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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. 249B752D-B09F-4AF7-9023-5781C6C847F4.jpeg.fb9435994abc111d0f9f504ca06442a4.jpeg4FDE896C-9B74-46A6-9388-91388FE1C25D.jpeg.20a245726c6a01fafbf3dc7fcd10b644.jpegThe waiting is the hardest part!  Not even a week into the new tank, and I’m struggling to resist the compulsion to fill it with fish!  

    I installed a canister filter on Monday, and while the water is crystal clear, I know it’s not ready.  


    The second picture really shows the results of the painted background.

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  2. The waiting is the hardest part!  Not even a week into the new tank, and I’m struggling to resist the compulsion to fill it with fish!  

    I installed a canister filter on Monday, and while the water is crystal clear, I know it’s not ready.  


  3. On 6/8/2022 at 8:24 PM, Odd Duck said:

    Thank you!  I’m ORD, as usual.

    When I decide to raise babies, I’ll likely move this pair into a 20 high that’s only holding plants (and mystery snails) right now.  I’m going to remove sand and put an UGF in it with 2” matten foam as substrate.  I’ll keep the double stacked, medium, ACO sponge filter and ACO foam pre-filtered, foam packed HOB that’s currently on the tank.  I’ve got a couple big Anubias hastifolia and barteri that will go in the tank.  I’ll move the assorted Java ferns and miscellaneous stems out.  All plants in here are either in pots or on wood/lava rocks.  I was going to use this tank for raising gold laser cories, but decided to put them all in the angelfish tank instead after getting all my lemon plecos done with QT.  I’ll have to move my mystery snails out, too.  Yet another project to add to my list.

    It is fascinating.  Row, upon row, upon row.


  4. I’ve seen that on line too.  But fluval says the fx6 is 925 gph, unless I’m missing something.  Even the fx4 is 700 gph. 


    The manifold is an interesting idea.  Two tees, a ball valve and an optional check valve would work, but still not sure the performance would be better than say an x07 or the aqueon 400.  Amazon has the 400 at $147, compared to $300 for the fx6.  The fx is the better filter, but $150 goes a long way to a new tank, or something.


  5. On 6/6/2022 at 10:09 PM, lefty o said:

    i honestly believe tropical fish we keep care more about consistent water than they do what the books call for. especially guppy's, they seem to do well in anything from mildly brackish, to fairly soft water, so long as you dont take them from one extreme and drop them straight into the other extreme.

    I’m with you there. We need to shoot for stability rather than target

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  6. On 6/5/2022 at 9:25 PM, Craziiininja said:

    well i ran into a problem. i moved the 125 gallon from my bedroom cause i'm going to paint my room in a couple weeks. When i drained it i found that the seals with lifting up and not staying all the way sealed to the corners and parts of the seal were coming off. So i put my fish in a spare 75 gallon that i wasnt using. I bought the 125 gallon on craigslist from a man that said he had it for over ten years and it had sat dry most of that time. I took a chance on it not leaking but now seeing this i cant risk the damage that a leak on a big tank like that would cause. So i'm gonna have to keep my acei in the 75 gallon til i can get a new 125 gallon which will be a while. I know i could reseal the tank but i'm not handy at all and would not trust myself to reseal it. i love fish keeping but man its frustrating. what cannister filter would ya'll recommend for a 75 gallon?

    I’m guessing most people would say fluval 407.  I just installed an aqueon 300 in my new 75.  It’s not the easiest to prime, but I think it will be manageable .  The aqueon comes with a polishing filter.  More than enough gal/hour.  

  7. @BrianSince I don’t actually have discus, I’m running it at 82.  I reused 2 medium sponge filters and the plants/gravel from the old 20 gal tank when I set up my 75.  I was planning on using the hob as well, but it did not fit.  I installed a new can filter today, seeded with some media from another tank.  

    I want to get it really broken in b4 adding a couple angels.  Gonna take a second to save up for the discus.

  8. That’s a really nice filter for sure.  Are u looking at upgrading to a larger tank as well?  The fx6 is rated for tanks up to 400g, or more than 3x your current tank.  That means you’ll be pushing just south of 1k gallons/hour.  That’s a pretty high turn over rate.  Once get to a certain point, bigger filters with faster flow won’t improve your water quality, and may cause added stress on your fish because of the faster water movement.  

    $200 could get you an aqueon 400, rated for 150g.  It may not be as good as the fx, but you’ll never see the difference in a tank that size.



  9. @Craziiininja from everything I’ve heard, aquaclear filters are prone to vibration/noise.  Have you thought about replacing them with a small canister or a different HOB?  (I’m partial to the Tidal 75.  Very quiet as long as the tank is full, lots of room for media). 

    Your acei are a long way from full grown.  The biological filter is sufficient, but not so sure about the mechanical.  Especially when the fish start re-scaping your tank.

  10. On 6/4/2022 at 10:21 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Probably Ok. I'd suggest just adding an ayirstone on a rigid airline down the back instead to break up the surface with mild agitation, and bring in O2 to the tank.

    I’ll second that. 

    The wave maker runs $70.  An air stone should provide plenty of surface agitation for considerably less money.  

  11. Almost done!   And boy howdy, I’m tired 😴
    I had to shift the 20 and 38 down, so that took some time.  There’s a flat rock in the center of the tank sitting on a thin bed of fine gravel from the old tank.  I laid in a bed of eco-complete (1.25 bags).ED4ED9BE-6A74-431E-90AE-8B4F7FAEEAB3.jpeg.688b3c99995791c461c7535cecd957af.jpeg

    Next I capped the eco-complete with the gravel from the 20 long, capped with the gravel in front of the tank in the picture above.  FC9E9A08-EAFE-4EE7-9F0A-A3BFCD88B3A2.jpeg.38a1d27838a71bfc37d812daade92776.jpeg


    hard scape in, plants from the old tank installed, and filling!



    I have several swords on order since I don’t think the crypts can handle the heat.


    Oops forget, I put a layer of about 7 lbs of crushed coral between the eco-complete and the fine gravel.

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  12. On 6/4/2022 at 7:02 AM, PineSong said:

    LOL, you asked for it.The water has been between 80 and 90 all week. So far, all fish seem fine although something got into the pond one night and knocked the pot of creeping jenny and red tiger lily off the bricks it was sitting on. I made a DIY umbrella stand so the fish can have some shade. Neither of the Lowe's water lilies is showing any sign of growth that I can see 😞


    Just a taste of my garden oasis 80282C5E-867A-4BD6-805E-AC3DD1D9E290.jpeg.fc6f77650829077b7dfe8ea76766b586.jpeg47D1C765-7BA5-49DA-8BF8-32BF25BDDEE8.jpeg.92bba3e058c823e4352498f2d3328403.jpeg43C8B546-7B98-418F-9408-CEECA8A947AB.jpeg.4970cc99fcd23272e0dcccc3e2668b76.jpeg




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  13. As for the 75 -D949B63B-5217-468D-B281-F0FE72ABCA8D.jpeg.9fe6a8f0fb308fb5d87e279ed7a91c73.jpeg


    I’ve taped off the back, and put a tarp over the top.  Ready to paint.1902C261-2904-4006-8D13-C527548E99FE.jpeg.67bd74f6a9097562a85125aa989d317b.jpeg

    coat one of the spray paint applied.  It’s the stone textured paint by RustoleumC36A3245-CE76-4C39-9AC7-0AC5C02F5181.jpeg.99fa203973bd854cd88c272270260197.jpeg

    when viewed from the front.  The biggest issue with this paint is the drying time. It’s rather thick, so takes a little longer.  But the dark brown with Black and Tan flecks is worth the wait


    as you can see, you can still see through the back.  I’ll do one more coat of the stone, then a coat of flat black (chalkboard)

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  14. Transition begins TODAY!


    I’m replacing the 20 long and using the space for the new 75 gal.  327703D0-C598-4DCE-886A-160DDA769047.jpeg.f8e2ce26ee38437bae0e6f9611fe7254.jpeg
    I’m going to move Blue Boy to my wife’s 10 gal, and the rest of the inhabitants are moving to the 20 tall.96F41CC1-994D-4CEE-9BA5-5D8FFAA27F70.jpeg.f11c295009c77062a5e18d7e113635b8.jpeg

    Hank and Lucy are headed back to the 38 gal. 

    and Duce is staying in the floating breeder box for now.


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  15. On 6/4/2022 at 7:02 AM, PineSong said:

    LOL, you asked for it.The water has been between 80 and 90 all week. So far, all fish seem fine although something got into the pond one night and knocked the pot of creeping jenny and red tiger lily off the bricks it was sitting on. I made a DIY umbrella stand so the fish can have some shade. Neither of the Lowe's water lilies is showing any sign of growth that I can see 😞


    I like the planted umbrella stand!

    On 6/4/2022 at 7:23 AM, Fish Folk said:

    @PineSong love that!!

    We set up one more tub yesterday, and our first water hyacinth on the season is starting to bloom…



    B e utiful!

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  16. On 5/29/2022 at 6:49 PM, PineSong said:

    I'm not Patrick G, but  I live in the lower midwest and put my swordtails out about two weeks ago, when daytime temps were in the high 70's at least and nights were above 55 for the most part. My pond is 110 gallons and does not have a heater but is not far from a couple of brick walls that no doubt retain some heat. So far, so good. They are out there with guppies and white clouds and they are bold and eating actively--they will jump up onto leaves to eat food that has fallen on the leaf--so I believe they are doing well. 

    Is it time for an update pic of pinesong’s tub?  Yes it is.

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