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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. Thanks guys.  Well done.  

    @dasaltemelosguy  to paraphrase mr Lincoln. I would have written something shorter, but did not have the time


    @Guppysnail great write up.  Wish I had more time to read it.  Then read it again.


    if I understand this, I can clean algae from my anubias and mosses by using my soda stream to make carbonated water.  Right?   I really want to try it.   

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  2. I would not beat yourself up about this.  You obviously had a lot going on.  Tried you best.  And learned something.    Everyone has a story, but the telling of your belongs to you.

    A few things are needed  before we can weigh in further


    can you describe the tank a little?   Tank size, water perimeters, tank mates, etc.  maybe send a picture of the tank as well.

    is she eating?  Swimming around?   

    • Like 2
  3. On 6/15/2022 at 5:58 PM, Odd Duck said:

    My angel fry went from wigglers to free swimming today.  The minute the lights went on I could see them jumping off their leaf practically straight into the parents mouths!  And the parents were not relocating them. I grabbed my big, all purpose, aquarium cup and a very fine net, and scooped up everybody I could along with removing the dying sword leaf that had been their home, all right into the cup.

    I had intended to move them today, anyway, since I knew yesterday by the timing and their behavior, they were very close to going free swimming.  I had done a good vacuuming, clean up, and partial water change on a very messy 10 G yesterday in prep, but ran out of RO water to mix with my tap.  So I did a bit more moss removal (the tank had become jammed with Christmas moss infested with hair algae, I was just looking the other way, 😆).  Vacuumed again, then filled up with water from the parent tank.  Then released them to eat all the microflora and Protozoa they want.

    If they survive, I have other tanks I can use.  The new angels I bought will be ready to go in the big tank well before I need to spread out any surviving babies, so that’s 3 x 10 G’s for growouts, plus I have 3 other 10 G’s that could be available by then.  I was going to get more tetras and rasboras for the nanofish tank, plus I’m still looking for more hummingbird tetras and spotfin hatchets.  🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess we’ll see first if these guys survive, then how soon they need more room.  I guess it’s a good thing I’ve been dragging my feet on buying more fish so I wouldn’t have a ton of fish to shuffle around before getting the fish room ready.


    Look at those eyes!  

    • Like 2
  4. First, I’ve never successfully raised apistos. But did try without success. I feel like they are a bit touchy, and need a delicate touch.  

    If you really want to breed them, you might think about setting up a dedicated tank for them. Your tetras will eat the babies given a chance, and the mother will be driven to distraction trying to play defense. I think that’s what happened to my female. Of course I had plattys in the tank, so a little different. 


  5. On 6/14/2022 at 11:05 PM, MichelleN said:

    Thank you. I've been lucky with this tank. It holds its balance pretty well. The LED light that comes on this cube is bright. To keep the Annubias from getting algae on the leaves I taped a piece of white translucent paper/velyum to the light. It softened it nicely. I run the light 8 hours with a Siesta. C.T. is my office buddy. 

    Everyone needs an office buddy.  Even if he can’t file

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    • Haha 1
  6. On 6/14/2022 at 9:27 PM, Paul R said:

    Hello all! 

    I am in the market for an algae eater. I am leaning towards the three listed in the title or perhaps something else. I am not looking for something to combat algae just feel one of these guys is missing in my setup. 

    I currently have a 20-gallon tall that is heavily planted with Dwarf Sag, dwarf baby tears, and pogo. 

    - I use a CoOp 20-gallon sponge filter 

    - keep the temp at 76-78

    - Have slightly harder water

    I have endlers and red cherry shrimp that are thriving and breeding to no end. So much so that I am going to have to drop a bunch off at the LFS soon. 😔😆

    I would either want a single Pleco or a small school of the other guys. 

    I like the BN Pleco, but I am worried he would uproot plants. Also, would a 20-gallon be ok?

    I love the panda Garra, but from what I have read they like high currents and I wonder if a sponge filter would be enough

    And even though the Oto is a classic, I am on the fence because of the other two species.

    Which one would you suggest? 

    If you don’t have an algae problem I’d try a bristle nose.  Then again I know next to nothing about the panda garra.  Ottos are cute, but can be tricky once you run outta algae, hence I have not tried them.   

    • Thanks 1
  7. @Deadbrain, I think you have some great thoughts here, and hope it helps.  I can think of 3 basic strategies:

    1. Try something new: whether it’s a new breeding project, or aquascaping, or joining a local club, or whatever.  Find something you can get excited about.  This is useful if you think you are in a rut.

    2. Scale back: fewer tanks, fewer fish, less maintenance.  This strategy is most useful if you are running low on the time/energy money scale.  

    3.  Step back: take down you tanks, sell the fish, and explore other things.  Over time you may come back renewed.  If not, it’s better than having a hobby that has become a drudgery.  

    others may come up with other strategies, these are just the ones that came to my mind.  I would try 1 first, then work my way down.  


    • Like 3
  8. On 6/14/2022 at 10:54 AM, BrettD said:

    Funny story. I had a five gallon with some snails, and one day I dropped in a couple grape tomatoes that had started molding on me. Snails were moved, tank dried, but I watered it to keep the lucky bamboo alive. Then one day I had all these tomato sprouts. They're not going to be grape shaped, but I usually don't have anything this early in summer. Can't wait to see the final product.


    Ok, first tomatoes are EVIL.  But love it that nature finds a way

    • Haha 2
  9. Tank should be big enough for a single angel. Plenty of dithers.  How big are the plants?  Does it have a retreat for when feeling shy?  Can u send me a picture?


    if he’s not stressed, I am running outta ideas.  If you had a larger aquarium you could try adding a couple more angels.  They are a shoaling fish and may benefit from a couple more of their kind. 

  10. On 6/10/2022 at 9:41 PM, Mark C. said:

    I’m having this issue with my angelfish and two mystery snails. She has bitten off the feelers, whatever they are called, on both snails. She still seems to pick at the blue one from time to time. The Angel doesn’t bother anything else in the tank but she sure isn’t an Angel with the snails. 

    @Guppysnailis our resident expert on snails, well, one of ‘em anyhow. 

    can you tell me anything about your tank?  Size? Tank mates? Planted?  

    my angels can get kinda feisty 😈 from time to time, but typically it’s limited to chasing a fish for a second.  Could be your is just exploring its environment, or playing with your snails.  

  11. On 6/13/2022 at 3:22 PM, Woogie23 said:

    Quick update here. All fish doing ok still. Just did another water change today (probably 30%). Changed out the airstone in the UGF and added an airstone to an open ended ait hose under the coral deco in the corner. (It didn't have anything there) Then I thought the lone non silver dollar had died, I found him hiding in the pirate ship. I went ahead and pulled him out. I think I'll put him in my 55. Should be ok I think. Forgot to mention, he's a cherry barb.



    Making progress!  Thanks for the update

    • Thanks 1
  12. @AngieVaughn welcome to the forum!  

    few things here.  
    - How are you testing your water? Can you send a picture?  Descriptors like low, perfect etc are not as useful as the specific results. 
    - what kind of lights are you using?  What is the photo period?  
    - have you considered adding a little crushed coral to the 55?  It would gently nudge you ph toward 7.  

    I suspect it’s a nutrition problem, but would need to rule out other factors 

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