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  1. The temp stays right around 70 to 73. (W/Heater) The light is on for about 6 hours a day, it's just a full spectrum LED bulb. I was also unaware the aloe would thrive lol. I just placed the cutting in there temporarily and it quickly doubled in size. Thanks for looking! I check parameters with dipsticks bi-weekly and with my API test kit once a month or so. The 20 mg/L nitrates is only my best estimate (def not an expert)
  2. I had no idea either. I put a cutting in there temporarily and it started to grow like crazy. I believe its been almost a year now. Its 10x bigger than it was.
  3. Check out my mini pond filtration. I feed 3 times a day and can't get nitrates above 20mg/L.
  4. Months ago i bought Pogostemon and Vallisneria from co-op. The Val is absolutely thriving and spreading everywhere. The Pogo is barely hanging on. The Pogo looks very thin and stringy. I'm dosing API LEAF ZONE and API CO2 BOOSTER all most every day. And the substrate is filled with root tabs. Any Idea what is missing that would cause the Val to thrive and the Pogo to not thrive?
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