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Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

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Everything posted by Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics

  1. I was just watching a livestream Cory made on a really good water change system but the cobalt 1200 powerhead he recommended was discontinued, @Cory do you have a new recommendation for a really good powerhead. I’m in Canada btw so I can’t buy the co-op powerhead.
  2. @urmomsguppy I’ve seen @Zenzo keep the bumblebee goby’s with the smaller mudskippers but I think having tank mates with yours in such a small tank wouldn’t be a good idea. Maybe @Zenzo can answer cause he has experience.
  3. Sounds good just one problem, I can’t get finnex lights in Canada 😞 Yup that’s me.
  4. I'm planning on setting up a 125 gallon or 120 gallon Male peacock tank and I'm wondering what's a good light to show off there colors really well, not so powerful that it grows lots of algae, has a night blue mode so I can use when introducing new peacocks to the tank and be long enough for a 125 or 120 (72" or 48") also what would you do for the tank size 125 or 120?
  5. @CoryI just placed a small order and I hope it goes well, It probably will though because of the great warehouse team you have. 🙂
  6. @Coryone more thing is it possible to ship the ziss moving filter to Canada because it has no electrical parts like a sponge filter? sorry for all the questions
  7. I think the problems are fixed sometimes the website is not loading but refreshing fixes it (might be my wifi) and this picture is better then nothing showing up because it explains why there’s no products on the page @Cory also will the co op fry fish food ship to Canada at some point cause I’d love to buy some.
  8. @Randy yes I can make it to checkout. @Cory when I click on certain products the website bugs out and sends me to the home page or some pages on the website aren’t loading, the website just seems unfinished compared to before, I can’t remember all the problems so there might be more. I sent a email to @Candi with video of the buggy problem and she said she will pass it on to the developers. @CanadaAmanda yes this also happened to me.
  9. Is the co op currently shipping to Canada? because I saw on the website you could select Canada when shipping but also the website is kinda bugging out. @Cory
  10. @Tori_W_22 I haven’t read the other replies yet because I don’t have time right now so they might have said this already but if you’re getting all the fish from one place it could be the supplier because in my experience when I bought fish from this store that had good reviews and the fish looked healthy they all died over a couple months even tho the tank was perfect condition for them, then I bought from another store and all of them are doing amazing in the same conditions. It could also be your water, maybe the city added extra chlorine or something in the past couple months. I would look into that if I was you. I hope this helped a bit and I wouldn’t give up if I was you, cause I felt like giving up with plants but I kept trying and eventually got it!
  11. @Colui just wanted to say thanks for all the help. I ordered the medication but it won’t be here for 10 days, do you think the fish will be fine for that long?
  12. So expel p is the one I should use for this problem right?
  13. Quick question before I buy some meds. What’s the difference between expel p and paracleanse? @Colu
  14. thank you so much! So this means I don’t need to set up a quarantine tank right?
  15. I don’t have a quarantine tank cause this is my only tank do you know how I can quickly set one up easily and cheap and I only have one seasoned filter. But I do have a small sponge filter just it’s not cycled. Any tips? I do also feed them a flake food and frozen baby brine. I like to feed a different food every day mixing between those 3 foods.
  16. Oh no that sucks cause he just sits near the bottom cause he can barley swim 😞 do you think he will not live long like this? He still is eating well.
  17. I just noticed one of my white clouds looks skinnier then the rest. then when I Feed the fish they all eat but the skinny one was spitting out the food and never actually ate a pellet and it’s not like the pellets are too big cause my baby white clouds were eating them. Does anyone know why it’s not eating? heres what the fish looks like:
  18. I’ve had these fish for probably 6 or more months with no problems all my others are perfectly fine and healthy but one is struggling to swim can someone help. My water parameters are: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and like 10 nitrates. video:
  19. If anything changes I might have some more questions but the fish seems to be getting better.
  20. UPDATE: I’ve been feeding frozen baby the past 2 days because I’ve heard it’s good for digestion and moves through the fish easily and the white cloud with the problem is getting better and he can swim all over the tank instead of just the top half. He also has no problem with getting food.
  21. Thanks guys I’ll check the parameters and get back to you.
  22. I just was watching my tank and noticed one of my white clouds looked like it was swimming weird compared to the others and I don’t know what it could be. The fish kinda looks like it’s struggling to swim and bobbing up and down. Can someone help? video link:
  23. I saw this book and thought anyone who likes doing mini ponds might be interested. The author is really knowledgeable in ponds cause he has kept so many. he also knows a lot about breeding fish outdoors cause he puts every fish in his fish room outside every spring. the book link CAD: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B091W9WLDP/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_4?smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&psc=1 the book link USD: https://www.amazon.com/Tub-Pond-Handbook-Comprehensive-Container/dp/B091W9WLDP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2C9KPXV6UZUVZ&keywords=tub+pond+handbook&qid=1653438436&sprefix=TUB+POND%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-1
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