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Mild case of MTS


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Hello All,

It's been only three weeks since I got back into the hobby with a 20 Gallon high.  Stocked with 5 Zebra Danios, 3 Red Plattys , 3 Buenos Aires Tetras  and 2 Giant Danios.    So,  I dusted off and cleaned (nothing toxic) out a 20 Gallon long that I also have.   It's getting cycled now.   

So the question/advice is do I move the "bigger" guys into the 20L (3 Tetras and 2 Giant Danios) or move the little guys in their and just leave the 5 big ones in the 20 High.   If I move the big guys out of the 20L (my choice)  I was going to add a few more smaller fish in (more plates, a few more danios and maybe a couple of Cory cats...

Now what to do with the 10 Gallon I just cleaned 🙂

Thanks in advance for the advice.

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It's  so true - I was looking at the 29 or the 55 when II was picking up some chems - saying shoulda coulda woulda instead of starting up the 20L.  Well I'm thinking the 20L could eventually be a nice breeder 🙂


Edited by GeorgeJ
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Thanks All -  Here' a pic of the 20L getting cycled - I had a background laying around, some extra plastic plants, a bit of lava rock and some Caribbean rocks... definitely going to plant something real - Co-op is out of stock for Java Fern - I want to try a couple of those Easy Planter pots they have - one with an Amazon Sword and another with Java Fern or some Sprite - add some life. The drift wood still needs rocks to hold it down. Probably re-arrange the layout before company arrives.


Screen Shot 2021-12-07 at 4.05.06 PM.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks again all -  for all the advice

Just an update - 

I moved the 2 giant danios to the 20 Long and added 3 more so they can group. So five of them in the 20 Long.

Back in the 20 High I added 2 more Buenos Aires tetras for a total of 5 - So that community tank has the 5 tetras, 5 zebra danios and 3 platys.  Everyone gets along and I swear they know when it's blood worm day 🙂

The giant danios are staying behind the rocks and I peeked in and it appears theres a bunch of eggs attached to the drift wood... yikes!

Both tanks doing great - 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy New Year to All!

I went to Petco for some Prime and they had a sale going on and  I couldn't resist - 

Also built a 2x4 stand using all reclaimed lumber I had lying around. I may trim it or just leave it naked 🙂 -

Man it's heavy when done.

Going to do a leak test tonight/tomorrow and then start another cycle.


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I want a 40 breeder next so badly. 🤪 I went from one 29 gallon tank to a 29 gallon plus a 10 gallon quarantine, which turned into a shrimp and endler tank, so of course I had to get another 10 gallon quarantine, then I got a 55 gallon, then I realized that I wasn't comfortable with a 10 gallon quarantine for larger fish like plecos and cichlids so I got a 20 long for the new 'quarantine' and converted the 10 gallon to a betta tank---

It keeps going. 

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yep - I swear this is my last tank 🙂

Leak test so far so good - itching to get the cycle going

Good idea @Guppy Guy about the larger community tank- it'll be a fun tank.

Does it make sense to use some of the water from the 20L so I can move the 5 giant danios first? 

O'll be bringing the sponge an HOB filters from that tank as well.


Edited by GeorgeJ
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using water from an established tank really wont do anything for you. you want to use plants, filter, substrate, or decorations from an established tank. these things will have bacteria on them. the water itself has little to no beneficial bacteria in it.

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On 1/3/2022 at 1:01 PM, GeorgeJ said:

yep - I swear this is my last tank 🙂

Don’t make promises you can’t keep 😂 


On 1/3/2022 at 1:01 PM, GeorgeJ said:

Does it make sense to use some of the water from the 20L so I can move the 5 giant danios first? 

O'll be bringing the sponge an HOB filters from that tank as well.

I would use as much water/filter media/substrate in the new tank as possible to get the bacteria established quickly. Using the same water also won’t shock the fish as bad. Just make sure that the water parameters are good. You don’t want to put bad water in a new tank. 

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Half full leak test - all good - Had a perfect size 1 inch butcher block lying around from another long lost project.. works perfect to stabilize the leveled tank - grabbed a sponge from one of the other tanks - moving substrate next.. then I'll remove the sticker 🙂 


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