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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. On 5/13/2022 at 10:34 AM, JettsPapa said:

    If I was going to do anything it would be to add some tall plants on the far left.  I definitely wouldn't have fewer plants.


    On 5/13/2022 at 10:50 AM, sumplkrum said:

    I prefer to keep an opening in the middle of the tank, so the swords would be positioned at either end to fill out the sides.

    Otherwise, I think that's about right. Enough space to swim, but plenty of veg. Good job.

    I have a sword on that side. But it just never grew 

  2. Have you considered a couple sponge filters with the ACO power head?  You could run the fluval 07 @Guppysnailmentioned, or a seachem tidal 75 as well.  A medium sponge filter with a power head would run less than $30.

    if money is a concern, you could start with the the sponges and add a hob later.

    Links below





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  3. On 5/12/2022 at 8:39 PM, Streetwise said:

    It looks amazing. Shrimp?

    Hiding.  Hank the angel gets puckish sometimes.  The other two angels are in a 20 gal trying to spawn…


    On 5/12/2022 at 8:45 PM, PineSong said:

    The jungle-ier the better as far as I'm concerned! One of my tanks is around that full and the other day when I was looking at pics of when it was new, I kind of missed the open space the fish had when the plants were wee sprouts but I don't think the fish miss it. They plow through the plants and swim anyway 🙂

    The only one that could have trouble plowing through the jungle in, Hank.   

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 5/12/2022 at 12:38 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I have a BN pleco in with them. They get repashy 5x/ week several kinds. No bloodworms and baby brine shrimp no eggs. I withhold those 2 items when I need to do extra work on the tank just so I do not have eggs to deal with.  I think they are spoiled and just know no eggs gets mom to feed the good stuff 🤣

    Mine aren’t quite that spoiled


    On 5/12/2022 at 12:57 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

    Good advice above several really great cory keepers have already responded. They will graze on just about anything. But that doesn't mean that those foods will induce a spawn. I would use the Grub Pie if I was using Repashy with them. Worms are just their favorite foods - this is what they are digging in the substrate for some sort of organisms in there. Some folks will put blackworms in months prior to get a culture going and then add the corys so they will have a food source all year round. The need for a mature rather than just cycled tank is important. They are fairly hardy but because they are bottom dwellers low level ammonia and nitrite can really do a number on them. I keep mine on sand or aquasoil something softish and easy on their barbels. 

    Once they breed there are lots of methods for hatching out their eggs and you can check those on YT. I colony breed mine - I don't get maximum yields but also don't have the tank space right now for a giant group of babies. Started with 11, presently have well over 20 in a 29. I have mine in with a pleco species Ancistrus Rio Tocantin. I think there are some guppy fry in the guppy grass and probably a couple gardneri killifish from eggs they left behind. 

    I colony breed too.  I’ve tried pulling the eggs w/o success so far.  

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  5. Lots of plant cover and hiding spots.  



    These are red sailfin cories, but I have used the same tank for pandas.  The larger gravel provides little nooks for the smallest fry to hide in.  

    On 5/12/2022 at 11:46 AM, Tihshho said:

    Water quality is key along with nutrition. Get a tank together and established to house them before adding, fatten then up and once they are showing signs of spawning a cool partitial water change does the trick to trigger them to spawn. Timing it with a drop in barometric pressure (a storm) will be even a bigger help when trying to control when to expect eggs. Generally including high quality frozen or live foods help condition them into spawning, but that sounds to be a limiting factor for you. 

    Good advice



    On 5/12/2022 at 11:47 AM, Guppysnail said:

    If you have no access to dry food or cannot obtain brine shrimp eggs to hatch use tubifex worms freeze dried from hikari. My pandas lay all the time unless I run out of live baby brine shrimp or frozen blood worms. Then they do not lay.  High protein foods are a must for them to spawn for me. 

    True dat.  Have u tried Repashy instead of blood worms?



  6. On 5/11/2022 at 12:58 PM, Odd Duck said:

    10 is pretty small for a group of “normal” size cories but should be OK for a group of the Pygmy cory species.  I would also consider it small for a group of otos for a beginner fishkeeper.  An experienced fishkeeper can push boundaries with more likelihood of success.  My cories and my otos use every bit of my 100 gallon, but they can certainly adapt to smaller.  I’ve had a breeding group of bronze cories in a 20 gallon high, but that’s about the smallest I’d recommend for a group of that size cory when you’re still in the learning stages.  Pygmies could be very happy in a 10 gallon.

    Yep.  Panda cories are a second option.  

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  7. On 5/11/2022 at 12:48 PM, Odd Duck said:

    A VERY old-fashioned term that you should not use in hearing of most women because it implies that the wife is always in the kitchen.  😉  Depending on the relationship, this term is either a funny inside joke for a couple or could potentially result in homicide with the man’s (or significant other’s, I don’t want to be sexist) body in the next stew.  Or anything in between.  😆 😂 🤣 

    I understand.  Since I do 90% of the cooking, my wife doesn’t usually haunt the kitchen.  But man alive, she can play golf!  (She’s retired, I’m to young still). 

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  8. On 5/11/2022 at 10:42 AM, JettsPapa said:

    You must not have been married very long.  My wife and I have been married for 34 years, and I have very little trouble getting kitchen passes (I may or may not have occasionally heard the phrase "You're not gone yet?").

    21 years June 30th. But hunting season starts early Oct, runs through January.  And I spend at least one day a week in the woods.  Don’t wanna push my luck too far.  

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