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Minanoras adventures in fishkeeping


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All of the swordtail children are gone! Shipped the best to a friend and let a local guy have the remaining. Bitter sweet. They're such lovely fish. I'm so happy they went to good homes.💚


Now the only thing left in the grow out is shrimp. I'll move them tomorrow and swap the media into a 10g for quarantine uses.


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On 9/11/2022 at 10:10 PM, Minanora said:

Saw some really neat shrimp in my son's 30g. I never culled that group of Shrimp. I just put random babies in. There are some green shrimp and white and orange shrimp. It's very interesting. Tried to get photos.

That's awesome.  Very interesting how the colors change over generations and how breeders have to control all of that.  Like with Dean and his black rams. 

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Saw all 12 of the cories in the 75g this morning! And 2 otos. We've started to call the big female Amano "mamano" as a spin off of dormanu or whatever from Dr strange. She's got some attitude when it comes to her favorite foods. There's one type of wafer that goes in that she will literally fight for. 🤣 If you put one in the tank with any other sinking food, she will go get it and take it away. Other stuff she'll pick at but as soon as she smells that other food she's after it! It's pretty funny. Also got to see an orange shrimp riding on a cories head this morning. Some of the cories will freak if a shrimp gets on them. But then some will let them ride around. I need to get video because it's comical.


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On 10/11/2022 at 8:50 AM, Odd Duck said:

We need to know what brand and type of wafer this is, of course!

It's the hikari sinking wafers. I got them off of the co-op on a whim. They're mamano sized!


I spent my 4am hour watching the chili ruins. Took some photos this afternoon as well.

I love this little tank. Hard to photograph the chilis, they aren't a fan of the camera being too close to the glass so I have to stay back a bit. I'm going to add more plants I think. I have so many cuttings just floating in the 75...



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On 10/11/2022 at 11:47 PM, Minanora said:

I have those. I’ll have to watch and see if the Amanos zoom out for them. I haven’t noticed them zooming out more for those than for other sinking foods. They will pretty much come out for nearly anything that hits the bottom of the tank.  They are just the right size for an Amano to haul them away. I’ve seen Amanos trying to run off with the big Hikari Algae Wafers. They have to rest half way back to their hiding spot. 😆 

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@xXInkedPhoenixX I did the "so a colossal idiot..." Thing.

My son picked out a Betta today. We were walking though the store and he picked it up, named it.... It looked at me, I looked at it.... 😣

Arthur named him Swimmy. His middle name, I gave to him, Richard.

I did an unthinkable thing, he's in the 75g. I should have quarantined him, I dunno what is wrong with me.

He's happy in the tank so far. Chases off the guppies that think he's a pretty girl, only flares at the ones who try to seduce him. He's very curious about the snails and the harlequins. Shrimp beware.... Apex predator is on the hunt.

I watched him for 2 solid hours.... I'll be doing the same tomorrow.

If he's struggling in the 75, I'll move him into a 5.5g

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On 10/14/2022 at 6:53 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I hope for you at least you didn't bring a sick one home and it was just one of those things you didn't expect to bring home with you that brings you joy. 

Not a sick fish. Just a perky 'merica Betta. None of the Bettas at my shop are ever sick thankfully. They just moved their display to where we can't avoid it anymore. 🤣

I love the little guy. As he gets older he will likely need his own, smaller/shallower tank. But that's alright. For now he's been comical to watch in the 75. Eating well and very curious.

I just told myself I'd never get a Betta.... And well, "never say never"

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He had his face in the intake sponge, then backed out and skulled around the back and just stared at the shrimp. Didn't bug him, then took off to go supervise the snails on the glass. 🤣 He seriously supervises everyone. Then he goes to his office in the back left of the tank.

He's not a fan of the guppies flirting with him but he just tells them he's not interested with a prod. Hasn't chased anyone. He travels the tank a lot. Other fish just stay out of his way. Even fish that go in his path, he just swims around them.

This is how you know..... You're a crazy fish mom. 🤣 My son is taking after me.


Edited by Minanora
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If I had a dollar for every time I lost my phone.... Only to find it on top of a fish tank.... After looking EVERYWHERE else first... I'd probably have several hundred dollars. 🤣 Why don't I look on or around the tanks first?! It'd save me so much time!


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The 20G grow out has officially been broken down. The media is now in a 10g quarantine in my son's room. Waiting to receive it's next hosts. Totally has hydra in it.... When all of the fish were gone out of the 20g the hydra came in force. Fish must have been eating them. Going to get rid of them sadly. I don't want them to spread to my other tanks. I have green ones in my son's tank and like them but these are gray and eh I'm just not interested in more critters that can eat my shrimpletts.

Yeah, it's not pretty but I don't want to keep it.... At least that's what I'm telling myself...


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On 10/15/2022 at 4:04 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Yeah, Hydra can be nasty from what I've heard.  One of the more least desirable things to have in the tank.   You could try doing a decent amount of salt to get rid of them if you need to.  I'm sure there's other methods (bleach being the common one).

I've dealt with them before. 'No Planaria' works well. But it kills snails as well.

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On 10/15/2022 at 4:04 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Yeah, Hydra can be nasty from what I've heard.  One of the more least desirable things to have in the tank.   You could try doing a decent amount of salt to get rid of them if you need to.  I'm sure there's other methods (bleach being the common one).

I should mention that I have hydra in my son's tank, the fish and shrimp are doing just fine. I just don't want them in my shrimp sanctuary or chili ruins since I'm breeding with purpose in those tanks and the hydra would proliferate in those.

Hydra are very difficult to get rid of without betel palm nut extract

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I love this little Betta. He's just so curious and loves our attention.

Merlin the swordtail has become very interested in us. He loves things that are spinning in circles... It's very odd. He comes to the glass and follows intently. Discovered this when my son was spinning his small stuffed dog around in front of the tank. Heathen... I was about to scold him and then Merlin showed extreme interest. Very odd, but neat. Cories hate it. Of course.

Got a decent photo of a tetra when trying to photograph some shrimp...


Photos of photo bombers. 🤣 Just because.


Guppies love to photo bomb.

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