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I have a gambling problem...


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Since picking up this addiction hobby, I've found myself gambling purchasing driftwood and rocks online through Amazon and the like, just to see what kinds of pretty pieces of hardscape I might get.  I can't even use it all, but it's all so pretty!  It's like buying packs of baseball cards!  Anyone else do this or do I need to get help?

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On 9/23/2021 at 1:16 PM, Atitagain said:

It’s bound to pay off. And even if it’s ugly can always be at the bottom of the stack, put moss all over it, or just let it fill up your storage area like I do.


Sage advice! BOUND to pay off! 

Seriously, though. If you enjoy buying wood and rocks, may I introduce you to the joys of slag glass chunks and Made in Japan vintage fish castles? Those might be "games" you enjoy "winning". Goodness knows I do!

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On 9/23/2021 at 11:04 PM, Ken said:

How does it average out? I keep seeing really pretty pieces of wood on the interweb and can't bring myself to throw the dice.

Seven come eleven…Vegas pit boss here. Throw the dice hit the wall.  I’ve gotten more great pieces than bad but even the bad with a saw look good.

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On 9/23/2021 at 7:55 PM, PineSong said:

Seriously, though. If you enjoy buying wood and rocks, may I introduce you to the joys of slag glass chunks and Made in Japan vintage fish castles? Those might be "games" you enjoy "winning". Goodness knows I do!

Wait whaaaaaa?!?  How do I find these treasures!?  mY pREciOuS!!!1!

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On 9/24/2021 at 8:44 AM, DavidR said:

Sounds to me like you need either new tanks or larger tanks.

I just bought a 20 gallon long a couple weeks ago!  Wife gave me another "one of those looks", but nothing can be done about that!  Can only move forward from here!  🤣

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On 9/25/2021 at 9:28 AM, Guppysnail said:

I put up tanks while hubby watches football. Couple weeks later he asks where it came from 🤣

🤔 I need to get the spouse a similar type hobby/focus.

Maybe then I could set up tanks in the bathroom and kitchen 🐡

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On 9/25/2021 at 2:28 PM, Torrey said:

🤔 I need to get the spouse a similar type hobby/focus.

Maybe then I could set up tanks in the bathroom and kitchen 🐡

I love football season. Do not watch it but during winter indoors I get tons of fishy stuff done undisturbed other than to cook dinners 🤣

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On 9/23/2021 at 12:26 PM, Martin said:

Since picking up this addiction hobby, I've found myself gambling purchasing driftwood and rocks online through Amazon and the like, just to see what kinds of pretty pieces of hardscape I might get.  I can't even use it all, but it's all so pretty!  It's like buying packs of baseball cards!  Anyone else do this or do I need to get help?

You have a hording problem and we're here to help.  Send us some.

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  • 2 years later...
On 12/19/2023 at 8:21 AM, Olympiro said:

Haha, I totally get the fascination! It's like a hobby within a hobby, and those pieces of driftwood and rocks are like the trading cards of the aquarium world. The excitement of opening a package to discover the unique hardscape treasures – it's oddly addictive, right?

I've never found a piece of wood that I want in my aquariums.  But rocks...  Just in case I ever need them; when I hike I am watching for interesting rocks.  I have: buckets full of BBS, pool sand, volcanic rocks, and various gravels.  I have rocks on the window sills, in boxes on shelves, stacked under and on the aquarium stand...   Odd maybe, but not  😵ddictive.

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