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Bumps on betta


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The bigger bumb in the picture first showed up a few weeks ago. I waited to see if it spread quickly like ick but it didn't but keeps getting bigger, and now I see another little one by his pectoral fin. It almost looks like the scale is coming off but idk. He is in a 20 gallon with 8 neon and 2 corydora, and none of them have bumps. The water is at 76 degrees, ammonia is at 0 and I included a picture of my other water parameters, which have been the same for over a year. Do you think this is ick or something else? Thanks everyone for your help.



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Betta are more likely to get tumors that how they usually start with small lumps I would monitor as long as he eating and getting about ok I would live him alone

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I posted about a similar problem with my Betta last night except mine seems to be much more advanced. From what I have been able to find online is that it could be either a tumor or an injury that has a bacterial infection causing an abscess. Did you notice if there had been any small scrapes on your betta before this? I'm having trouble telling from the picture, but is it bulging underneath the scales or does it look like something on top of the scales? 

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Thanks for the quick responses. The tank is very peaceful I've never seen any nipping or anything. It looks like it's under the scales. He seems to be doing fine though. I'll keep an eye on him incase anything changes.

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They look like the beginnings of tumors to me as well. I have a betta with them on his head and gill plates. They're a bit unsightly, but they can live an otherwise happy life with them. When they get bigger they can get damaged from knocking into things, but as long as the tank is clean they usually heal up just fine. 



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