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  1. I wanted to give an update on Daniel. He still has good energy and is eating well. He went back in his main tank to avoid the heat wave. The quarantine tank got up to 95*F 😅. His fins were better before the transition, but I think the stress of moving has made them a little frayed again. Since my last post the two white bumps have grown significantly and are deforming the surrounding tissue. He isn’t bothered by them yet, but I worry that they will grow to the point of affecting his swimming. Could they be tumors? Abscesses? A parasite? I haven’t noticed any other white bumps. Should I monitor or would it be worth deworming again? His tank has two live plants. Thanks for the help! Water Parameters pH – 8.0 Nitrate – 0 Hardness – 300 Nitrite – 0 Ammonia – 0 KH – 80 Water temperature – 77*F (no heater)
  2. DebD

    Bumps on GBR

    I have 2 males have been fighting despite plenty of hides. Noticed these bumps today over this guys eye. Can't identify it. They are raised bumps. Ideas treatment etc appreciated 6.6 pH 0 Nitrates 20 Hardness 0 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 20 KH/Buffer 80F
  3. Hi friends! I was watching my tank and saw this lambchop rasbora guy do a barrel roll...and was like...that's odd! So, I investigated further...😱...any ideas?? Parameters today: Ammonia - 0 ppm Nitrite - 0 ppm Nitrate - 20 ppm pH - 7.4 GH - 6 degrees (110 ppm) KH - 3 degrees (35 ppm) Temperature - 76 degrees Fahrenheit Considering isolating and treating with aquarium salt...but crossing my fingers someone will have experience!
  4. Hi there, I’ve had bettas for years now and never have had any issues with disease. This is new for me and I don’t see much online except that it’s a sign of columnaris? My bettas mouth looks like it’s being eaten away. And he has a large “pimple” (maybe a tumor?) right in front of his right eye. It almost looks like it’s filled with liquid. When he swims around the glass and sometimes bumps his head on the glass you can see it smoosh. I’ve tried Kanaplex, Para Cleanse, Melafix, and Pimafix (not at the same time) but nothing is working. Has anyone seen this before? All I could find is that it’s columnaris but not sure... I’ve had him about a year and 5 months now. Feed him 1-2 pellets a day and fast day on Sundays. Water parameters look fine and “normal”. 0 Nitrite, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrate, pH is about 7.2. That’s normal where I live. He is in a well planted and definitely cycled 5 gal Fluval tank and has nerite snails and about 20 mixed color shrimp with him. Not sure where this came from.
  5. The bigger bumb in the picture first showed up a few weeks ago. I waited to see if it spread quickly like ick but it didn't but keeps getting bigger, and now I see another little one by his pectoral fin. It almost looks like the scale is coming off but idk. He is in a 20 gallon with 8 neon and 2 corydora, and none of them have bumps. The water is at 76 degrees, ammonia is at 0 and I included a picture of my other water parameters, which have been the same for over a year. Do you think this is ick or something else? Thanks everyone for your help.
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