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Everything posted by freemoney

  1. Mystery snail likes working out. Spends a lot of time in the SF stream. He also will go up the glass into the downpour of my HOB.
  2. Oto update #2, captured him and removed remaining cotton from his nose, he didn't have a lot of energy, but didn't seem finished either. The 5 others he came with seemed to be doing great, so I am optimistic he can make a recovery. Wait and see time.
  3. yeah he's moved to a different spot on the glass, which I'm taking as a good sign.
  4. Yes he is not swimming around either, worried the whole ordeal could have been too much for him. I’m going to leave him be, sure he’s already stressed enough
  5. Yeah it wouldn’t be today for sure, hoping it just comes loose over time
  6. So he still has some fuzz on his nose, but is stuck to the glass and looks to be feeding. Should I try to remove the fuzz? Getting him lose the first time was stressful enough.
  7. Update, after some careful intense tweezer work oto is free! Yes that’s the last time they will be in anything made of cloth
  8. Thanks that is what I was afraid of
  9. Trying to release oto, he wouldn’t let go of net, tried pealing him off with micro towel, now he won’t let go of that. Suggestions???
  10. Took the nerite about 15 minutes to clean my mystery snail. Which was probably torture to him, he could cling to the floater plants and float to the bottom 3 times in 15 minutes
  11. Thanks for the link, very possible culprit.
  12. thanks for clarification just glad I put the crushed coral in bags so it is easy to remove
  13. I think you do one click powers 75, 2 powers to 50, 3 powers to 25 and 4 to 10. and the reverse on the way up. I clicked it to the light was at full power. I do have red stem plants that I enjoy the look of, so I'm going to keep 100% and dial my hours back to 7 do daily water change and see what it looks like next week.
  14. It is a 20 gallon high tank currently stocked with 8 neons, 1 mystery, 1 nerite. Plan was to add 8 pygmy corys and one honey gorami. Recently the Betta earned himself his own 10 gallon after the neons turned on him. The algae started to bloom after I moved him, but not sure if its related. I've entertained the idea of shrimp, but drip acclimation could be above my pay grade. Not opposed to Otocinclus, can you have one of them, or are the a schooling fish? Thanks I was under the impression keeping ph stable was more important than KH
  15. this is why I went with longer photo period
  16. Should I add liquid fert, along with cutting lights, or cut lights and see what happens first. My GH is high, because I added crushed coral along with wonder shells. The tap water has high GH but 0 KH, I wanted to raise my KH to prevent PH swings.
  17. my aqua soil is Landen it is layered under the sand, I also put old aqua soil I think fluval in bags under as well to help cycle the tank. The ACO root tabs are Aquarium Coop, I believe they were about a year old I used maybe half the bag of aqua soil the black specks are from where it worked its way up during filling the tank. The light is adjustable, it is currently at 100%. Is it better to keep at 100 for 6 hours, or 50% for ten hours?
  18. I used 3 ACO root tabs and 4 API root tabs have the all in one ACO liquid but have not added any yet. Tank is newly cycled, and have gone to water changes as needed from every day water changes on monday
  19. PH 7 ammonia 0 nitrite .25 nitrate 1 KH 5 Gh 13 auto heater keeps temperature in the green bar I think 72-78 but the lines are very small for my eyes. Started as small dots of green couple days ago and expanding. 50$ Amazon light on timer from 1300-2300 Growth on Anubis and Java were from previous build, trying to save the plants, a newly cycled tank some dwarf Anubis melted the stem plants are taking off. Generic aqua soil and ACO and API root tabs covered in aqua sand. 20 gallon high with HOB filter and small ACO air stone
  20. Moved little reddo to his permanent home. Trash picked neighbors 40 gallon 6 sided tank, and stand, medium sized canister, air pump, tubing, and heater. Gave it all a bleach bath, canister filter works, but the top is extremely difficult to get on and off. Air pump works, yet to test heater. Tank is leak testing in the back yard, judging by the looks the robin was giving me, he will certainly be using it as a bird bath.
  21. Thanks for the advice, I'll be picking up a breeder box today, and continue my water changes and testing.
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