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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. @Guppysnail  filter plecos.  He he.  

    with my old man eyes I can’t tell either.  Not sure what to do with it.  Right now it’s in my floating breeder box and Ricky the angelfish is eying it.  

    @Guppysnail  filter plecos.  He he.  

    with my old man eyes I can’t tell either.  Not sure what to do with it.  Right now it’s in my floating breeder box.  

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  2. Lucky 2!  Or Duce for short.


    Back in April, some may remember @Guppysnailfound a pleco in her filter.  Welp, I went to clean my 38g today, and found, u guessed it, a pleco baby! Now I’ve never owned an albino bn, but this one is ghostly compared to the ones I have in the tank….. (only baby I found)










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  3. On 5/25/2022 at 9:41 PM, Sphynxfish81 said:

    I planted my 75 in December, I have put root tabs in every two months, also use easy green. I have a Fluval plant light.  My crypts are pathetic and I can’t figure out why, any advice? 

    How long have you had your crypts?  Do you have pictures?  

    my crypts seam to do nothing then I turn around, boom, they are ginormous. 

  4. On 5/24/2022 at 8:33 AM, Hannah Parker said:

    Hi everyone, I've got a sad and frustrating problem on my hands.

    The short story is I had a pair of yoyo loaches in my tropical community tanks for over 4 years, and this tank has been running in perfect balance and harmony for over a year. I have a giant male plakat betta, various platies and guppies, synodontis petricola catfish and a few mismatched species that were combined from old community tanks and their schools not replaced (I'm trying to let them die out naturally) such as chili rasboras, hasbrosas pygmy corydoras, and a salt and pepper cory, and of course now only 1 yoyo loach. You can check out the thread here for context on how I got the 2 yoyos and lost the 1, and you can check out my thread here for context on my dilemma with my remaining yoyo loach. 

    Moving on to last night, during feeding I noticed my betta's face seemed swollen, and upon further investigation I discovered that the left side of his face had been injured, with a couple of red open wounds and the scales on that side of his face pineconing. I was shocked and so scared, because this tank has been in perfect harmony and everyone has always gotten along. I treated the tank with Melafix, Fritz Indian Almond Leaf extract, and aquarium salt. I then put my betta in a net near the surface of the water in the tank and that was held in place by the lid overnight. I had treated a bad case of dropsy like this before and forcing the betta to rest in the net worked wonders. I fed him fluval bug bites and he ate normally. He was also acting normally so I am hoping he pulls through. I also wanted to put him in the net to protect him possibly from the culprit. Here are the videos I took of the injuries:

    I'm 99% sure that it was my remaining yoyo loach that did it, I can't think of any other fish in there that would. I have barely seen my loach since his counterpart died (he's hiding a lot), and his behavior is now very different. I believe that he is upset at being the only loach now, and has either turned semi-aggressive or was trying to interact with my betta because he is now lonely, and got too enthusiastic and ended up hurting him. I am really worried about my community tank, and have committed myself to this loach and really don't want to get rid of him. The only thing that has changed in this tank is that my other yoyo died and now there is only 1.

    I will be moving my betta to a spare 5 gallon if he takes a turn for the worse or is injured further.

    Does anyone agree with my hunch that he is upset at being the only loach? Do you think adding more loaches would restore balance? I was really leaning towards dwarf chain loaches because I can get more for the size of my tank, but am also open to 2 more yoyos or 2 zebra loaches. Thank you all for any input. 

    I had a yo-yo loach, until he started “playing” with my angels.  Then he found a new home.  

    from what I’ve gleaned, they like safety in numbers.  But they also like picking on other fish.

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  5. On 5/22/2022 at 3:05 PM, dan12boy said:

    Okay thank you! My main problem is the fact that the nearest one is 40 mins away so I have to order them online. Do lowes not have similar things? Also where do you get most of your fish since you also live in MD? Only lfs I know of is one in silver spring, otherwise I get mine from the basic petco/PetSmart 

    Okay thanks for the help! I’m trying to move the things from my 20 gallon long to a tub so I can start using that tank for breeding projects.

    Yes, in the garden center.  Check this out





  6. Prior planning prevents …. You know the rest


    we don’t have enough information, yet.  
    - Where do you live?

    - Where are you setting up your tub? (Sun, shade, part shade?)

    - How big is your tub?

    - What are you day time high temps? Overnight lows?


    here in Louisiana, I run an air pump, but no filter, in my 100G.  The tub has afternoon shade. I tried to go w/o the pump my first year, and my fish struggled during the heat of the day.  Personally, I won’t try that again.  

    If you are trying to breed a bunch of guppies, you’ll need a lot of hornwart, or other plants for the babies to hide in.  Consider adding a couple pathos cuttings.  They should root fairly quickly, and the vines will hang out over the edges and make it look attractive.  Win win



    • Thanks 1
  7. On 5/20/2022 at 10:06 AM, Fish Folk said:

    Could. Not. Bear. The. Wait.

    Guppies added! Here’s the plot line…

    I selected 19x guppies from my “Snakeskin” breeding project begun last fall.





    Here is a video where I explain a bit about them, and my brief acclimation procedure…

    Now, the temperature in the tub is cool: 64°-F. That’s a “survive-but-not-trive” temperature for Guppies. But the weather forecast over the next three days in our area targets temperatures up to 90°-F. So I’m going to go for it.

    Here’s a first-look video at Guppies in the tub…

    Now here’s a question for anyone to weigh in on: I’m interested in a nickname / hobby-name for this color line… any thoughts?


    Autumn Blaze?

    Heavy Metal?

    Precious Metals?

    (Any thoughts?)

    How bout forge-fire

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