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  1. This season is almost over and spring 2021 is coming with all new anime I will miss watching rezero
  2. Hey all I thought maybe I would share this with you all in case someone on this forum is struggling with wanting to stay in whatever hobby it may be, including fish keeping. As some may be aware I enjoy working on cars and I have a heavily modified sports car. I sent my car to the dyno tuning shop after a long 3 years I had finally gotten my car where I wanted it and this was the last thing I needed to "finish" the project. On the final pull on the computer I blew an oil gasket on the timing belt side of my engine. This had me a little defeated but I figured it's not a big deal I can just replace the gasket and be good to go. I had to pull the entire front end of the car apart to get to this gasket. All timing components, exhaust, drive shaft, oil pan, and driver side axle. After doing this all by myself I put my car back together and started it only for the paper gasket to fail (likely due to my incompetence) and oil seeped all over the place. At this point I was beyond frustrated and fed up after a long month of waiting for new parts and researching and wrenching. I wanted to just throw in the towel on the whole hobby itself, after being burnt for my love too many times. I felt like I have done everything by the books and only bought the best things and poured so much energy into this that I should be rewarded with everything just going right. When nothing has gone according to plan. I am also the only one in my family and friend group who enjoys this hobby, so it's hard to keep moving forward when there is no one else in your corner so to speak. It's especially hard when your hobby is supposed to be the place you go to relieve stress, only for that hobby to be the sole cause of all your stress and anxiety. Anyway, I thought I would share my frustration in my hobby with y'all to provide some catharsis, especially for those of us who are experiencing more failures than success in the hobby they hold close to their heart. Hopefully these failures only strengthen our resolve in the future towards our hobbies and make us appreciate the success even more. TLDR; hobbies suck sometimes. And a supposed environmentalist and biologist is a car guy, there goes his credibility in my eyes. I would love if this topic became a place where we could share some frustration/failure stories and reassure each other that it's not us being "bad" at our hobbies, just happy little accidents.
  3. Hey everyone, Just wondering what things you picked up during covid? For me it was skateboarding. Here is my board that I painted myself.
  4. Some photos. Two eBird checklists from separate sites. Most photos were not really shareable. The warblers and summer tanager came out alright.
  5. Enjoyed a beautiful day out birding. Counted 67 different species in our County between 7 am - 12 noon. Photos are of Pine Warbler and Song Sparrow.
  6. Big snow today. Enjoyed hosting these winter guests in the backyard. #enjoynaturedaily
  7. What other hobbies do you guys like outside of fish. Me personally I am into reptiles and rc cars
  8. Besides fish keeping, what else are you into? - Birding - - Soccer - - Chess - Which brings us to DinDjarin66 (aka Fish Folk) playing late night blitz chess vs. the whole brave new world. 6 min video. "I can bring you in warm . . . or I can bring you in cold."
  9. Hello everyone! Other than fish keeping, what other hobbies do you all have? For me, I have found the love for rowing. Any other rowers here?
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