asked Cory in live streams about this, cuz he is local to me, but haven't heard an answer. I was able to get a few here locally, and they were so unique, and rare, I have been researching, and its so interesting. So I have one male and 4 females, and about now have at least 2, and maybe 3 babies! I got to watch one being born last nite, and it was so exciting! Would love to hear anyone with experience, to share info.    Thanks, diane

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On 1/3/2022 at 6:36 AM, Guppy Guy said:

Maybe when Cory and Dean run out of fish to put in the urban fish farm, they can do projects like this! That would be so cool!

It would be cool to see 1-2 tubs dedicated to special interest species of some sort!

I am very glad to see a species successfully reintroduced to the hobby.  It would absolutely be an interesting talk to have to discuss how species like this can be saved, or how they can be introduced into the wild after they are "domesticated" in some capacity.  How do you ensure breeding and genetics are stable, etc.


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On 5/18/2022 at 9:25 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

How do you ensure breeding and genetics are stable, etc.

I wouldn’t know, as guppies breed whether I want them to or not. From what I have read, you need a few unrelated specimens to line-cross every so long. It is a complicated process that even has its own college degrees.

I know @Guppysnail does some breeding. Maybe your know something I don’t?

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On 5/20/2022 at 9:29 AM, Guppy Guy said:

I wouldn’t know, as guppies breed whether I want them to or not. From what I have read, you need a few unrelated specimens to line-cross every so long. It is a complicated process that even has its own college degrees.

I know @Guppysnail does some breeding. Maybe your know something I don’t?

My strongest guppies with the least defects and issues come from outbreeding never allowing direct descendants to breed back or together only with new non related partners. Once I get into even distant related I do get a few issues but not many.  I also find having more partners to choose they select the strongest genes or the one that seem to have what is needed to best adapt to current environment. The weaker less desirable to the fish genes diminish as they are not chosen for partners. This is just what I have experienced in my tanks and from what I learned of how natural selection works in the wild. 

I have zero goodied experience.  

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On 5/18/2022 at 5:56 PM, Dmmurray said:

I know I am late to this topic, but I have been wondering if anyone has these fish, and is breeding them, other than Greg Sage, and a few on utube? I have asked Cory in live streams about this, cuz he is local to me, but haven't heard an answer. I was able to get a few here locally, and they were so unique, and rare, I have been researching, and its so interesting. So I have one male and 4 females, and about now have at least 2, and maybe 3 babies! I got to watch one being born last nite, and it was so exciting! Would love to hear anyone with experience, to share info.    Thanks, diane

That's so cool Diane! 

The more I get into this hobby, at this stage in my life, the more I'm attracted to the rare, unique & ecologically significant fishes. As opposed to the bold & flashy *coughbettacough* 😅 can't hate though, it was an impulsive betta purchase that got me back into it. 

But I could see dedicating a whole biotope tank to these fish, and maybe the other Goodeid mentioned in the article, the Golden Skiffia. Another rabbit hole to go down! 

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On 1/3/2022 at 6:36 AM, Guppy Guy said:

Maybe when Cory and Dean run out of fish to put in the urban fish farm, they can do projects like this! That would be so cool!

I already keep them in my fish room.

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