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  1. Hello Friends! I have a 20 gallon TopFin starter kit. For those of you that don't know me, I have 5 species of plants, a male betta, 2 otos, and 2 nerite snails. I plan to eventually get a small school of fish, but that's another topic for another day. I need to upgrade my lighting on my tank from the stock lighting hood, which will require me to get a new hood altogether. In addition to my beautiful aquatic babies, I also have three curious cats that love to try to sit atop the fish tank and play with the fish if they're allowed... 😑 My question to you is what tank hood is the best to protect my aquarium inhabitants while also providing enough light to my plants? I must also mention that I have a Fluval T series heater and a HOB Aqua Clear filter. Everything I'm finding online is glass and has two sections-a front and a back. Do these work well? I'm not opposed to the glass tops, but it must be strong enough to keep the meows out while also allowing enough space for the heater/HOB filter, and enough light through for my plants. Thanks so much for any advice! ❤️❤️❤️Rosi
  2. What are good live beginner plants for a 10? Freshwater tank btw. I have researched Java fern Anubius and rosette Sword…are these good ppants? The tank has medium to high light. I will show a pic of the tank. The tank has artificial plants now but I will change it. No fish in it because of fishless cycle going on now.water has evaporated a lot sense the cycle is on day 22.
  3. My water in my 50 gallon aquarium has been looking a little bit yellow/greenish here lately.. I currently have a TopFin Pro Series 70 Filter in use that comes with a bag of carbonated charcoal, ceramic rings and a coarse sponge.. I was wondering if I should add &/or replace some of the included Biomedias for something that would/could be more beneficial to my freshwater tank? Or any suggestions on good chemicals to use routinely to help with clearing the water? Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. thank you!😊
  4. Check out my mini pond filtration. I feed 3 times a day and can't get nitrates above 20mg/L.
  5. Hello, everyone. I am currently trying to set up a 10G tank, and I decided on a few plants that I thought would work. Would these all work at once, or should I only pick a few at a time? If I need to pick a few, what ones would work the best together? LIVE PLANTS Duckweed Anubias nana micro Susawassertang Bacopa Caroliniana Dwarf Sagittaria
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