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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. So that did not wok.  8 days later nuttin’


    Hank and Lucy were beating Ricky up pretty bad, so last night I moved him to the 20 T. No other fish, but lots shrimp to keep him company (he he he) 

    the tonight found this in the big tank!





    Yup, free swimming angel fry!  Yayayayayyyyyyy

    i though Lucy was eating them, so I pulled a few.  

    now what!


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  2. My first duty station was McClellan AFB, back in the last century, know your weather well.  Your location should be pretty good, but more light would help. Especially in the winter.  

    I over wintered a couple fan tails in my tub, mostly ignoring them.  They grew quite a bit, and are thriving now that my northern Louisiana spring is in full swing.

     I kept mollys last summer, and the duckweed required manual removal one or twice a month.  Scoop it out easy peasy. So I would not worry about it much.


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  3. On 4/13/2022 at 10:34 PM, Fish Folk said:

    You certainly can breed BNPs in a 20 gal. I recommend some wood. Pleco caves are very popular for breeding too. The golden or Red strains are very attractive and popular.

    The greatest challenge is finding a pair that is mature and ready to breed. Ancistrus take awhile to mature, and if well kept, are a long-lived fish.

    Eggs are laid in a cave, crack, etc. I even have som playing eggs under dragon stone pieces. They'll hollow out space. Nature finds a way. Check to see if the CoOp sells a pleco cave. If not, I think Greg Sage at Select Aquatics sells some.

    The male guards the eggs and newly hatched fry in the cave awhile. He won't leave or eat much while he's guarding. No, parents do not eat fry. But other fish might. Best scenario is to breed them in a species-only set up. They do respond well to water changes. Mine breed well around 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Here's an impromptu journal I recently started on my BNPs' Just scrappy videos here and there...

    And here's a fun video my son made a few years ago when he entered BNPs for BAP with our fish club...




    i would add:

     when I bred in a 20L I did not separate the male from the females soon enough.  I had 2 or three spawns in the tank, and it was crowded.  I did not need a separate growout tank, but the juveniles would have benefitted from a bigger tank.

    My male prefers a smaller cave opening than the pleco caves available commercially.  I found a Tera cotta jar with an opening right around 1.5”.  I suggest having a few different options available.

    to maximize growth, I fed Repashi or other high quality food 3 times daily.  Morning, when I got home from work, and when I went to bed.  And did frequent water changes.  

    their spawns are fairly large, so make sure you have an exit strategy.  I could only only sell 10-15 a week at my lfs.  When you have 150 or 200 babies swimming around it takes a long time to sell them all at that rate






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  4. On 4/12/2022 at 1:48 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    That's odd behavior. Not typical. Having them with other fish can drive them to do out of character behaviors. They do best in species only tanks.  It may be a sign that despite feeding 4 x a day the cave dwellers and cyps are getting the majority of the food. 

    Or they “feel” overcrowded….

  5. On 4/11/2022 at 7:07 PM, Jawjagrrl said:

    It's darker looking than I would have expected - in a good way. I like it! Still debating how I'm going to back my 75s, which will be SA biotope-ish. You have me intrigued. Did it take multiple coats?

    It did, but it was Louisiana summer humid and took a long time to dry.  In the end, it’s more translucent than opaque.  I debated a final coat of black, but decided against it.  There nothing moving behind the tank, and it effectively masks the wires, airlines etc.


    before trying it on a 75, I would try it on an old 10g, or on the bottom.  If I rescape my 38, I’m thinking about a gray stone and may finish off with the black to make it darker.

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  6. I’ve used rolls of plastic backing, not a fan.  I’ve also used the poster board option, but water stains it very easily.  I just rebuilt my wife’s tank, and went with no background.  It works since the area behind the tank is dark.

    my favorite is spray paint.  But not just any paint.  The one that looks like stone.https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-American-Accents-12-oz-Stone-Creations-Pebble-Textured-Finish-Spray-Paint-6-Pack-7995830/202057116

    I buy it by the can, not the case

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  7. With the ACO power heads you could route the across the tank to the spray bars

    On 4/10/2022 at 10:49 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Yeah if just depends if you're running a lid or splashing or what the full plan is. I definitely wouldn't waterfall a HoB pump. You just have to make sure the pump has enough pressure to get the water to the height long term (and however far you want it to spray across). If you take dean's mod and cut a slice in the pipe, you'll get a waterfall.



  8. On 4/10/2022 at 10:44 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Yeah basically if that's the way you want to run it. You can run 1 bar and have all 3 flow in or you can have 3 and have them all impact aeration and direction. You can have 2-3 smaller spraybars or align them at different angles as well. One can shoot straight across. One above the water ever so slightly, etc.

    See that’s what I’ve been trying to say!  

    You can also have one above the waterline acting like a waterfall

  9. I moved there guys to my wife’s betta tank.  I had real good luck breeding panda Corys in there, so I figured “What the hey! I’ll try it”.   While getting ready for church, I noticed the Corys were acting especially playful. Did not take the time to see what they were really doing.  

    When I went to clean the tank this afternoon I found this!  I’ve never found Cory eggs, the baby’s just seemed to appear.  I pulled most of the eggs, and I’m gonna try the method @Fish Folk use.  0EDAF646-79A2-4FB8-92D0-B06A574F5308.jpeg.cb24c88c330c8b3d242f107ae1cbebb6.jpeg



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  10. On 4/10/2022 at 3:18 PM, Widgets said:

    Here is another take on the plumbing using two powerheads to provide linear flow fir a river tank.


    @Ken Burke We want a video of the solo shopping trip.

    Sorry, I called the store and had them burn the security feed.  They were happy to oblige cause they did not want video of an old fart wandering the store wearing  a ear muffs, Speedo and fishnet shirt. Said something about not being Walmart 

    • Haha 5
  11. @Fish Folk @Odd Duck, I was reflecting on this while my wife and I were at the grocery store.

    Let’s be honest, it does not take a huge anoint of brain power to push a buggy around and throw out the occasional “yes Dear” and the random “no thank you”. Usually works well, but last week she sent me alone.  Everyone was looking at me all strange like as a pushed an empty shopping cart around talking to myself before checking out with a bag of chips, a box of slim Jim’s, and 8 cowboy tomahawk steaks. 

    anyhow, if you are using 2 ACO power filters with sponge filters, you really don’t need the Tidal 110 at all.  Especially if you use one of the spray bars just above the waterline.

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