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Ken Burke

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Posts posted by Ken Burke

  1. On 4/10/2022 at 10:05 AM, Fish Folk said:

    Corresponding with @Odd Duck about the possibility of breeding Gold Nugget Plecos, I went down a NERM-hole today, and began imagining what a proper breeding setup might look like.

    They are notoriously "impossible" to breed in captivity. That is what most inspires me to want to try!

    Another contact had shared this YouTube short from Oliver Knott:

    Which got me thinking about how to majorly boost flow. So I decided to sketch something up. I'm imagining maybe a 55 gal tank here (dimensions look more like a 40 gal breeder) but a 75 gal would be fine too. For HOB filters on the side, I am imagining something like 2x Tidal 110 for TONS of flow. I'm also thinking of the larger, powerful HYDOR Koralia pumps.

    So in photos, from empty tank to set-up...









    The goal is a very sloshy tank. Of course heating elements could be added along the back. Yes, this could probably be done with canister filters too. As for greens, I think that roots reaching in along the back from a strategically selected plant tray set up behind on a shelf would be a good way to deal with nitrate buildup.

    What do you all think? Any suggestions? Improvements? Lets group-source this thing, and break the internet by breeding Gold Nugget Plecos here on the Forum!

    Here is an in situ video showing them being caught from river rapids...

    Some keys: WARM (ca. 87-degrees), oxygen rich -- maybe add a bubble bar underneath the powerheads in tank set up. Lots of proper food needed.

    Given the use of tidal 110s, bubble bar might be over kill.  Won’t hurt, but it’s contribution is negligible. 

    The tanks will need more water for the pump to work.  U can still get the waterfall effect, but the impeller must be in the water.

    As a thought, use only one tidal, and ditch the intake extension on the remaining 110.  Instead use an ACO power heads with a pre filter on the intake side of the tank, and run the output back to the tidal side.  On the output, you can build a spray bars ( one low, about 1/4 up the tank, and  one high, about 3/4 up the tank) to spread the flow across the width of the tank.  You still get the rapid flow, but save a tidal 110.




    u use the ACO power head, you can attach hoses to draw the water from the far side of the tank (like the tidal).  


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  2. On 4/9/2022 at 11:32 PM, Fish Folk said:

    A 20 gal high is OK or breeding, or raising fry. But in the end, Angels most likely will need larger digs. I'd say a 29 gal is the smallest I'd venture for a full Angel lifetime. 55 gal is even better.



    Day to day they are in a 38g community tank.  Not having any issues with water parameters or aggression, so while on the small side, I think it’s big enough.  

    I dream about a 75 for some discus, but not sure how they would work with angels.  I don’t have room for a 75 unless I give up the 38. I’ve had Hank for 3 or 4 years now, so any plan that involves getting rid of him is a nonstarter. 

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  3. On 3/9/2022 at 3:51 PM, Fish Folk said:

    This might be helpful to you. Good luck!!


    Outstanding videos!  Now I got questions.

    Is a 20 gal high large enough for single pair of angels?  I pulled all the fish outta my 20t, now it houses shrimp and only shrimp.  

    did keeping the light on help keep the parents for eating the eggs?

    I liked your use of a Specimen Container to pull the eggs.  Will the one Aquarium Coop sells work?

    How much h2o2 did you use?



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  4. On 4/9/2022 at 8:00 AM, gardenman said:

    Mine are easy. They get some freeze-dried tubifex worms every afternoon around four pressed on the right front glass of the tanks. They start lining up and I can handpick them as I'm putting on the worm cubes. They are singularly focused on the worms and nothing else. 

    Too kewl!

  5. If I were a fish.  I think I would want to be a BNP.  That way I could hang out in my man cave all day and I could sport a big bushy beard for the ladies……..

    On 4/8/2022 at 8:00 AM, Guppysnail said:

    @ApuloOoo your look like my Simba 


    I’m not sure your lizard looks like a cat.  Well maybe if I squint just right.  Nope not at all.

    • Haha 4
  6. On 4/8/2022 at 3:47 PM, Odd Duck said:

    I didn’t expect to end up moss crazy, so . . .

    I’ve found really like the mosses that have a more significant central stem-like growth habit.  They are a bit slower growing, appreciate a bit of current, tend to like cooler water, do better with fairly clean water, and only need moderate light.

    First pic is Physcomitrium hookeri (Hooker’s moss).  Pic 2 & 3 is after more growth.  Pic 4 is the remainder after trimming the Fissidens geppii for the moss slurry in the 100 G Angelfish tank.





    Can I loan u some driftwood? You can put it right next to to your amazing moss for 3-6 months, then return it.  

    I won’t even charge u anything if some of the moss attaches to it or anything. 😁

    • Haha 1
  7. Thursday 7 April:  I’m a little surprised at the amount of mulm setting in the box.  I put a pot scrubbed in the first chamber to try limiting the amount that makes onto the eggs.  I’ve had several turn white, so I used a pipet to knock off most of them off.  My eyes are not what they used to be, so can’t quite get them all.  


  8. My angels spawn fairly regularly, but being that they live in a community tank, the eggs never last a day.  So I decided to buy a fluval breeder box and try pulling the eggs.  While I’m not positive a can raise them, I figured “swing for the fence” and log my process.  

    Tuesday, 5 April 2022:  I returned from work and notice the angels had spawned.  I cannot tell for sure which male is Lucy’s partner because all three were crowded around the leaf that held the eggs.  And all three had their sex organs out for spawning.  Hank, the older larger male, seemed to be getting pushed a little, but was fanning the eggs.  

    I trimmed the leaf and put it in the breeder box, carful not to expose the eggs to the air.  

    The breeder box is similar to a HOB filter, but uses air to lift tank water into the box.  Water flows through the box and out a chute on the other end.  Neat design, wonder if it could work as a filter.  I would need to increase the flow from what I get right now, but maybe.



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  9. I know my dogs think it’s their house but are happy to let me live here too.  And I’ve heard about cats tolerating humans that live in their house.  But I wonder if fish think it’s their house and let me live in an air bubble around it?

    • Haha 2
  10. On 4/6/2022 at 6:02 PM, sumplkrum said:

    I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Crunchyroll and all my xbox games. 
    But my tanks are in the living room, and even with the tv on I spend most of my time sitting on the couch and watching fish swim.


    @drewzero1they get old real fast don’t they?  

  11. On 4/6/2022 at 6:02 PM, sumplkrum said:

    I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Crunchyroll and all my xbox games. 
    But my tanks are in the living room, and even with the tv on I spend most of my time sitting on the couch and watching fish swim.


  12. On 4/6/2022 at 11:18 AM, drewzero1 said:

    Several years ago I had set up a webcam on my tank that updated a photo to my website once every 30 seconds. It was too slow to watch fish swim but in a time-lapse of the images you could really watch the snails scoot!

    I've got a better computer, a better webcam, and a better tank now, so I really should spend a bit of time trying to set up a video stream. I hadn't felt the need because I have a small tank on my desk at work too, but I can tell I'm starting to lose connection with my fish at home. (If I only see them during feeding time and water changes, why bother having them at all?)

    I wish I could have a tank at work…..

    On 4/6/2022 at 10:13 AM, zelibeli said:

    I used to record about 10 minutes of a tank and upload it to youtube just so I could watch it at work if I needed a fix. 😄

    I quit doing it though because I just sit and think "oh I should get in and do this or that" and I obsess over it until I can get home and do it.  But this post made me look back at them and it's nice to see the evolution of things. 

    I could see that as a problem.   Wish I could have that problem…

    On 4/5/2022 at 8:16 PM, AndreaW said:

    When my son moved his bedroom downstairs, I moved my home office into his previous room. He decided he wanted to take my 46G with him since he’s always had an aquarium in his room. I immediately felt a loss and knew I needed another tank to replace it and that’s when I got my 10G Betta tank that I get to watch all day while I work. 
    I wish I had a livestream of my 46G now though. I miss it, having it tucked away downstairs. 


    On 4/6/2022 at 8:36 AM, Tanked said:

    My office is in the back of the house, and the aquariums are in the front.  I livestream to my office now. Fish behavior is different when we aren't in the room.  If I ever find smaller waterproof cameras, I will add other fishcams.

    Wish I could work from home.   😢

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  13. Am I the only one that wishes for streaming video of their fish tanks?

    Have a tense phone call? Watch fish swim

    Get bad news? Watch fish swim

    Long grueling meeting? You got it - WATCH FISH SWIM!

    Wouldn’t that be nice?  Wouldn’t it.

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  14. On 4/5/2022 at 5:55 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I’m retired now. I was a business executive.  My niche so to speak towards the later portion of my career was teaching and mentoring servant leadership to others in order to help them achieve their greatest success. The last half of my career was the most rewarding.  To be able to help folks achieve success otherwise beyond their reach to enhance their lives and the livelihood they provided for their families was amazing. I was invited to several folks children’s college graduations which was a pinnacle reward to me as inspiring and helping the parents it helped them inspire and help their children.  To be able to extend a helping hand that reached to a second generation touched my heart ❤️

    “Servant leadership”.  I know I liked you.

    I’m just a civil servant working for the Air Force as a requirements manager.  Basically, I make this happen:https://www.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/2943340/barksdale-afb-first-to-implement-upgrade-to-nuclear-enterprise-in-more-than-30/

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  15. See, I’m not a huge fan of the tannins.  I’m not a fan of recharging it, but I use it in one tank.  When it’s done I’ll chuck it.

    I had not thought about it pulling nutrients from the water though.  I need tho think about it some more. 

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