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Need Ideas to stock a 20 gallon long


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I have 15 Goldring Danios, 3 of some kind of Hillstearm Loache and Cherry Shrimp in mine. All are quite active and use the whole tank. Oh, and 25ish Buce plants a couple clumps of Philippine Java Fern, Java Fern Windelov, a big clump of Pearl Weed and a gazillion Amazon Frogbits. 

The Danios are quite active and use all of a 20L. I might consider a handful of Dwarf Neon Rainbow fish for the next 20L.                          

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I just restarted my 20L (which previously housed male endlers and a betta) after moving those inhabitants to other tanks.  I just bought some long-fin panda cories from AquaHuna and already have blue dream shrimp and mystery snails.  I  theoretically have a very small blue-eyed lemon bn pleco in there, but I have not seen it in a week.  This for me would be enjoyable both as a display tank and hopefully a potential breeding project of both the shrimp and the corydora.    

Please share what you decide to do! 

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if you are looking for some more basic easy to find fish to stock, you can go with maybe black substrate and background with a medium plant volume, and for fish do a single powder blue gourami and 6 to 8 cherry barbs, and then maybe a nice color of rabbit or ramshorn snails for a cleanup crew, all those fish can be found at almost any chain store, but of course check your Lfs first!

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Pygmy corys.  Honey gouramis are a good size for this tank.  A single "showcase"?  I'd  only recommend multiples if you are ok with them creating bubble nests and breeding though. 

I've thought about having Rams in a 20 long someday as well....

What about a betta as a showcase fish?

I really like the layout of the 20l.  It grows plants really well too....

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