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Hello from the Northwoods

Opal Rae

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New to fishkeeping. I have a low tech, planted 10 gallon tank that is currently home to 3 Amano shrimp, a mystery snail, and 5 Celestial Pearl Danios. Currently plotting and planning for some new tank mates. 

It all started with a cheap 10 gallon starter kit tank that I received as a gift. I went down the rabbit hole of research for 6 months while my tank sat dry. Aquarium Coop has been a big part of my learning and has helped to keep me going. Needless to say, I have replaced the lid, filter, lights, added a heater and filled that tank with plants. 

I haven't been to the fish store in 2 weeks and its killing me. Is this normal? 



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On 10/3/2021 at 8:28 PM, Opal Rae said:

I haven't been to the fish store in 2 weeks and its killing me. Is this normal

Welcome to the forum, yes this is normal and these feelings will most definitely lead you to buying more tanks. If you haven’t already check out this thread


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🙂 It is normal! For me, it's only mitigated by the absolute necessity to not spend time and energy on quarantine and other forms of "putting out fires." I get my fix via the magical internet instead. But that's okay, it's resulted in intentionality - a thing which almost always gets good results. 

Anyhow, welcome! 

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Welcome to the forum, there is sooo much good content here and it makes me want to have all the tanks😂 

I too just started my 15gal tank, currently only has 6 pristella tetras. Thinking I might get a couple amano shrimp as well to help clean up after the tetras.

Jealous of your Celestial Pearl Danios, I have only seen them at one LFS but they were out of stock.


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On 10/3/2021 at 7:40 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Welcome to the forum @Opal Rae. For most of us yes, that's normal hehe. Sounds like you have a wonderful start! Post pics! Post pics!


On 10/3/2021 at 7:51 PM, lefty o said:

welcome to the forum.


On 10/4/2021 at 6:09 PM, dmurray407 said:



Thank you! 

On 10/4/2021 at 12:59 PM, Griznatch said:

Welcome to the forum! Those little CPDs are awesome. Post some pictures if you can.

They are so fast! I have more blurry pictures than clear. Here's a picture of a male and female. 


On 10/4/2021 at 10:43 AM, amr427 said:

Welcome to the forum, there is sooo much good content here and it makes me want to have all the tanks😂 

I too just started my 15gal tank, currently only has 6 pristella tetras. Thinking I might get a couple amano shrimp as well to help clean up after the tetras.

Jealous of your Celestial Pearl Danios, I have only seen them at one LFS but they were out of stock.


I wish I would have started with at least 15 gallons. Shrimp are fun. They are goofy and active. Pristella tetras are so pretty. I had to add them to my dream list. 

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Oh my gosh, I went in last week to get food. I now have a 20 gallon long. I just received my lights, filter and substrate. Plant order is due to arrive by Friday. I should start cycling by Saturday.  Yahoo! 

On 10/3/2021 at 8:54 PM, carefulest said:

I have a tank that's really similar actually, with white clouds, celestial pearl danios, amano shrimp and nerite snails. There's also a hillstream loach in it.

Yes, that's normal. I'm planning another trip to the fish store tomorrow. 🙂

I love white clouds. I need some tank mates for the CPDs. They are on the list!

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