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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. Discovered something interesting today!


    It’s a little hard see in the picture, but one of the stems on my papyrus was bent when it put it in my tub. I was feeling lazy, so I left it alone.  Turns out if the top poofy part is left in water, it sends out roots, then a stem!  @PineSong can you say, “FREE PLANTS?”  




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  2. I’m in Shreveport, but when my wife and I took a trick over to Plano a while back.  Stopped into Exotic Aquatics 2929 Custer rd.  It was a real nice shop, had some stunning Discus, plants etc.  also had some nice drift wood.  If memory serves.  

  3. On 5/16/2022 at 11:32 AM, Tihshho said:

    I'm actually trying to figure out air currently. I have a spare pump that could handle a few tubs, but trying to house the pump near power and out of the elements is the challenge. Then you brought up another great point being shade... That threw off my current plans haha. 

    I put the air pump into a small plastic tote, covered, set the tub on a brick, then put a second tote covering the first ( second tote upside down) unless water rises higher than the brick, it stays dry.  

    On 5/16/2022 at 12:10 PM, Fish Folk said:

    I quizzed Dr. Ted Coletti about air pump usage, and he persuaded me that the keys were (1) shape of pond to allow for proper air exchange (2) removal of surface scum / algae that might inhibit air exchange (3) enough shade

    Last year  . . . I was going into heaters for when water was too cold . . . fans for the water was too hot . . . it just all crashed.

    It's key to understand your particular gardening region. Here's the U.S. Map. We're right on the edge between 6a / 6b ...


    I won’t argue with the guy who literally wrote the book on tubbing, but Shreveport is hot.  Not your average hot, or even your Arizona blast furnace hot.  But vegitable steamer in a blast furnace hot.  So I put an air stone in, just to make sure.


    On 5/16/2022 at 2:22 PM, Fish Folk said:

    My crazy boys would have dumped every living thing into the pool from that tub within minutes.


    Lie this?  Sophee decided she needed to swim…..


    @Guppysnail, see my turtles 🐢?


    Sophee  laterD5787322-E4E9-4FD0-B7C5-A50160312E5B.jpeg.e8b32ef9d56a6ad35829e921a0741dbe.jpeg


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  4. Recap: 2 apparently heathy discus isolated in ur qt. 1 apparently sick fish in show tank with other discus.



    1. move the discus into the tank early, and the sick ram to qt for treatment. The risk that they infect the rest of your tank is lower than leaving a sick ram in the tank.

    2. Move the sick ram in with the discus and treat with med trio.  The risk of injury to the discus is low since the treatment would begin as soon as you put the ram in the tank, and the med trio is a safe treatment for qt fish.  

    id go with 2


  5. I’ve heard of discus breeders that do 50-75% daily wc.  

    not sure how necessary it is, and you would go through a lot of water that way.  Have you thought about testing daily for, say, one week. It would give you a feed for how fast things are changing.  Then you can build a water change regimen that would lead to burnout, but provides the end result you want….

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  6. On 5/14/2022 at 7:16 PM, dan12boy said:

    No I haven’t. I will be moving again to another house by the end of the year or start of next year so I don’t want to scape it too much. I’d like maybe just one big piece of spider wood or malaysian driftwood, I won’t be getting the driftwood for a while so I’m just gonna plant it once my sand is in and then move them around when I get the driftwood. I’m excited for it too, gonna be moving my inhabitants of the 20 tall and will transform that one to a shy guy’s tank, stealing Irene from girl talks fish’s idea!

    That works.  Love @Irene.  Great energy, explains things like she a friend, great ideas.  Do you read any of her blogs on ACO?

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  7. On 5/14/2022 at 5:20 PM, dan12boy said:

    Hey everyone. My girlfriend got me a 75 gallon tank last Christmas and I just started to set it up. 68571CC8-ECCE-4729-B7C2-3D3DEBD6C5FF.jpeg.deed0bab9fea408e9c864cd860a409cc.jpeg This is it empty with the stand. It’s in the basement so a lot of junk beside it. My 20 gallon tall is beside it on the floor. A2EA1B35-6731-4789-BA97-EBD7A75D7B28.jpeg.f3a0dc55576e8dc31dd51c873eb2550a.jpeg This is it after I added some sand. I encountered a dilemma. I bought some blasting sand but the wrong grain size. The closest store is 40 mins away so had to go return the sand for the right size. I’d already opened one so decided to not take it. Got there and they only had one bag. So that one bag is what’s in there currently. 
    Now I’ve put in the fluval 407 I got yesterday. So far it’s going good. Right now I need to get the right size eheim heaters, more sand and also learn how to reduce the flow of the 407. Any help on that will be appreciated! 

    64BBF8E1-67E2-4832-8378-F3A5D577DA6F.jpeg.8660ce3705aeabab4bcb4ad07f238d1a.jpegThis is it with just some hornwort I grabbed from my 20 long thats filled with hornwort. I also have some dwarf sag in there I think. Didn’t mean to grab that but decided to just let it in the substrate. I put some root tabs in thinking I’d be planting some plants but won’t be planting any till I get more sand. Will the nutrients from the root tab dissipate or not? Also will my water get clearer without the carbon? Because I removed those. It’s just been about 10 minutes with the filter on though so I’ll give it time.  

    That’s a start!  Water will clear, but may need a day or so. No carbon needed.

    root tabs are a good start, but  Have figured out your hard scape yet?  I would lay in the rocks, driftwood, sunken ship, etc first.  Then lay in you plants.  

    can’t wait to see how this comes out

  8. Yup, location, location, location.  

    my first year I set up under the overhang, nice spot.  Mid day sun, shade in the hottest part of the day.  And easy to watch from the porch.  Also had a nest of mahogany wasps under the asphalt shingles.  Two problems there: mahogany wasps are VERY aggressive with a nasty sting, and run off from the roof carried part of the asphalt shingles right into the tub.  (Think black tarred sand). Fish did ok, and the sting only hurts for an hour or so.  Next year I moved it under an oak tree.  


    Here are some pics from the first year.  I upgraded to a 100gal tub mid summer.  

    picture below is from last year.  Annual maintenance includes fishing out the leaves and acorns, but way better than getting stung.8280FAFD-7DEA-4112-AE6D-19653AABC795.jpeg.7fbaf25d46fa9e05ae2e2c42dbd9b3f1.jpeg

    • Haha 1
  9. On 5/14/2022 at 1:10 PM, Fish Folk said:

    (He'd probably eat most of your neos though)

    Here's a short video of them today. They get really amped up at feeding time...


    My angels already purged the tank.  He he he

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  10. On 5/14/2022 at 8:45 AM, Fish Folk said:

    Any substrate? I like how Valisneria looks along back in my 29 gal.

    if you can find a nice, healthy pair of Electric Blue Rams, they’d be pretty in there.

    I’m setting up a cold water 29 in the next few weeks. Matten filter on side, powerhead behind matten, forcing water up to spraybar. I’m planning on Saffron Shiners and Darters (maybe Rainbow or Banded).  Lots of Val along the back.





    Is that green fish a Gudgeon of some kind?

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  11. On 5/14/2022 at 5:31 AM, Crabby said:

    I’ve got a 29 gallon that has been filled about 80% with Java moss until a couple days ago. Now that it’s gone, the tank looks pretty empty. I’ve got a pair of apistos with some juvies, a couple BNs, a school of ember tetras and a SAE. Looking for ideas to add.

    I think you need a center piece fish.  Something large an mid-swimming.  Honey Gourami, angelfish etc.   

  12. On 5/14/2022 at 12:25 AM, PineSong said:

    My pond has been set up for about 3-4 weeks and I finally added some guppies today. The water lily I put in has shown no signs of life, but the Prince Tut grass looks good. I am hoping to get some more plants soon.


    On 5/13/2022 at 3:09 PM, Tihshho said:

    Thanks for that, I was trying to figure out how I was going to space it as I'd be putting them on 40/50 gallon troughs. 

    U are welcome!  I would love to see pictures when you get it set up. 

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