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  1. Im feeling a bit awkward putting isopod stuff on my journal, and my info thread isnt a good place for me to journal either, so here's a new journal. Im a complete newbie to isopods, im planning on Armidilidum Maculatum, or Zebras. My container is a 9gallon, 18x10.5x11. Im generally following the guidelines of this video but my substrate is a bit different: This is the substrate Serpa reccomends (im basing mine off of it): Im pretty much using those ratios, but im using Potting soil instead of topsoil, and the coco chips are outside my budget. (the potting soil has coco fiber in it already). Im waiting for the Sphagnum and Orchid bark to arrive in the mail but i put everything else together already. I also think i may need to order more potting soil, i didnt quite realize how much of it i needed and it was a half full bag, fortunately its pretty cheap. I havent really done any ventilation holes yet because i havent quite decided on the species and dont want to make any mistakes (i only have one bin). My substrate so far (unit is ACO catch cup full): 3units potting soil 1/2 unit sand 1/2 unit charcoal. This is what it looks like: Not too deep, which is why i think ill need multiple rounds of this mixture to get a good depth. Thats the disadvantage of a bigger container, it needs more substrate. I think it will take me 1 or 2 more rounds of my mixture to get the depth that i want. Ventilation wise most of the species im looking at are medium to high ventilation species. So i though 2 big holes on the lid on the dry side, and a few smaller holes going the short way across the dry side, then no holes in the hydration station. Id cover the holes with a fine netting to keep things out, though its not a gasket container so that might make no difference. I plan on getting this all setup now and getting the springtail culture very established, then ill add isopods later when i have a budget for it. I have various botanicals and leaves collected for this too. Which leads to my next problem. A week or two ago i went out collecting leafs and magnolia pods for the setup, i boiled them to make sure they were safe then set them out to dry. After a day or two i thought they were dry and put them in storage. I was wrong, the magnolia pods were still wet and are now covered in a fuzz. Would this be harmful to springtails or isopods, or would it just be another food source?
  2. I saw some floating candle holders the other day and thought there must be something I can do with these. I started off by using it as a view window to cut through the distortion coming from the bubbles of the sponge filter, but that got boring. I could have used them as intended, but I like to find different uses for things. So I decided since they look like small terrarium bowls that I'd try for a floating small "terrarium." Currently I have just put some coco coir and chia seeds in it. We'll see how it turns out. Since I have several extra of these I might try some other plants in the future, but I could use some suggestions. Day 1
  3. I have decided that its time to move on from the cinder block stands and am looking for other options. I want to be able to display two tanks on one stand/rack and one on the other. I have 1 75 gallon, 1 40 gallon breeder and 1 zoo med naturalistic double door terrarium (36"L x 18" W x 18"H). If anyone has any ideas I am open to them all. It does not matter which tanks share a stand as long as I can open the terrarium.
  4. Today (my birthday) my parents allowed me to get a snake! I was going to get a sand boa but two stores didn’t have one, but I saw this BEAUTIFUL baby milksnake and I just HAD to get it. sadly I was in a rush/ the store didn’t have some of the supplies so it is just a temporary enclosure
  5. terrariums/jarrariums are quickly catching up to aquariums as my favorite and they are even more dangerous because they can be small. not much you can keep in a small tank but you can in a terrarium. and there are no water changes and if set up correctly, no maintenance besides plant trimming and an occasional misting. no filters, heaters, etc needed. sales pitch over 😂 this was my jumping spider’s previous terrarium set up: not too bad but im not a fan of tank gravel and i wanted to make it bioactive with scavengers/detritivores like isopodes which cant live in the gravel. and the remake: you can see her at the top center lots of ivy in the back that is going to take over hopefully soon. alder cones as small pine cones i really wanted to give her lots of branches and decorations to climb on and wanted it to look like an overgrown forest. im pretty pleased with it. plants: moss (a wildtype i dont know from my backyard, sphagnum, spanish, and sheet), arrowhead, english ivy, and the plant that is sold for aquariums but is terrestrial that i cant remember the name of. substrate: rocks as a drainage area, bioactive terrarium substrate mix, topped with a mix of fluorite and stratum. the terrarium substrate ive had in a tub with a culture of springtails in it. ill be adding more of my little projects in this thread 😊
  6. I’m moving my betta from a 2.5gal to a 10gal. I realize the 10gal might be too big for my desk and might go to the dresser. That being said I would like to still use my 2.5gal. I’ve seen people make terrariums using twigs and dirt and stuff from local ponds or rivers and also the water too. Would this be a good idea to do with the 2.5gal? Or does anyone have any other ideas?
  7. I'd like to set up a terrarium but having some trouble finding items for it. Where is a good place to buy the actual glass terrarium? I've found a few, but none that are exactly what I'd like. I can't find a place that has a good selection. What are other good resources to buy the terrarium supplies? Serpa Design has been an awesome resource for ideas and materials, just wish I could find some of the items he uses more easily. Thanks for your help.
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